Rules question - End of game

By Traxlenak, in Star Wars: Destiny

I just picked up the game, and I was reading the rules, both the ones that came in the starter and the updated rules online.

Is there any re-shuffling of the discard pile back into the draw pile in a regular game?

I would guess that there is not (especially with the win condition of "don't run out of cards") but I couldn't find a definitive answer in the rules.



Anybody got an answer to this?

Based off of the Win condition rules and the fact it doesnt explicity state to re-shuffle cards back into your deck. I would say for the time being no card says reshuffle, no rule says reshuffle, no action says reshuffle. So, for now no reshuffling. The only time to reshuffle is during your first draw if you want to mulligan your hand.

No you don't reshuffle your discard pile back into your deck. When it runs out, it's out.

There are a few cards that have special rules that allow a card to be re-used from your discard, or placed on top of your deck, or placed on the bottom of your deck. The designers actually said wanted to stay away from shuffling your deck mid game as much as possible.

Specifically, it's a loss condition if you run out of cards in your hand and deck. You do not recycle your discard pile into your deck.

there are the singular cards/effects that say place on top/bottom of your deck and that's it really

As someone else pointed out, running out of cards is a loss condition. So no, no reshuffling discard. I almost exhausted someone today. He had no cards in his deck and a well played CQC removed all but one card from his hand. I killed him but just didn't have the discard ability from my cards or dice. Oh well so close.