This about sums it up

By X Wing Nut, in Star Wars: Destiny


I think I need to join a support group. maybe my FLGS can help me :unsure:

I found myself buying a bunch of rando boosters on the 1st.

I found myself "just opening one in the car parking lot to tide me over until I got home."

(Result: opened a Poe.)

So true! Waiting to open my last box with a buddy next weekend as we are splitting two boxes. The agony is real :o

Yeah so our national distributor messed up their initial order so my flgs is only getting 2 booster boxes between now an mid January :( so heavy rationing of booster sales will apply so as many people can get at least a few boosters.

So not so much withdrawal as initial starvation

Yeah so our national distributor messed up their initial order so my flgs is only getting 2 booster boxes between now an mid January :( so heavy rationing of booster sales will apply so as many people can get at least a few boosters.

So not so much withdrawal as initial starvation

that just sucks. nothing worse then when your supplier cant get you your fix

Between local shop (which only had 3) and a trip after hockey to Guardian Games I've been lucky to grab three booster boxes.

Nothing says 'detox' like 8 weeks in Basic training.....Just sayin :)

Yup just ordered my second box, also decided to get 2nd helpings of the starters too. Got all blue legendaries in the first box, here's hoping for no blue legendaries in the second.

Yup just ordered my second box, also decided to get 2nd helpings of the starters too. Got all blue legendaries in the first box, here's hoping for no blue legendaries in the second.

you WOULDN"T Want Elite Vader or Elite Luke?!??!?

I actually have Elite Vader. Pulled him with the 1 single booster I bought and opened in store. I love my elite Vader. If I got a third it would be trade bait.

Elite Luke can wait until I get me some others. Like Han, Falcon, Phasma.

I actually have Elite Vader. Pulled him with the 1 single booster I bought and opened in store. I love my elite Vader. If I got a third it would be trade bait.

Elite Luke can wait until I get me some others. Like Han, Falcon, Phasma.

Yeah but, Vader is the most sought after card in the game. You could trade him for anything - possibly even TWO cards you want.

Vader's selling for $40 at MM. Might as well trade him while he's hot.