
By ghostrider75, in Star Wars: Destiny

Leia Organa has an Action on her card that reads:

Remove this die to reroll up to 2 of your dice.

But in order to get her dice out, you have to Exhaust the character. So once she is Exhausted, she can't take another Action, correct? You can't double Exhaust the card. I'm confused how you can use this Action.

After rolling the dice (activate and exhaust a character) the die or dice are in the dicepool. Remove a die from the dice pool activates leia's ability. You have to remove a Leia character die from the dicepool

edit: An ability is always available if you can fulfill it's requirement.

Edited by john_nld

Her ability is an action that doesn't require her to exhaust, so it can be used while she's exhausted.

Actions don't require you to exhaust a card unless they SAY to exhaust the card. Leia's action does not require you to exhaust the card. It does require that she already BE exhausted because you'd need to have her dice in play to use her action.

As a matter of fact - EVERY dice card that has an action which says "Remove this die", require that their dice already are in play, like General Veers is the same way.

One more bit of info to add here:

Only dice in the Pool can be manipulated (adjusted, removed, rerolled, ect). For example, Prized Possession cannot target a Character die while its on its Character card.

Actions don't require you to exhaust a card unless they SAY to exhaust the card. Leia's action does not require you to exhaust the card. It does require that she already BE exhausted because you'd need to have her dice in play to use her action.

As a matter of fact - EVERY dice card that has an action which says "Remove this die", require that their dice already are in play, like General Veers is the same way.

She doesn't need to be exhausted as she could have been readied by something like Leadership. Her die does need to be in the dice pool as you stated, though.

That could be some interesting future design space: a character with an ability that forces you to exhaust them, depriving you of their dice that turn. I say give it to Jar Jar.