Rules Question - BB-8 Special re-rolling to another Special

By KrisWall, in Star Wars: Destiny

Quick question that came up in a game.

Let's assume I have BB-8 in play. His Special ability is as follows...

"Reroll this die and one of your other dice. Do not remove this die from your pool after resolving this ability."

During play, I rolled a Special on BB-8. I declared that I'd be taking the Resolve Dice action using the Special symbol. I rerolled the BB-8 die plus one other die and got the Special icon on BB-8 and a blank on the other die.

Here's the question. Can I then continue resolving Special icons and use BB-8's ability again? My belief is that I can. Assuming I can resolve "one or more dice" "one at a time", my assumption is that I can fully resolve one die before moving onto the next die with the same symbol.

This question was answered in the newest RRG updated by FFG a few days ago. I believe it stated something along the lines of: the same die cannot be resolved more than once per activation.

So short answer is yes, but not on the same action you resolved the first special.

This question was answered in the newest RRG updated by FFG a few days ago. I believe it stated something along the lines of: the same die cannot be resolved more than once per activation.

So short answer is yes, but not on the same action you resolved the first special.

Sounds more like the short answer would be no.

Found it...

"A special ability that rerolls its die cannot be resolved a second time during the same activation."

Yeah, when BB-8 comes up special after resolving, you can't resolve him again, but if the die you were re-rolling with him comes up special you can resolve that one.

Simply put; an individual die can only be resolved once in an action.

Edited by Stone37

Simply put; an individual die can only be resolved once in a turn.

I prefer the "A die that rerolls itself cannot be resolved during the same action" - because of things like Ambush and cards that allow you to take multiple actions - If you somehow are able to activate a character's dice, and then gain extra actions - one of them being Leadership - could in theory re-activate the same character and trigger the same die legally during the same turn.

Granted I don't think it's possible with the current set. You'd need 4 simultaneous actions - (Spend a die, play Leadership, Activate that same character, spend that same die). Even though I don't think it's possible now (Nothing gives a red card ambush does it?) it MAY be possible in future sets.

Simply put; an individual die can only be resolved once in a turn.

I prefer the "A die that rerolls itself cannot be resolved during the same action" - because of things like Ambush and cards that allow you to take multiple actions - If you somehow are able to activate a character's dice, and then gain extra actions - one of them being Leadership - could in theory re-activate the same character and trigger the same die legally during the same turn.

Granted I don't think it's possible with the current set. You'd need 4 simultaneous actions - (Spend a die, play Leadership, Activate that same character, spend that same die). Even though I don't think it's possible now (Nothing gives a red card ambush does it?) it MAY be possible in future sets.

Ambush lets you take another actions, not resolve the same die twice. Rolling and rerolling a die is not resolving it. Using focus to change a die is not resolving the changed die (only the die with the focus result was resolved).

Simply put; an individual die can only be resolved once in a turn.

False statement. There are cards that allow an individual die to be resolved more than once in a turn. As an example, and I don't know the card names, but I know there is a card that lets you exhaust a character to ready a different character. You could activate Character A, roll all his/her dice and then resolve all of the dice. Exhaust Character B to ready Character A. Activate Character A again and resolve all of his/her dice a second time in the same turn.

EDIT: I might be using turn/round wrong. My intent is to say that you can resolve the same die twice over a series of actions.

Edited by KrisWall

Simply put; an individual die can only be resolved once in a turn.

False statement. There are cards that allow an individual die to be resolved more than once in a turn. As an example, and I don't know the card names, but I know there is a card that lets you exhaust a character to ready a different character. You could activate Character A, roll all his/her dice and then resolve all of the dice. Exhaust Character B to ready Character A. Activate Character A again and resolve all of his/her dice a second time in the same turn.

I refer you to the Golden Rule. (RRG, Page 3) That is what you are speaking of. I'm talking about the general rule outside of special events and abilities.

"A Player cannot resolve the same die more than once per action." (RRG, Page 14)

(My word "turn" should be replaced with the word "action" though.)

Edited by Stone37

Instances of Cannot supercede can - so if the rules said "Cannot use the same die more than once per turn" that would make Leadership a pretty terrible card.

