Are Duplicate Legendaries in same box possible?

By Crabbok, in Star Wars: Destiny

Has anyone ever seen two of the same legendary in the same box?

Curious if there's a chance of me getting 2 vaders in my next box or if I'm gonna have to trade for it.

Probably going to have to trade for it, any of the boxes I've seen opened have had 6 different legendary cards.

Might be possible though.



I opened 6 boxes. I got 4 Vaders, but only one per box. Same with the rest of the boxes, each Legendary was unique. Every box did have at least 1 set of double rares, sometimes 2 or 3 sets, but no "triples". I did have one box where two packs had the card/dice mixed but they were they matched up in the end.

Hope that helps.


As it is random it is possible but I wouldn't count on it

From the 3.5 boxes I've opened I haven't pulled any duplicate legendaries, but certainly many duplicate rares w/in the same box (each full box I opened had 2 scouts!)

My friends cracked a box with two Hans last night. They were splitting it 6 ways though.

My friends cracked a box with two Hans last night. They were splitting it 6 ways though.

Who survived and probably shot first

My friends cracked a box with two Hans last night. They were splitting it 6 ways though.

Very interesting, I haven't seen this yet. Good to know!

My friends cracked a box with two Hans last night. They were splitting it 6 ways though.

We split 2 boxes actually, we mixed it all together though so who knows if the hans were from same or different boxes

My friends cracked a box with two Hans last night. They were splitting it 6 ways though.

We split 2 boxes actually, we mixed it all together though so who knows if the hans were from same or different boxes

Then no clean confirmation. And we continue on to see!!
