Interview with lead designers Paul and Todd. We talk worlds, Jabba's Realm, and more!
I apologize for the lack of link formatting, I'm on my tablet right now and the editor tools go away on here for some reason... I'll fix it tomorrow.
Random question before I listen, was there any kind of "wait to put this out until x date?" for an interview on this topic? Just curious, cuz I've been itching for anyone to have hopefully come out of worlds with some kind of interview with the devs. I love that kind of stuff!
Just a matter of schedulling. We talked at worlds and they said they would be down to interview. They're just busy guys and it took a bit for our schedules to align.
That and editing time.
Just a matter of schedulling. We talked at worlds and they said they would be down to interview. They're just busy guys and it took a bit for our schedules to align.
That and editing time.
Yeah, now that i'm listening to it it sounds like you did this post worlds, not on site.
Listening now. Thanks!
sounds like Jabba's Realm is going to be great
I think one question that you should always put in at the end -- -- what's next? get them to spill all the beans they can. Evan's question about EU was awesome.
Edited by buckero0- -- what's next? get them to spill all the beans they can.
Next for them to get involved in, or next to come out?
It's about a year from concept to stores.
But, we all know it's FFG policy to not talk about unannounced products and the designers follow it. (Even as much as not to say what isn't coming.)
I thought the last interview they did with the designers they talked about Jabba's realm a bit, but maybe they had already announced it, I can't remember.
Is there 2 Worlds events a year? they mentioned something going down in May.
I thought the last interview they did with the designers they talked about Jabba's realm a bit, but maybe they had already announced it, I can't remember.
Is there 2 Worlds events a year? they mentioned something going down in May.
Worlds used to be every november for ALL FFG games. It's getting too big so they're splitting all the Star Wars games up from the other games. Star Wars will have its worlds in May now. So just this once there will be two worlds in less than a year while it transitions to the new time.
I thought the last interview they did with the designers they talked about Jabba's realm a bit, but maybe they had already announced it, I can't remember.
If you refer to the interview, it was posted August 20th, Jabba's Realm was announced August 5th.
It sounded pretty disappointing for anyone hoping for Rebels content (beyond the Inquisitor) given that they haven't even seen all the shows, and honestly didn't really sound bothered about it.
Excellent interview! The only question I would have added would be to ask if there are any plans to patch the wave one and two hero units to bring the major characters into playability. I want my Royal Guard Champion to be as cool on the board as he is in my head!
Excellent interview! The only question I would have added would be to ask if there are any plans to patch the wave one and two hero units to bring the major characters into playability. I want my Royal Guard Champion to be as cool on the board as he is in my head!
Yeah I was thinking about it, I tried to touch on that when I suggested that Han or IG were more in need of a second version than Luke, but I also didn't want to ask to directly about future content as that's usually always just something they can't talk about.
Cybernetic Link
-3 points Skirmish Upgrade
IG-88 only
You may include up to four copies of IG-88 in your army.
When a friendly IG-88 figure is defeated, you may deplete this card to ready the attached unit.
The readying ability is probably wildly OP, but 4x Iggy with Explosive Armaments or Under Duress/Devious Scheme/Unshakable would be really fun to play
• Overclocked
Skirmish Upgrade
0 points
During its activation, this figure may perform 3 actions instead of 2.
This would allow Iggy to get more use out of his Assault ability and still be able to move and attack twice, or attack thrice, or get objectives. If that's too powerful, I'd consider it giving Iggy a free move action instead to prevent triple attacks.
this may actually work - if they would release figure specific upgrade cards. If you limit the # of actions to 2 attacks max I think you've got something there.
I always thought if IG had a blue die added to his attacks, he would'nt feel so overpriced
Edited by buckero0this may actually work - if they would release figure specific upgrade cards. If you limit the # of actions to 2 attacks max I think you've got something there.
I always thought if IG had a blue die added to his attacks, he would'nt feel so overpriced
Yeah, I'm really liking the free move at the beginning of the activation. This allows Iggy to move farther or to move and still be able to attack twice but avoids a triple attack, which may be just a little too good EVERY ROUND, especially with Blaze of Glory in play.
If you want to limit the attacks to two, you could simplify it, and possibly make it a bit more restrictive by just saying.
IG-88 Only
0 Points
At the start of your activation you may discard one harmful condition or gain 4 movement points.
I can say for sure that Paul and Todd are very aware of the problems with over-costed units from the Core Set and early expansions, based on comments they made in the interview . They can't talk about future plans but, if you read between the lines of their statements on that interview, you can tell this is something they'd like to fix. Everyone should have patience.
(You probably touched on this too; looking forward to listening to the interview soon.)
Edited by nickv2002This is true, but the fact that they know some of the forum members here by name and admitted reading several of the bigger discussion posts, means that they read the forums, it doesn't hurt to hash out some of the options here in the forums and come up with some of the better ideas by ourselves for them to glean from. It may only speed up the process, and maybe we get something closer to what we actually want.
It sounded pretty disappointing for anyone hoping for Rebels content (beyond the Inquisitor) given that they haven't even seen all the shows, and honestly didn't really sound bothered about it.
When I listened to it a second time I got the impression that even though they aren't completely caught up on rebels (or even finished with clone wars) that they like the shows and considered them to be a treasure trove of ideas and possible things for IA. Todd says he's loves the new Star Wars stuff and Paul said he's an OT guy all the way but doesn't mind the new stuff (and seems to like it but just won't ever truly compare, which is understandable). I guess all that to say I wouldn't be surprised at all if they did rebels stuff eventually. I mean there's only so many places to go after the OT stuff is done. They can do something completely new and original, which would be sweet, but there are cool things in rebels and we already have the grand inquisitor so surely some rebels content is likely eventually.
I think Rebels is coming for sure, just not sure when or how big. It may just be some ally/villain packs like the inquisitor pack was.
I think Rebels is coming for sure, just not sure when or how big. It may just be some ally/villain packs like the inquisitor pack was.
As long as I get a Chopper and an Ahsoka I don't care what the rest is like.
I think Ashoka definitely needs to be added. Would love an Ashoka/ Vader campaign rivalry.
Ahsoka would be a tough mini to paint I think with her blue stripes.