Force Training - Special

By Jolisar5, in Star Wars: Destiny

The special ability on Force Training states: "Choose and do two of the following: deal 1 damage to a character, or gain 1 resource, or give a character 1 shield."

Can you do one of the listed effects twice? For example, deal 2 damage (1 damage twice) to a character.

Or do you have to select two different effects?

The special ability on Force Training states: "Choose and do two of the following: deal 1 damage to a character, or gain 1 resource, or give a character 1 shield."

Can you do one of the listed effects twice? For example, deal 2 damage (1 damage twice) to a character.

Or do you have to select two different effects?

Make sense now?

I'm not sure how that helps. In Magic you can only pick one of each mode, unless otherwise specified.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

You have to choose two different ones.

I'm not sure how that helps. In Magic you can only pick one of each mode, unless otherwise specified.

What does Magic have to do with the rules of Destiny?

I'm not sure how that helps. In Magic you can only pick one of each mode, unless otherwise specified.

And there lays what every gamer needs to overcome. This game isn't Magic. It doesn't matter how Netrunner resolves X. It doesn't even matter how FFGs Star Wars LCG resolved Y.

Unlearn what you have learned from other games. Justifying a resolution based on another games ruleset isn't going to help anyone.

I am in no way attempting to be dckish here. As an example to my point above, Descent and Imperial Assault are super similar in mechanics, yet the LOS rules are different. Playing LOS the same way for either game changes the whole intended dynamic the developers created.

Edited by Versch

It's a card game, one that's been doing it successfully for 20 years now. You guys had better get used to the comparisons, because they're only just beginning.

It's a card game, one that's been doing it successfully for 20 years now. You guys had better get used to the comparisons, because they're only just beginning.

Yes, but the rules interpretations don't carry over from one to the other. They are different games and different rule sets. So interpreting the rules for Destiny through a lens of how they are done in Magic won't really help much.

There's no need to chastise people for making MTG references. It's the Mother of All collectible gaming and will always be the standard to which similar games are compared. And while a game like Destiny is sufficiently different, there is no harm in drawing a comparison and letting rules from Magic influence the way you approach a rules question here.

Rule questions in magic have given people ALOT to think about. Applying that same level of thinking to other games is only natural. No need to get bent out of shape over comparisons. It's not like people are applying WOTC's rulings to Destiny verbatim.

There's no need to chastise people for making MTG references. It's the Mother of All collectible gaming and will always be the standard to which similar games are compared. And while a game like Destiny is sufficiently different, there is no harm in drawing a comparison and letting rules from Magic influence the way you approach a rules question here.

Rule questions in magic have given people ALOT to think about. Applying that same level of thinking to other games is only natural. No need to get bent out of shape over comparisons. It's not like people are applying WOTC's rulings to Destiny verbatim.

Not trying to chastise, just pointing out that they are different rules for different games and trying to pull in a reference from one to the other won't necessarily give you a correct interpretation.

It's a good idea to remind players early and often that Game X isn't Game Y.

I'm aware of it and I STILL find myself doing it, even going as far as using another games terminology. But the reminder is still needed, from time to time.

And I don't see where anyone was 'severely reprimanded' aka chastised.

We are derailing the topic. Sorry Jolisar.

Edited by Versch

You do realize that a good portion of Destiny's framework mechanics are borrowed wholesale from Magic, don't you? There really isn't anything that Destiny does - or can do - that hasn't already been done on a card, or isn't already covered somewhere in the comprehensive rule book.

So if the native rule set doesn't answer a particular question, why wouldn't you borrow from the best game on the market?

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

I might have been pushing too hard on the word "Chastise", but I suppose it depends on how you read the words. Sometimes they come off as someone frustrated, and sometimes they come off more matter-of-fact. Either way, it's all good.

All in all - when trying to interpret a rule I feel it's ok to reference and examine how a similar rule was used in a similar game. And while I agree that is not a surefire way to get you the correct answer, in most cases it's probably going to point you in the right direction.

For example - Look at the Card "Hyperspace Jump" and ask yourself how it would work in a 4-player game? You might find yourself looking at how Magic adapted the rules for cards that had wordings that dealt specifically with a 2-player game, once the game started being played with more than 2.

And back to the original topic - Yes, I agree you must select TWO of the effects, not the same one twice. It WOULD be cool if you could do the same one twice though, but in that case I suspect it would cost more. Might be a cool mechanic for future cards.

Regardless of the MtG comparison, the logic is pretty clear. You have 3 discrete options and may pick 2 - attempting the same one twice is not offered and wouldn't satisfy the wording "two of the following" anyway because out of those 3 options you would be leaving 2.

Lol, look what I started!

Anyway, thanks for the input. I was playing against someone who used Force Training and wanted to resolve two of the same effects. I didn't think that was correct, but thought I'd check here before solidifying my opinion.

So in summary... you must select two DIFFERENT effects when resolving the special ability of Force Training.

Lol, look what I started!

Anyway, thanks for the input. I was playing against someone who used Force Training and wanted to resolve two of the same effects. I didn't think that was correct, but thought I'd check here before solidifying my opinion.

So in summary... you must select two DIFFERENT effects when resolving the special ability of Force Training.

We had this exact question come up and we decided you could choose two of the same. We did have this argument though... but without chastisement.

We had this exact question come up and we decided you could choose two of the same. We did have this argument though... but without chastisement.

To quote Inigo Montoya "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means".



1. severe criticism; a rebuke or strong reprimand.
2. corporal punishment; a beating.

Typing has no tone, that's understandable. Inflecting hostility into what was written above in some posts, isn't.

@Everyone: I still love ya dudes! Let's play some STAH WOAHS!!

We had this exact question come up and we decided you could choose two of the same. We did have this argument though... but without chastisement.

To quote Inigo Montoya "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means".



1. severe criticism; a rebuke or strong reprimand.
2. corporal punishment; a beating.

Typing has no tone, that's understandable. Inflecting hostility into what was written above in some posts, isn't.

@Everyone: I still love ya dudes! Let's play some STAH WOAHS!!



"You had better stop that rhyming and I mean it!"

"Anyone want a peanut?"

Derail complete!

Actually there is a link between Star Wars Ep 5 and 6 and Princes Bride. So we didn't go too far off topic. :P

In that Bob Anderson trained Cary and Mandy in how to fence and was not credited as playing Darth Vader for the fencing scenes with Mark Hamil, who he also taught some of the choreography. Here for more.

Now, my fencing coach was also taught by Bob, so I am just two degrees of separation from Darth Vader. One of the fencers I coach is a doctor, and while they were making Ep3 in Sydney, ended up treating the actor that played Darth Vader for those 5 seconds. So he is the Doctor to Darth Vader. :D

I have received a response from FFG for the sake of the people in my FLGS (lol), it is indeed 2/3 seperate actions.