Starter set cards in booster packs

By Blueleader75, in Star Wars: Destiny

Is there a reason why any card thats in a starter set should be in booster packs?

You can only field one BB-8 and you get one in the rey starter soni shouldn't have to get any in a booster pack.

Because you can have up to two copies in your deck (the Unique rule only applies to your cards in play - e.g. your deck isn't in play), so if your BB-8 is discarded from play, you could play another one to replace it. >.>

Edited by Phaedros

Because you can have up to two copies in your deck (the Unique rule only applies to your cards in play - e.g. your deck isn't in play), so if your BB-8 is discarded from play, you could play another one to replace it. >.>

I get that logic, but since you have to get two starters to get a second Finn die anyway, you're already going to have two Rey's Staff/BB-8s, and you'll never really need three. Waste of a rare in my booster if you ask me.

I have three Rey's staff. It's not cool.

Edited by Stone37

I agree that the dice cards from the starter decks should have been left out of the boosters. I pulled a BB-8 and am really peeved. I went ahead and tried using both in a deck to justify his existence, but it proved to be utterly worthless. I think that at least the unique cards should have been left out. I also got a stormtrooper which is fine, and wouldn't mind another Jedi Robes, and FO Tie Fighter. But the uniques really have no reason to be there besides take up space. Super annoying.

One day the Kylo Ren/Rey starters won't exist anymore, but the Awakening booster packs will. I think that's why they exist in both starter and booster: for that future point where the player entering a year from now, who just purchased the Kanan Jarrus Starter Set, will actually be delighted to pull a BB-8.

One day the Kylo Ren/Rey starters won't exist anymore, but the Awakening booster packs will. I think that's why they exist in both starter and booster: for that future point where the player entering a year from now, who just purchased the Kanan Jarrus Starter Set, will actually be delighted to pull a BB-8.

The riot that will ensure when it's impossible to get a Mind Probe, Force Throw, generic Lightsaber, Kylo Ren, Rey, Finn, Frozen Wasteland, or Starship Graveyard would be pretty awful, so count me as very skeptical on that one. Hell, someone might even be upset they can't get Aim at some point in the future for some reason!

The best justification I have is: FFG wants your money and so you'll get some bum superfluous rares you have no immediate use for. Given the distribution of cards in starter packs for Destiny is better than for similar CCGs (hello Magic!), I can live with that even if it makes me grumble a little bit. There are some folks who only intend to ever buy one of each starter and so for them the extra BB8s, Rey's Staves, and whatnot are not a problem. For the more hardcore among us, however, they're bum rares. The chances of finding someone who wants to trade for them is fairly low. You might be able to find some use for them in a second deck, but that's about the best I can offer.

One day the Kylo Ren/Rey starters won't exist anymore, but the Awakening booster packs will. I think that's why they exist in both starter and booster: for that future point where the player entering a year from now, who just purchased the Kanan Jarrus Starter Set, will actually be delighted to pull a BB-8.

The riot that will ensure when it's impossible to get a Mind Probe, Force Throw, generic Lightsaber, Kylo Ren, Rey, Finn, Frozen Wasteland, or Starship Graveyard would be pretty awful, so count me as very skeptical on that one. Hell, someone might even be upset they can't get Aim at some point in the future for some reason!

That's assuming that some (or even most) of those cards won't be recycled into future starters.

One day the Kylo Ren/Rey starters won't exist anymore, but the Awakening booster packs will. I think that's why they exist in both starter and booster: for that future point where the player entering a year from now, who just purchased the Kanan Jarrus Starter Set, will actually be delighted to pull a BB-8.

The riot that will ensure when it's impossible to get a Mind Probe, Force Throw, generic Lightsaber, Kylo Ren, Rey, Finn, Frozen Wasteland, or Starship Graveyard would be pretty awful, so count me as very skeptical on that one. Hell, someone might even be upset they can't get Aim at some point in the future for some reason!

That's assuming that some (or even most) of those cards won't be recycled into future starters.

I feel your assumption is on shakier ground than mine, but we really can't know the future at this point so it's all conjecture, basically.

The game ha's "officially" been launched, and most of us were here trolling this thread long before official release. I still haven't gotten my booster box and I'm still here. If we are talking about the what's and whys, it doesnt matter. Ffg knows they have us, which is their target sales audience. The casual player won't care, and the hardcores, they make incrementally more money on us with every bb8 we pull. They win, and it really is a nuisance at worst. I used to take cards like that in legend of the five rings and get clear sleeves and use them as card backs. Kinda fun, have a 30 card deck of bb8s as ur back? Beyond that it's just toss em in a pile and buy another booster or box :)

Most other games I've played that are CCG/TCG's are set up so that cards in the starter kits/decks are also in the boosters. Magic does this. The old Decipher Star Wars game did this.

