Can a monster be spawned onto an active glyph?

By Gath3, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Can a monster be spawned on an active glyph? I understand it will have to move off the square when it its turn is up, but I couldn’t find any reference to spawning on the activated glyph.

Yes, monsters can be spawned onto active glyphs (and move over/attack from active glyphs)- they just cannot end their move on one.

Monsters need to be spawned on empty spaces. I've always interpreted that to mean they cannot be spawned on top of any token on the board including glyphs (activated or otherwise) as those spaces are not empty, but perhaps I'm misinterpreting that rule.

I would concur with Steve-O, empty space. Especially since you could spawn on a glyph and then never move the monster, so technically you haven't ended the monster's move, but you'd still be covering an active glyph, which is a no-no.


I don't think you can do this. A glyph is not an empty space.

My bad, I remembered the relevant FAQ entry wrong (p5). Monsters cannot be spawned onto an active glyph but this has nothing to do with the space not being empty: monsters can be spawned onto inactive glyphs. Odd rule. I can understand that monsters cannot end their move on active glyph because this would block access to town but what is the point in forbidding spawning? I guess that they wanted to avoid a situation where a spawned monster stays on the active glyph because it is unable to move off. If so, they should have said as much, i.e. that OL cannot spawn a monster onto active glyph if the monster cannot be moved off later on. (Reminds me the rule with dropping crushing blocks: the card says that you cannot block a space that is adjacent to an obstacle: this can be quite limiting. Later it turned out that the reason for this rule is that OL would not be able to seal a part of a dungeon. LOL)

It is on page 12 of the basic rules.

You can spawn a monster on a treasure chest, coin pile, encounter maker, rune key....and yes, slime (?)

You can also spawn a monster on a UNACTIVATED glyph.

when a monster is on an activated glyph it just has to move away if able. nothing more.

can you spawn next to a monkey marker? i would say yes..

here the faq entry:

Q: Can a monster end its movement on or be spawned on to a glyph of transport?
A: Monsters can end their movement on or be spawned on to unactivated glyphs, but cannot end their movement on or be spawned on to activated glyphs. If a monster is on an activated glyph, the overlord must move it off the glyph on his next turn, if possible. Monsters can always move through or attack into spaces containing glyphs.

No spawning next to a monkey token - this is still a hero having LoS.