Good Sealed/Draft Format?

By FiendishDevil, in Star Wars: Destiny

What would a good sealed/draft format be?

Draft format - You start with starter of choice (Either purchased or bring your own)

Each player then opens (Variable number of packs)

All cards and dice are pooled.

1st Pick is determined randomly.

Player 1 picks one card of choice from the pool.

Picking continues in seat order to the right till player 8.

Player 8 picks 2 cards from the pool, then picks pass to the left back tword player 1.

(The high side of being last pick, is you get to pick twice)

Continue in this way until all cards from the pool are drafted. Build decks, proceed with play.

If all players are truly hardcore - decks minus the starters are turned in upon elimination, with the card pool going to the winner.

Alternative prize out options - Players then select which deck from all decks (Minus starters of course) they would like to take, starting with 1st place and going down from there. (So 1st place really wants X card from 3rd place, but drafted to win instead of the card he wanted, at the end, he can choose to take 3rd place's deck as his prize, with his deck being available to 2nd or whatever. This encourages players to draft to win, as opposed to drafting for value)

1. All players bring with them the usual up to 30 point squads (have to be same affiliation as normal). these are face down in front of you at all times.

2. Everyone buys 5 packs (to mitigate the possibility of getting stuck with 5 rare/legendary heroes and not being able to build a 20 card deck).

3. Draft all packs (L,R,L,R,L) and build a 20 card deck with whatever you get. All cards are considered to have all affiliations and colors for deckbuilding purposes, and you can have as many multiples as you want.

Last night we tried a slightly different format. Everybody chooses a starter set to use, gets 6 boosters, and you make the best deck you can. We found we had to relax the deck-building rules a little bit, for example I had a few Hero cards in my Villain deck, but it went OK. We did our best to make 30-card decks, and through feedback decided maybe just 20 cards if we do it again.

Of course you run the risk of playing a Villain deck and getting things like another BB-8, and Ackbar, a Jetpack, and other useless rares, then get stuck watching helplessly as Kylo Ren takes 7 ding dong damage in the first round. Not that that happened to me or anything.