How much dice is to much dice

By X Wing Nut, in Star Wars: Destiny

How many dice do you have in total after building your deck?

I just finished rebuilding mine and if I get all my upgrades out I will have 15 to roll.

what would you think the average would be?

How many dice do you have in total after building your deck?

I just finished rebuilding mine and if I get all my upgrades out I will have 15 to roll.

what would you think the average would be?

What are you running there? I'm guessing you have a good amount of support dice since characters can only have 3 upgrades each?

How many dice do you have in total after building your deck?

I just finished rebuilding mine and if I get all my upgrades out I will have 15 to roll.

what would you think the average would be?

What are you running there? I'm guessing you have a good amount of support dice since characters can only have 3 upgrades each?

*Rey - Force Prodigy *Admiral Ackbar - Perceptive Tactician Rebel Trooper Launch Bay Survival Gear *BB-8 *Rey's Staff Lightsaber Holdout Blaster Outpost Force Throw Force Training Commando Raid Hit and Run Awakening Willpower Field Medic Close Quarters Assault Surgical Strike Deflect Defensive Position Take Cover Flank Force Misdirection Patience Use The Force

7 to 12 cards with dice seems to be best from my experience thus far.

I was running 7 upgrade/support dice plus the 3 character dice, now am running 12 + 4 dice but that subject to change as I play more

I run Han/Rey with 14 and Vader/Raider with 13 including character dice.

Edited by Boba Fatt

Depending on the deck I would run 9-12 not counting character dice

I think it will depend on the nature of your deck and how aggressively you overwrite upgrades on your characters. I am currently using 10 - 16 as a guideline, not counting character dice Of course that could change as I get more experience.

Edited by Starbane

Depends on the deck, of course. Dooku/Kylo has 12. My Veers/Jango runs 19. I normally aim somewhere in the 14-16 range, but it will vary based on the needs of the deck.

I think the consensus right now is "rule of thumb: around a dozen, but depending on your deck setup". For example if you run three or four characters, you might want a bit more. If you have a lot of resource ramp, you could use some more also.

Also, though that's personal preference at this time, in most decks I prefer upgrade dice over support dice. I find that supports, due to requiring an additional action to activate, really slow down your damage-dealing tempo.

Rey decks are a good candidate for about 16 upgrades due to her ability.

I run a 3 Stormtrooper 1 Tusken Raider deck with 14/15 cheap upgrade and support dice. Knowing some will get milled from my deck or sit at the bottom of my deck I usually can get 8-9 in play in a game, occasionally more.

Edited by Thrindal

I'm running 15 with a Rey, Finn, Padawan deck. That said, that will probably change when A) I get more characters and B) I get better dice-less cards.

14 seems to be a good starting point.