Feelings and feedback

By TylerTT, in Star Wars: Destiny

Right. It's the people who are neither of those things that we're addressing in this thread. They don't like the distribution model, but also can't be bothered to navigate the market for some reason.

Not liking the CCG model and enjoying the game aren't mutually exclusive. All I see from you are attacks against people like myself who express their opinions about the collectible model. Because I think the CCG model is garbage for consumers, it doesn't automatically mean that I "can't be bothered to navigate the secondary market." Of course I will be buying singles, it's the only way that getting into any CCG makes sense. You and many others like everything about CCGs, and many people dislike it. There's nothing wrong with that. But attacking people for expressing their opinions about it, denigrating them and implying that they're too stupid to figure out how it's supposed to work isn't okay.

The only things I see being attacked are ignorance and entitlement, and even then 'attacked' is a strong word. We acknowledge your right to an opinion, even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, so please try to be a little more open-minded about ours. Again, the collectible model has been successful for years, so I think it's unfair to call it 'garbage' just because you don't like it.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

Right. It's the people who are neither of those things that we're addressing in this thread. They don't like the distribution model, but also can't be bothered to navigate the market for some reason.

Not liking the CCG model and enjoying the game aren't mutually exclusive. All I see from you are attacks against people like myself who express their opinions about the collectible model. Because I think the CCG model is garbage for consumers, it doesn't automatically mean that I "can't be bothered to navigate the secondary market." Of course I will be buying singles, it's the only way that getting into any CCG makes sense. You and many others like everything about CCGs, and many people dislike it. There's nothing wrong with that. But attacking people for expressing their opinions about it, denigrating them and implying that they're too stupid to figure out how it's supposed to work isn't okay.

I enjoy the ccg model. I didn't buy the lcg they had for SW . I know of a few in my area who agree. we all enjoy different games. they have given us an option.

I dislike lcg's it takes the fun of the chase out, lcg can't shake off the board game fell to it