Dark Cards effected by Friend/Magic Friend effects?

By RoxaSoraX, in Rules Discussions

The world card Atlantica, says discard 2 friend/magyic friend.

1.) Do I have to have two friend sin play to use this?
2.) Dark cards do count as friend cards but since theyre also DARK cards do thgey null this effect? Id say no but i want to confirm/

Also does my opponents Moogle allow me to play Dark crads of any level as a friend?

#1) Yes. The Friend Discard effect is a requirement to play the card, not an effect that activates after it's played.

#2) Dark/Friends are still Friends, so they would be discarded.

#Moogle) Yes, your opponent's Moogle would also effect your Dark/Friends. This is one reason Moogle get's very little play around my area lol

Wonderland lv 3 vs Dark cards

Wonderland says: Friend, Magic/Friend, Darek Cards cannot be played here.

Does this mean my opponent cant play cards on this world?

Can I play Dark cards still on my opponents world?

Wonderland lvl3's effect only affects those who are on it (aka you). This means you cannot play Friend, Magic/Friend or Dark Cards. Your opponent still can play Dark Crds on your world tho, as they are not currectly occupying it. The only time Wonderland lvl3 affects them is when they challenge you