Rules Question - The Force Is Strong

By Hollywood, in Star Wars: Destiny

So, The Force Is Strong reads

"Exhaust this support and discard a Blue card from your hand to play another copy of that card from your hand for free."

Asking because of how different games handle producing copies of cards, does that mean that you have to have the actual physical copy of the Blue card you are discarding in your hand or does it just make a proxy copy that gets played onto the character?

You know... I wondered about this too. It SEEMS like you need to be holding 2 of the same card in your hand for this to work.... but then it seems kinda weak...

But imagine if it worked the other way... you'd essentially be playing every card for free... which would be WAYYYY too strong.

So the answer must be - that you have to have TWO of the exact same card in your hand, to do this. Which is fitting for a common. Maybe it'll be useful in a future expansion when you've got6 events that cost 8 or something crazy like that.

I think it seems weak right now, but imagine if it was not restricted to blue. Falcon for no cost - seems a whole lot better.

It's something that FFG will need to keep in mind going forward to make sure they don't allow something game-breaking on turn one.

Even with the current set, I can see it being used to turn out a big play early to gain momentum.

That's what I was figuring also. Just wanted to get an official answer and clarification.

It could be powerful... as long as you have the exact 3 cards in your hand that you need to pull it off.

The problem with this card is trying to get it turn 1 and then having doubles in your opening hand. Odds are pretty slim.


this is a support card. it stays in play and then when you have a duplicate you can use it to play the dupe for free. combo this with cards that move cards from your discard pile to the top of your deck.