Dice and card mismatch

By jiffk, in Star Wars: Destiny

I've seen some comments on forums and facebook about FFG refusing to fix mismatched cards and dice then some contradictory posts.

What's the current line from FFG and does anyone have a link to an official statement or spares form?

I'm trying to decide if that means they will replace a mismatched die/card with a card to match the die.

I'm trying to decide if that means they will replace a mismatched die/card with a card to match the die.

That's how it reads to me.

Yes you'll get a card. This prevents someone who has a single Darth Vader from trying to scam a 2nd die. a 2nd card wouldn't do you any good.

And they don't replace uncommons or commons, so in those cases a 2nd card would ALSO do you no good.

I DID however, get my replacement Kylo Ren die from the starter today. They always do a good job.

> If there is a factory defect with a die, we will send out a sealed booster pack as a replacement.

I opened 25 packs, and my only legendary was Han Solo. Guess which of those dice was misprinted?

But bright side, I get a shiny new booster. Which is probably just some other rare, and my Han Solo die will still be jacked up. Thanks Asmodee.

Edited by cheddarhead4

> If there is a factory defect with a die, we will send out a sealed booster pack as a replacement.

I opened 25 packs, and my only legendary was Han Solo. Guess which of those dice was misprinted?

But bright side, I get a shiny new booster. Which is probably just some other rare, and my Han Solo die will still be jacked up. Thanks Asmodee.

So if dice are not replaced and the dice has a misprint side, can you still use the dice in official tournaments since it is still a legal FFG product?

> If there is a factory defect with a die, we will send out a sealed booster pack as a replacement.

I opened 25 packs, and my only legendary was Han Solo. Guess which of those dice was misprinted?

But bright side, I get a shiny new booster. Which is probably just some other rare, and my Han Solo die will still be jacked up. Thanks Asmodee.

So if dice are not replaced and the dice has a misprint side, can you still use the dice in official tournaments since it is still a legal FFG product?

That seems to be the general consensus. Although, my misprint is a net loss (I have an extra 1 supply instead of the 2 disrupt).

It would be nice for FFG to make an announcement about the legality of the broken dice, but then they'd have to acknowledge their mistake.

I can confirm that FFG will approve a request for a card/die mismatch.

I got a Han die but a Millenium Falcon card. I wrote them and included a pic of the receipt, the pack wrapper, and the contents of the pack, and requested a replacement Han card. I did not ask for a replacement die as 1 - their FAQ says they won't replace die and 2 - I thought it would look like a lie (even though no benefit to a second Falcon die).

They approved my request and said they would send me the Han card. My request is currently 'on hold' waiting for them to get supplies, but I think they will deliver.

- A

Yeah, I can confirm that they stand by their FAQ - if they mess up and you get a misprinted die, they won't fix it. They just send you another booster instead. But, hey, there's a 1 in 100 chance (blind estimate for a specific legendary) that that booster will have the right card, so.... maybe?

(even though no benefit to a second Falcon die).

Don't be sure of that. Since you can have two copies of the card in your deck I would suspect that tournament rules will require you to have a die for each card that has one. Yes you could only have one die out, but.....

(even though no benefit to a second Falcon die).

Don't be sure of that. Since you can have two copies of the card in your deck I would suspect that tournament rules will require you to have a die for each card that has one. Yes you could only have one die out, but.....

In the case of the Millennium Falcon you can only have one copy of it in your deck since it has a star next to its name indicating it is unique. So extra Unique cards without a matching die seem almost worthless to imo

(even though no benefit to a second Falcon die).

Don't be sure of that. Since you can have two copies of the card in your deck I would suspect that tournament rules will require you to have a die for each card that has one. Yes you could only have one die out, but.....

In the case of the Millennium Falcon you can only have one copy of it in your deck since it has a star next to its name indicating it is unique. So extra Unique cards without a matching die seem almost worthless to imo

Nope, it's one copy in play. You can have more than one unique in a deck.

(even though no benefit to a second Falcon die).

Don't be sure of that. Since you can have two copies of the card in your deck I would suspect that tournament rules will require you to have a die for each card that has one. Yes you could only have one die out, but.....

In the case of the Millennium Falcon you can only have one copy of it in your deck since it has a star next to its name indicating it is unique. So extra Unique cards without a matching die seem almost worthless to imo

Nope, it's one copy in play. You can have more than one unique in a deck.

Sadly just opened a Crime Lord with two focus sides (one of which replaces the 2 resource side referred to on the card).

Has there been any further official comment about the play legality of cards and dice affected by manufacturing defects?