Per Action - would be the ideal terminology for this rule.

Side question in relation to BB-8's special. Can you choose to reroll just BB-8's die even if you have other dice in your pool?

Rey with weapons that have ambush can get you 4 consecutive actions not including the actions used to equip her.

Edited by rowdyoctopus

Rey with weapons that have ambush can get you 4 consecutive actions not including the actions used to equip her.

maybe 5.... figure you play 2 holdout blasters, then upgrade them each to DL-44s. It would only cost you 6 resources that way. you'd have 5 remaining actions.

Rey with weapons that have ambush can get you 4 consecutive actions not including the actions used to equip her.

maybe 5.... figure you play 2 holdout blasters, then upgrade them each to DL-44s. It would only cost you 6 resources that way. you'd have 5 remaining actions.

Infamous and jetpack can get you another if you are gonna overwrite them, haha.

Instances of Cannot supercede can - so if the rules said "Cannot use the same die more than once per turn" that would make Leadership a pretty terrible card.

Per Action - would be the ideal terminology for this rule.

The correct terminology is actually 'turn' and 'round,' as per the FAQ. It's perfectly fair to say that you can't normally use the same die twice in one turn (since it's generally synonymous with 'action'), barring the sort of complex interactions being discussed here.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH


No you can't. You must wait until your next action to be able to resolve BB-8's die again. You also cannot immediately resolve the secondary die that was re-rolled until your next action.

Sidebar - since the term "turn" has a very set in stone meaning for the vast majority of games and gamers, I will always use the terms action(s) and round(s) to try and make everything as clear as possible.

You also cannot immediately resolve the secondary die that was re-rolled until your next action.

Not true. The die that was Rerolled by BB-8's special ability has not been resolved, therefore CAN BE resolved in the same action if it is now showing a Special symbol.

I advise you read this thread and read over page 14 of the RRG.

Side question in relation to BB-8's special. Can you choose to reroll just BB-8's die even if you have other dice in your pool?

Man that's a good question.


A target is a card or die to which an effect will happen. The term “choose” indicates that a target must be chosen in order for the ability to resolve. The player resolving the effect must choose a game element that meets the targeting requirements of the ability.

bullet.jpg When making a choice, a player cannot choose invalid targets, e.g., they cannot deal damage to a defeated character. If there are no valid targets, then the card does nothing.

BB* Reads: "Reroll this die and one of your other dice."

So BB8 has a choice, "one of your other dice", so it would seem on face value you can't just reroll his dice alone.

The term "choose" is explicit, though, and BB-8 doesn't use that term. I think this is the relevant text from the RRG:

"Players must resolve as much of an ability as they are able to, unless it includes the word “may” or explicitly gives the player a choice. Special abilities (S) are mandatory if that side of its die is resolved."

If resolving BB-8 alone is as much as you can do, then you're good to go.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

If it said, "Reroll this die and any number of your other dice," then zero would be a valid choice, but this explicitly tells you to roll two dice.

Side question in relation to BB-8's special. Can you choose to reroll just BB-8's die even if you have other dice in your pool?

Man that's a good question.


A target is a card or die to which an effect will happen. The term “choose” indicates that a target must be chosen in order for the ability to resolve. The player resolving the effect must choose a game element that meets the targeting requirements of the ability.

bullet.jpg When making a choice, a player cannot choose invalid targets, e.g., they cannot deal damage to a defeated character. If there are no valid targets, then the card does nothing.

BB* Reads: "Reroll this die and one of your other dice."

So BB8 has a choice, "one of your other dice", so it would seem on face value you can't just reroll his dice alone.

Best answer I've seen yet, thanks so much!


BB-8 still doesn't use the word "choose." It's in quotation marks for a reason, guys. Just resolve as much of the effect as you can, that's what the rules say to do.

Edited because I'm not sure I agree with my own point. Is there a way to delete my post altogether?

Edited by bampop

I would say the conclusion to this topic would be: To resolve the special you must complete the card text as exact as possible. reroll BB-8 and 1 other die, unless you only have BB-8 in the dice pool then you can only reroll BB-8 as you do not have another dice to reroll. Also note you cannot use special into a reroll and use the BB-8 special again in the same action.