Exhaust Vs Activate

By Ozzo, in Star Wars: Destiny

If you have a card i.e. leadership that instructs you to exhaust one of your unique red characters to ready another character,that means the character you exhausted is not being activated and therefor cannot be activated when exhausting right? Because you are exhausting the character to gain something else. You cant use leadership and activate and ready a card in one turn right? Or can you do that?

Activate implies Exhaust, but the reverse is not true. Leadership requires you to Exhaust a character with the only benefit being to Ready the other. Not to roll the dice associated with the character you are Exhausting.

You'll never guess where I found the answers to these questions.... ;)


To activate a character or support card, a player exhausts

that card and rolls all of its dice. These dice are now in that

player’s dice pool, and that player can take an action on a

future turn to resolve their symbols. Characters always roll

their character dice and their upgrade dice (from attached

upgrades) when activated. Supports roll their own die into

the dice pool when activated. Supports without a die cannot

be activated.

••All of the dice associated with a character (its character

and upgrade dice) must be rolled when that character is

activated. A player cannot pick and choose which dice

to roll.

••An exhausted character or support cannot be activated.

EXHAUSTED (RRG, page 15)

A card is exhausted when it is turned sideways. Exhausted

cards can be readied (turned upright). A player instructed to

exhaust a card should turn the card to a sideways position.

••A card that is already exhausted cannot be

exhausted again