First, a foot note, I played a scum list for the first time last night:
2 x Black Sun Aces (24)
Crack Shot
2 x Concord Dawn Aces (25)
Protector Title
I went up against two ARCs and a B-wing, and lost very heavily due to some poor planing (I should have done a 4 straight...). Lesson learned: those ships are fragile without buffers.
Onto the real topic.
I'm a Rebel player. Always have been, always will be. I've bought into the other factions for cards and fun, but for every single tournament I've defaulted to my most played faction. And almost every time, my list has involved Corran.
I went through the phases with Corran like everyone who uses him does:
1. Corran Horn (45)
Push The Limit
Advanced Sensors
2. Add Engine Upgrade
3. Swap Sensors for F.C.S.
4. Corran Horn (45)
Stealth Device
Fire Control System
Veteran Instincts
This last iteration is fantastic. Corran will just about always win a 1v1 endgame situation, and who in their right mind attacks a full health, AGI 4 Corran with evade token when there's a perfectly good Y-wing at range 1 of the enemy?
Over the weekend, I narrowly lost the victory on a store championship with a Ghost as the major prize. Last night, I fought against that almost-my-ghost ghost, and its twin. My opponent's list was along the lines of:
Lothal Rebel (50)
Fire Control System
Plasma Torpedoes
Dorsal Turret
Guidance Chips
Extra Munitions
Recon Specialist
Jan Ors
Lothal Rebel (50)
Fire Control System
Plasma Torpedoes
Dorsal Turret
Guidance Chips
Extra Munitions
Recon Specialist
Han Solo
And I was running:
Corran Horn (45)
Stealth Device
Fire Control System
Veteran Instincts
Nien Numb (35)
Targeting Astromech
Stay On Target
Vectored Thrusters
Black One
Green Squadron Pilot (19)
Snap Shot
A-wing Test Pilot
Chaardan Refit
Round 0:
I chose to have the A-wing at PS 2 for blocking shenanigans. The Lothals deployed in a more or less jousting position on the left side of the board, while I had my ships interspersed throughout the middle of the board. I knew that the 4-die primaries would tear me apart if I let them.
The game began with a semi-joust, where Nien faced off against both Ghosts, while the A-wing blocked and Corran flew around looking for mid-game positioning. Nien died, as he should but managed to take out 6 shields on a lothal and deal the Major Hull Breach damage card (all damage cards dealt face-up).
The a-wing continues its bumping shenanigans, causing a ghost to double stress itself, and eventually fly off the board (a 2-bank to clear one stress put him too close to the edge to pull out). At that point he had 3 damage cards (including major hull breach), and Corran's only target on the next round would have been a double-tap to the face, so it wasn't long for the world anyway. At some point the A-wing was hammered by the remaining ghost (with Han Solo), and left Corran vs a single ship in the endgame.
I think he did 2 shield damage - which I regenerated - before the second ghost bit the dust. Because of Corran's far superior maneuverability and damage potential (if he blocked me, I would just double-tap him next round), he could hardly ever land a shot.
Overall, I'm satisfied with the list. I think my mistake came in having Vectored thrusters and Black on on Nien Numb. Autothrusters would have been so much better, and the point from black one could have been better used on primed thrusters (or hyperwave comm relay, once it comes out).