I cannot wait for more product to hit shelves

By Thanoseid, in Star Wars: Destiny

So I was looking at single prices on Miniature Market today and I am floored by the price of singles. Right now the lowest Legendary is selling for $15 and the lowest Rare is selling for $3. Getting 6 Legendaries at the 15 price point and 30 from the 3 would net you $180 for a box that cost you $90. That doesn't even include selling the uncommons and commons. I really cannot wait until the price of this game is drastically driven down so I can flesh out some of the missing cards that I want/need for my set.

I hear you.

Yeah, it seems pretty silly. If the rares are selling for a minimum of $3, you're getting guaranteed break even or better off of every booster pack, and that doesn't account for savings from buying in bulk by getting boxes. Unless supply stays really low compared to demand, that can't be sustainable.

While there will probably be a handful of rares that stay above $3, many of them have to eventually drop below that mark. Harder to guess with Legendaries, but I'm thinking it'll end up being more of a $7.50-25 range.

Is any store BUYING Destiny singles? CSG isn't yet. If that's the case through out most game stores, the prices are being inflated not only by lack of product, but also from a lack of open and large trade market.

Do you need 6 legendaries and 30 rares for your deck?

my advice to everyone is to sell their singles now. then spend that money on more stuff when it rolls off the production line.

my advice to everyone is to sell their singles now. then spend that money on more stuff when it rolls off the production line.

Where? Who is buying singles?

my advice to everyone is to sell their singles now. then spend that money on more stuff when it rolls off the production line.

Where? Who is buying singles?


You aren't guaranteed to get your money back with a booster. Not at all.

You open a BB-8 or Rey's Staff? Nobody gonna buy that. Any Starter Rare is never going to sell for much - MAYBE a 1st order stormtrooper will sell right now to the person who ended up with Phasma and only 1 Stormtrooper or something... but for the most part there are very few cards that people seem to want badly enough to actually buy.

Sith Holocron and datapad are hot right now. lot of the legendaries - though I doubt too many want to purchase a Crime Lord.

You aren't guaranteed to get your money back with a booster. Not at all.

You open a BB-8 or Rey's Staff? Nobody gonna buy that. Any Starter Rare is never going to sell for much - MAYBE a 1st order stormtrooper will sell right now to the person who ended up with Phasma and only 1 Stormtrooper or something... but for the most part there are very few cards that people seem to want badly enough to actually buy.

Sith Holocron and datapad are hot right now. lot of the legendaries - though I doubt too many want to purchase a Crime Lord.

You know you can look up recently completed Ebay auctions to see prices. Rey's Staff has sold for $4.75 and $5 since release. A Crime Lord sold for $21 yesterday. You really think people don't want Crime Lord?

If you don't think you could make your money back by selling the contents of packs at this point in time, you either haven't been paying attention or are looking at it in the wrong way.

You'd never look at an individual pack, though at this point you can probably recoup the costs even if you pull a starter rare. You'd look at a larger sample size where that chance to pull a starter rare is compensated from by the chance to pull a Legendary. The sample size doesn't even need to be particularly large, such as a booster box. Even a dozen packs would probably work in this market.

People have been posting their pulls all over, price them out against the prices Miniature Market is selling at (and they have been sellinga lot). You're going to see values around double the cost of the box on just dice cards. Even with shipping and fees an enterprising person could clear .50 on a $1 easily.

my advice to everyone is to sell their singles now. then spend that money on more stuff when it rolls off the production line.

Where? Who is buying singles?

MM has sold a ton, and are sold out if more then a few. So people are buying. As for where to sell. Ebay or FB Marketplace groups.

I dont understand why everyone is buying out all these singles and spending $50 on ebay. Wait till january first when booster boxes are able to supply the demand, then take a look at the market.

You dont make a purchase at 200% msrp when you KNOW it will come down in price. There are no tournaments near me, I assume no huge tournaments near you either. Be patient lol it just blows my mind.

I dont understand why everyone is buying out all these singles and spending $50 on ebay. Wait till january first when booster boxes are able to supply the demand, then take a look at the market.

You dont make a purchase at 200% msrp when you KNOW it will come down in price. There are no tournaments near me, I assume no huge tournaments near you either. Be patient lol it just blows my mind.

I've spent $5 on singles so far, one rare, Cunning.

I definitely want to see what happens to the Legendary market when more product is released, before buying any. Though if you're looking to sell now is definitely the time.

There aren't any huge tournaments, but there have been smaller tournaments posted all over the various Destiny Facebook groups. In our area we have a few stores running events, some small tournaments for packs or store credit, some open play, a league hopefully starting up soon.

Edited by netherspirit

I really don't think $3.00 for a rare is a bad deal. If you already have a play set of common and uncommon cards you are only buying the $3.00 booster for the rare/legendary and you might not get what you want. Why not just pay the price of a booster and get exactly what you want. Prices over $3.00 for a rare require more evaluation on need/want versus value.

I really don't think $3.00 for a rare is a bad deal. If you already have a play set of common and uncommon cards you are only buying the $3.00 booster for the rare/legendary and you might not get what you want. Why not just pay the price of a booster and get exactly what you want. Prices over $3.00 for a rare require more evaluation on need/want versus value.

Bad deal, no. I get it, there's value in getting the item that you specifically want.

But here's the thing----on average, a person is getting one Legendary for every six booster packs. So, the average cost of a rare should be a little below that to make up for the excess value/profit that comes from the booster with the legendary in it. Right now, while you're getting the rare you're looking for at $3, the person selling it to you is getting about $15 or more for his rares (maybe slightly less if they pull starter pack stuff, maybe more if they get items like the Sith Holocron that are more in demand), then getting another $15+ for the Legendary they happened to pull. That's a huge profit off of $18 worth of boosters. That's why I just can't see the market staying the way that it is very long, especially as new product enters the market.

My bet for rares eventually: The starter stuff from the boosters will be $1 due to volume, most of the non-character stuff will be $1-2, the characters closer to $2-3 due to demand being slightly higher, and a few items/characters that are more sought after will be in the $3-10 range.


Guys, have you seen how popular this game is so far? Prices will deflate, certainly, but not that low. Welcome to supply and demand.

I do think that a lot of people will end up leaving as well, the whole shiny new product deal. I do however think that there is no way for sure to know what items will be priced at, but I do think that they will indeed go down and/or supplies like MM will get involved in the singles market driving prices lower as well.

I made back almost what I spent by selling three lucky pulls on ebay 2x han and a vader.

Granted I'm the sort of person who just wants to have fun playing i don't need specific bits so this game is pretty cheap if you are lucky and willing to let go of the shinier objects.

If the prices never go down I will be shocked.