Rey's Ability

By Slyder824, in Star Wars: Destiny

Please correct me if I'm wrong, With Rey's ability when you attach an upgrade you get an extra turn. Now, if you attach an upgrade that has Ambush you get 2 turns. 1 for the attaching and 1 for the Ambush ability. Now, what if you send 1 of those turns to attach another upgrade to her. Does the ability trigger twice to bring you back up to 2 turns?

Before Activating Rey

Attach Rey's staff (Rey's ability Activates)= 1free turn

Spend the ability to attach Holdout Blaster (Ambush)

Rey's Ability and Ambush trigger giving her 2 turns

Does this sound right?

You are correct.

FAQ for the RRG, page 22: If you play an upgrade with Ambush on Rey, you may take two additional actions during your turn.

Edited by Stone37

So her ability can trigger twice?

So her ability can trigger twice?

It triggers every time you play an upgrade on her:

After you play an upgrade on this character, you may take one additional action.

Edited by Stone37

Outstanding!! Thank you!!

Yup - Combine her with Han to REALLY feel the shenanigans!