BB8 Rule Question

By vitruviper, in Star Wars: Destiny

Ran into a situation last night and wanted to see if anyone had an answer. My opponent claimed the Emperors Throne Room where you can turn any dice to a special side and resolve it. So BB8's special is to reroll BB8's and one other die. How would this work? Can you claim both dice rolls or can you really not use BB8 special with that battleground.


There's nothing preventing you from using the BB-8 die with this claim ability. You would simply re-roll the two dice (assuming you still had them in your pool), but as you've already claimed the Battlefield you would pass any further action from there making the dice "useless". I could foresee future Triggered Abilities which might make use of dice leftover in the pool, but as of now can't think of an interaction which this particular chain of actions would be beneficial.

Once you claim the battlefield and resolve the special of BB-8, the only thing you can do is pass. So essentially the dice you just rerolled cannot be used.

Once you claim the battlefield and resolve the special of BB-8, the only thing you can do is pass. So essentially the dice you just rerolled cannot be used.

Exactly. Plus it can also be dangerous to claim the battlefield with dice remaining in your pool, as your opponent can still interact with them and potentially deal damage to your characters with cards like 'Deflect'

There's nothing preventing you from using the BB-8 die with this claim ability. You would simply re-roll the two dice (assuming you still had them in your pool), but as you've already claimed the Battlefield you would pass any further action from there making the dice "useless". I could foresee future Triggered Abilities which might make use of dice leftover in the pool, but as of now can't think of an interaction which this particular chain of actions would be beneficial.

A way I could see this being beneficial is if you have a die showing a 3 dmg side with a resource cost, the die does not have a special side. Your opponent has force throw, and you don't have a resource to resolve that die. You use the battlefield to use bb-8 to hopefully role a less damaging side for your opponent to use force throw on.

That's the situation that went through my head to answer how it could be used in a positive way.

Edited by Largo


Edited by drunkensith

If BB8 allows you to roll it and another dice. I don't see how it wouldn't be allowed. Unless you didn't have any other dice in play that could be re-rolled.

If BB8 allows you to roll it and another dice. I don't see how it wouldn't be allowed. Unless you didn't have any other dice in play that could be re-rolled.

and even then it is still allowed to roll bb-8. because you are resolving as much as possible from the special It wouldn't do you any good though.

I agree that it wouldn't do any or much good but it's allowed for future sets