Cunning is ruining my Marriage!

By Funk Fu master, in Star Wars: Destiny

So the Wife has been enjoying this game, even suggesting we play at night, which is always a good sign, as I burnt Armada because I forced a game when she wasn't in the mood.

She LOVES the mechanics of this game, has deep reservations on the collectability side, but still gets the rush of excitement when I bring home new boosters (hot tip to all husbands, let the wife open boosters, derive your pleasure from their pleasure..[top tip for other things too ;) ])

That was until I played cunning on her infantry Grenades in round 3, blowing up in her face, killing her Greivus and discarding it. She had previously played this deck against me when I had IGs equipped and it didn't even occur to her that this could happen. the threat of sleeping on the couch was thrown down.

She believes that this card is broken, and she refused to play any further upgrades on her characters that can deal damage like that (such as the other IG in the deck, F-11D Rifle etc, until Padme was killed). I kind of agree with her a little, at least until their is some decent cards that can either interrupt specials or discard upgrades.

She has soured from the game now. Hopefully I can lure her back with half a dozen boosters to open on the weekend

Get her some dice removal in her deck. If she can remove your cunning die, imagine her smile when she thwarts your plan ☺

Meh, typical female. Only interested when things are going their way; when things go south unexpectedly, instead of looking for counterplay, they just throw up their hands and quit. My wife is the exact same way.

Meh, typical female gamer. Only interested when things are going their way; when things go south unexpectedly, instead of looking for counterplay, they just throw up their hands and quit. My wife is the exact same way.


So the Wife has been enjoying this game, even suggesting we play at night, which is always a good sign, as I burnt Armada because I forced a game when she wasn't in the mood.

She LOVES the mechanics of this game, has deep reservations on the collectability side, but still gets the rush of excitement when I bring home new boosters (hot tip to all husbands, let the wife open boosters, derive your pleasure from their pleasure..[top tip for other things too ;) ])

That was until I played cunning on her infantry Grenades in round 3, blowing up in her face, killing her Greivus and discarding it. She had previously played this deck against me when I had IGs equipped and it didn't even occur to her that this could happen. the threat of sleeping on the couch was thrown down.

She believes that this card is broken, and she refused to play any further upgrades on her characters that can deal damage like that (such as the other IG in the deck, F-11D Rifle etc, until Padme was killed). I kind of agree with her a little, at least until their is some decent cards that can either interrupt specials or discard upgrades.

She has soured from the game now. Hopefully I can lure her back with half a dozen boosters to open on the weekend

This... all of this! lol

My wife is also really enjoying the game but HATED that it was CCG when I came home with it. After playing our first game, she wanted to play again! The second time I came home with opened boosters she was disappointed that she didn't get to open any. Now, I bring them home to open and she forgives the expense for the joy of the reveal. (She's opened a lot of great legionaries including Vader, Poe, and the Falcon.) This man gives good advice, as I have been doing the same thing.

So hear is my next bit of advice... not just for playing with your wife, but with any gamer that is "sensitive" (winning is how they have fun). Cards and play styles you know are going to annoy them, just avoid. Think about playing them if you leave them in your deck but don't. You're actually practicing a skill you very much need to win at a competitive level. What if you loose the resources (or the card it self) and are unable to play the card? You'll need to switch gears. How can your deck now win without that card?

Yes you could tell your wife/boyfriend/husband/girlfriend to "suck it up" but I think we'd all rather play more often with them than sleep on the couch and have our games collect dust. lol

Fly Casual

Edited by Stone37

At least your partner's will play! I can't remember the last time I dated someone who did anything but grudgingly tolerate my gaming habits. :lol:

This thread speaks to me. After getting the gf to play with me I've been winning too much, maybe 3 in a row now. Last night with Poe & the DL-44 she rolled 5 ranged damage, only to have me dissolve it with a Dodge card. I was over the moon about my luck, avoided her killing blow and proceeded to land my own to finish the round.

20 min later it dawned on me that I blew it...

This might be why I'm single... plus a whole bunch of other reasons.

If she decided to rage quit over a single mechanic less than a week after the game was released... it's probably not the game for her. Even if you do pull her back in, the next unexpected failure might push her away again.

Cunning is powerful, but so is Sith Holocron and Force Throw. I think all of them will be tweaked later.


If she decided to rage quit over a single mechanic less than a week after the game was released... it's probably not the game for her. Even if you do pull her back in, the next unexpected failure might push her away again.

She didn't rage quit, this happened earlier in the game. Instead she played angry, targeted Padme and then almost won in the end (it came down to who could deal the last 3 points of damage first)

It was just her first real exposure to this type of power combination in a card game, everything else we play is intrinsically balanced as its not collectable.

This will probably help her in the end, and make her a more competitive gamer. 4 booster packs did help close the wound a bit last night, getting Dooku and a Speeder bike (perfect counter to cunning) but no legendaries

I am very disappointed that Cunning can work this way - stupid really! For a cost of 2, you have just made Thermal Detonator and IG worthless in most games. It is already extremely powerful using on your own cards.

Edited by Berning22

Quick question about cunning.

Does your opponent first have to roll the special symbol or do the cards only have to be in play?

Quick question about cunning.

Does your opponent first have to roll the special symbol or do the cards only have to be in play?

Cards in play.