Rules Question: Power of the Force

By Ryertangent, in Star Wars: Destiny

Power of the Force: Resolve one of your dice treating its value as equal to the number of blue upgrade you have in play.

Question 1: If I use this effect on a modifier does it count as a Xdamage or is it +Xdamage, which in turn cant be resolved because you cant resolve a modifier by itself.

Question 2: If I use this effect on a Xdamage does this gain any +Xdamage modifiers, or is it strictly the one dice stating in the effect of the card.

Question 3: If I use this effect on a special it still counts as a 0 correct?


Power of the Force: Resolve one of your dice treating its value as equal to the number of blue upgrade you have in play.

Question 1: If I use this effect on a modifier does it count as a Xdamage or is it +Xdamage, which in turn cant be resolved because you cant resolve a modifier by itself.

Question 2: If I use this effect on a Xdamage does this gain any +Xdamage modifiers, or is it strictly the one dice stating in the effect of the card.

Question 3: If I use this effect on a special it still counts as a 0 correct?


1. Power of the Force only changes the value. If the die has a +, it will remain a modifier die. You can't resolve modifier dice by themselves, so I'd say it's not a legal choice to make.

2. The card says you can resolve ONE die, not multiple dice. I'd say you can't add a modifier.

3. If you use this effect on a special, you'd treat the value as whatever number. Specials normally have a value of zero. Increasing the value doesn't actually do anything, but you're free to do so and just resolve the special. Power of the Force is obviously more useful with non-specials, but can be used to resolve a special if you want.

As it says 'resolve' you cannot affect a modifier with this card. As it says 'one' you cannot throw a modifier into the mix when you resolve your damage. Special don't actually have a value - they are not zero, they just count as zero for the purpose of resolving certain effects. This card is not one of those which affect the "value" of Special.

Edited by Ajones47

1. Its still +X. You can target a Modifier die, but you can't Resolve it in the current Rules as Written.

2. Strictly the ONE die.

3. Hmm. I think Specials count as a Default Zero when 'checked' by cards that check a value, but I am unsure whether or not they can me adjusted. I will come back after I research this one.

***After some research: Man, I can't find anything that says the Special's default value of zero can't be modified.

Edited by Versch

1. Its still +X. You can target a Modifier die, but you can't Resolve it in the current Rules as Written.

2. Strictly the ONE die.

3. Hmm. I think Specials count as a Default Zero when 'checked' by cards that check a value, but I am unsure whether or not they can me adjusted. I will come back after I research this one.

Are you sure about #1? I read the interaction to be that it would replace the resolution of 'X' with the new value. I may have missed something, though.

1. Its still +X. You can target a Modifier die, but you can't Resolve it in the current Rules as Written.

2. Strictly the ONE die.

3. Hmm. I think Specials count as a Default Zero when 'checked' by cards that check a value, but I am unsure whether or not they can me adjusted. I will come back after I research this one.

Are you sure about #1? I read the interaction to be that it would replace the resolution of 'X' with the new value. I may have missed something, though.

There are cases when a card references a Number Value, yes. But you'll notice in some instances while they produce an effect based on that number, they aren't 'Resolved'. For example, Guardian can target and take damage from a Modifier Die. You'll also not that Guardian doesn't include 'resolve'.

Wait, you may have read/seen that changing a value may change its original state? ie A Modifier Die changes to a straight Value Die? Ugh...I'm already pruny, but back to the tub I go with the Destiny RRG!

Edited by Versch

What was the verdict on this RE: The Power of the Force and special abilities?

I have resolved a couple dice with this combo and just wanna check the legitimacy of this before I do anymore.

Any stepping in from FFG on this? Every other forum on this gives no clear answer.