1) can die that do not match a card be used for play - my preference is for this to be disallowed?

2) can cards be used without a corresponding die (applicable to non-character die, but still possible to run into problems)?

3) where it is possible to work out what side the die has landed on, can the corresponding card face be used instead?

Edited by Khouri

Sadly just opened a Crime Lord with two focus sides (one of which replaces the 2 resource side referred to on the card).

Has there been any further official comment about the play legality of cards and dice affected by manufacturing defects?

1) can die that do not match a card be used for play - my preference is for this to be disallowed?

2) can cards be used without a corresponding die (applicable to non-character die, but still possible to run into problems)?

3) where it is possible to work out what side the die has landed on, can the corresponding card face be used instead?

Sadly just opened a Crime Lord with two focus sides (one of which replaces the 2 resource side referred to on the card).

Has there been any further official comment about the play legality of cards and dice affected by manufacturing defects?

1) can die that do not match a card be used for play - my preference is for this to be disallowed?

2) can cards be used without a corresponding die (applicable to non-character die, but still possible to run into problems)?

3) where it is possible to work out what side the die has landed on, can the corresponding card face be used instead?

The rules say to use a die with a collector's number and set symbol that matches that card. That die matches the collector's number me set symbol of the card. Nothing in the rules say the sides have to match or anything like that. Rules as written suggest its legal and I would say rules as intended suggest it is legal as well or if it weren't they would replace incorrect dice.

I tried looking for this in the rules but I can't seem to find this rule anywhere. Anyone have an idea where I can find it in the rulebook?

A good solution could be that if you show up to a tournament with a misprinted die, the TO provides a regular d6 to use instead. 1 corresponds to the top printed ability on the card; etc.

Edited by ketemycos

How are we arriving at the understanding the incorrect face of the dice somehow overrules the character as printed on the card? You need both to play, and I see absolutely no reason to ever allow a misprinted face to trump the character as designed. I mean, fixing this isn't rocket science, you could simply use a sharpie to inconspicuously mark the misprinted side and understand that result will be based on the correct die face on the card? If someone arrived to play me with an incorrect dice and tried to convince me to let him play it as it was printed on the dice I would walk away. That's not how the game was intended, even if the face was "disadvantageous."

FFG splits their events into Premier and Formal organized play. Premier has the more stringent rules. In Formal tournaments like store levels and regionals playing with a "corrected" dice should easily pass muster.

In a premier event, if you are flying halfway around the country to play a card game you probably went to your FLGS and spent $17 for a correct Crime Lord anyway, so it's a moot point. But if you insisted on playing with an incorrect dice at a premier tournament, do you really think FFG would allow the dice to be played as printed? And then deal with the game-destroying fallout when that extra 1 supply allows you to play the game winning card and they have a world champion that won because of a misprint? It's not going to happen. They would kill their own game.

Play the dice like they are printed correct.

Honestly, I think FFG's policy on this will likely evolve. Right now the game is brand new and this issue isn't appearing at a statistically significant rate at this point. As the initial product gets released into the market I suspect they're keeping a close eye on how common a problem this is to warrant a change. A healthy skepticism for people trying to game the system in a collectible environment is smart on their part to be honest.

I think the rubber will hit the road in 3-6 months though if this continues to be an issue. I could see them having players mail the defective product back in exchange for a corrected version. Right now, I doubt they have sufficient stock to make that happen though and Asmodee's customer service, to date, on other products has been nothing short of stellar. I don't expect that this game will be any different other than having to deal with the muppets who try to take advantage of generous customer service which will take some adaptation on the part of Asmodee to gauge how rampant that is and what they can reasonably do to provide customer service to those who need it while weeding out the jokers.

I've bought my first 15 boosters (don't even have starters yet) today, and woohoo! Got a darth vader card, but guess what, it came with a count dooku die. All other 14 packs had the correct die/card pairing. Oh we'll, at least I have an extra die for dooku who came in another pack....

**** that is rough, everything I have heard is that the boxes correct themselves. So someone who buys boosters will get a Vader die which means he would only need to pull or buy one Vader card with die to have his/her playset.

I bought a full box, one of my legendaries was force choke with immobilize die, and no, the choke die was not in any other pack in that box. Maybe in the box next to it.

Full box. Poe card and Black One dice. No "match" in box. Submitted case with Asmodee for a Black One card (would rather get a Poe dice...). Not holding my breathe for anything to happen.

i bought and opened a Full Booster Case yesterday. I had 8 packs where the card and die didn't match BUT... Luckily after opening all of them I was able to match the die with card for all 8.