The Chance Cube's card price watch updated for week ending in 12/3

By JediGeekGirl, in Star Wars: Destiny

Good evening everyone, after a long day we hear at The Chance Cube have a nice treat for you. The game is now out and what's a better way to celebrate then with an updated price watch. We even added a couple online retailers. How are the prices looking this week now that the game is out? Take a look 1f642.png :)

Singles are now available through MM, for those interested. I'm still waiting on TCG Player to catch up with the market.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

Singles are now available through MM, for those interested. I'm still waiting on TCG Player to catch up with the market.

yup we have MM on there

I would caution everyone to wait a few weeks before going all-in on purchasing singles. The game just released, and with so many people buying packs there's sure to be a healthy amount of depreciation even before the year is out.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

I too would warn buying singles at this time. However, in very interested in seeing what a healthy tournament scene will do for this game. Card usage in winning decks did insane things in the magic singles world, I can only assume the same here.