Much love for Jabba

By Stone37, in Star Wars: Destiny

4 resources is a lot to spend on something that does no damage. As an X-wing player I'll tell you the best defense is a good offense. With JUST Vader and a single cheap upgrade on Jabba, I hit for 5 damage a round. I don't care about stopping your Prized Possession and if anything I see it as a win that resources were spent on it. Vader will have other dice (via upgrades) and Jabba will continue to insure the best results. It's a smash mouth deck.

Does it beat everything? Probably not. I'd hope the game is more balanced than that. I see 3 and 4 character decks giving this duo the most problems.

Still... 5+ damage a round consistently.. =)

4 resources is a lot to spend on something that does no damage.

I would say the very same thing about Jabba... in fact, I already have. Do you sense the irony?

4 resources is a lot to spend on something that does no damage.

I would say the very same thing about Jabba... in fact, I already have. Do you sense the irony?

While the forums are fun, I continue to settle the Jabba debate on the table. =D

So uh.....What exactly is preventing Jabba's deck running it's own Prized Possession? That it can almost certainly afford easier than most other decks?

4 resources is a lot to spend on something that does no damage.

I would say the very same thing about Jabba... in fact, I already have. Do you sense the irony?
Except Jabba does do damage... every round. =)

While the forums are fun, I continue to settle the Jabba debate on the table. =D

So does any other character with an upgrade, and all of them do it better than Jabba. There are more impressive ways to deal damage than re-rolling a Gaffi Stick, if winning is your actual goal. "But I'll have other upgrades!" Yeah, I get that; so will everyone else. We're not drawing our comparisons in a vacuum here.

So uh.....What exactly is preventing Jabba's deck running it's own Prized Possession? That it can almost certainly afford easier than most other decks?

Nothing. It's just good tech, if slightly expensive. Luckily it's in a color with good resource support.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

So uh.....What exactly is preventing Jabba's deck running it's own Prized Possession? That it can almost certainly afford easier than most other decks?

Nothing... and there is a Prized Possession in my deck. Right about the time that Jabba is about to die I play it. When it ends up being Vader vs my opponent's last character, that card just seals the deal.

4 resources is a lot to spend on something that does no damage.

I would say the very same thing about Jabba... in fact, I already have. Do you sense the irony?
Except Jabba does do damage... every round. =)

While the forums are fun, I continue to settle the Jabba debate on the table. =D

So does any other character with an upgrade, and all of them do it better than Jabba. There are more impressive ways to deal damage than re-rolling a Gaffi Stick, if winning is your actual goal. "But I'll have other upgrades!" Yeah, I get that; so will everyone else. We're not drawing our comparisons in a vacuum here.

That's not how my Jabba does his primary damage, but every little bit helps. The fact that the most important dice on my side of the table are going to be showing the results I need/want them to every round is much more powerful than the +2 on the Gaffi Stick.

Prized Possession is pretty bad. I think it's one of the less playable cards in the set.

It costs 4, it takes a single dice off the opponent. If you can afford to pay 4 in order to take a single dice off the opponent (even a good dice like Vader), then you were probably so far ahead that you were going to win anyway. In a game that is often decided by turn 3 or 4 and in some cases turn 2, a card that takes two turns' worth of your basic income is very slow.

I think what people are still missing about the game at this point, and what will take people some time to figure out as they play, is just how precious resources are - and how far you can put yourself into a hole by paying resources for things that do not pay themselves back quickly. Even Underworld Connections, which on the face of it looks great, puts you into a 1-resource hole which can be absolutely critical (especially on the first turn, when you ideally want to play UC to maximise its worth over the course of the game).

Aside from that, I completely agree about Jabba being a great aggressive card. He is not as hyper-aggro as pairing Jango with Veers or Grievous, but just because you dont have damage faces doesn't mean that you aren't contributing.

PS. Gaffi stick is also pretty mediocre.

Edited by JustPlayIan

I can vouch for Prized Possesion - I have a Han Leia Deck with 1 Die Han and Elite Leia, and someone Prized Possesion'd my only Han die.

Plus you now have a 4-cost upgrade you can basically get a free-swap to anything else later in the game. Suppose I get some blasters on Han and activate him... NOW you can overwrite prized possession with Crime Lord after Han has already activated. Crime Lord is now free - and you just MIGHT be able to deploy it AND use it on the same turn.

It's got some serious potential.

On the subject of building around Jabba, what do you guys think of double Nightsister? Is there enough ranged support in blue/yellow to make the combination worthwhile? I figure if you're using Jabba you might as well be able to re-roll all of your opponent's dice.

I would run Jabba if my 16 boosters had given me ANY other yellow cards at all.

Coincidentally, I'm also neck deep in red cards I can't use.

Luckily I get my booster box this week, so here's hoping.

Edited by Zefirus

On the subject of building around Jabba, what do you guys think of double Nightsister? Is there enough ranged support in blue/yellow to make the combination worthwhile? I figure if you're using Jabba you might as well be able to re-roll all of your opponent's dice.

Nightsister is a cheap way of getting some great blue cards and upgrades into your deck. Deflect being one of my favorites! I have run many different combinations with Jabba, but they've all been Blue/Yellow decks.