Not everyone's going to want two BB-8's. But those who do won't have to buy two starter kits to get him (or the other starter cards). As for me personally, I want a second one just because I'm a completionist, not because I plan to run two in a deck.

Additionally, at least here in CT, the starter kits are hard to find. I don't have the option of getting a second starter kit without having to go to eBay (which is where I got the Rey and Kyo starters I do have).

I get it.. I wouldn't be excited to get a BB-8 in a booster. Absolutely not. But it's not like this is an unusual thing to happen in this sort of game.

I know its not unusual, but that doesn't make it logical.

Most other games I've played that are CCG/TCG's are set up so that cards in the starter kits/decks are also in the boosters. Magic does this. The old Decipher Star Wars game did this.

Yes, BUT typically it wasnt a card you would get as your rare/UR/legendary. Its one thing to get commons/uncommons, but another to get repeat rares like this. To me Id of been fine if they did ALL the cards, so Rey/Finn/Kylo/Lightsaber would be in packs too. At this point you HAVE to buy the two starters to at least get a complete set. To put BB8/Staff/FOTIE/Robes but not the others is a poor decision. At least put in the good cards also like Mind Probe/Force Throw or none at all.


Most other games I've played that are CCG/TCG's are set up so that cards in the starter kits/decks are also in the boosters. Magic does this. The old Decipher Star Wars game did this.

Yes, BUT typically it wasnt a card you would get as your rare/UR/legendary. Its one thing to get commons/uncommons, but another to get repeat rares like this. To me Id of been fine if they did ALL the cards, so Rey/Finn/Kylo/Lightsaber would be in packs too. At this point you HAVE to buy the two starters to at least get a complete set. To put BB8/Staff/FOTIE/Robes but not the others is a poor decision. At least put in the good cards also like Mind Probe/Force Throw or none at all.


Exactly. This is the one thing that is really getting on my nerves. It's so disheartening for those of us who can't afford to buy boxes worth, to open up our one or two packs and get crap starter dice.

Today i talked to the owner of my FLGS and he told me that he recently got the information from Heidelberger Spieleversand (the FFG Distributer in Germany) that FFG intends to reprint the starters (don´t know how often and much) but that there will be no second printrun for the awakenings booster packs. that means all thats available now is all thats available forever.

You won´t know this for sure but he was kinda surprised that the info sounded quite serious

Today i talked to the owner of my FLGS and he told me that he recently got the information from Heidelberger Spieleversand (the FFG Distributer in Germany) that FFG intends to reprint the starters (don´t know how often and much) but that there will be no second printrun for the awakenings booster packs. that means all thats available now is all thats available forever.

You won´t know this for sure but he was kinda surprised that the info sounded quite serious

What? That sounds like misinformation to me. I highly doubt they'd do that with demand the way it is. Unless they are rushing out the next cycle and are incapable of running some more off. Perhaps there'll be a reprint after the Rouge One expansion.

Exactly. This is the one thing that is really getting on my nerves. It's so disheartening for those of us who can't afford to buy boxes worth, to open up our one or two packs and get crap starter dice.

Believe me, it is also quite frustrating to those of us who dropped 100 bucks on a booster box to open up 8 rares that were just duplicates of the starter cards.

Exactly. This is the one thing that is really getting on my nerves. It's so disheartening for those of us who can't afford to buy boxes worth, to open up our one or two packs and get crap starter dice.

Believe me, it is also quite frustrating to those of us who dropped 100 bucks on a booster box to open up 8 rares that were just duplicates of the starter cards.

8? Dman dude that sucks. I believe I only got two immobilizes, which I wasn't happy about, but at the same time I was okay with only two.

Today i talked to the owner of my FLGS and he told me that he recently got the information from Heidelberger Spieleversand (the FFG Distributer in Germany) that FFG intends to reprint the starters (don´t know how often and much) but that there will be no second printrun for the awakenings booster packs. that means all thats available now is all thats available forever.

You won´t know this for sure but he was kinda surprised that the info sounded quite serious

What? That sounds like misinformation to me. I highly doubt they'd do that with demand the way it is. Unless they are rushing out the next cycle and are incapable of running some more off. Perhaps there'll be a reprint after the Rouge One expansion.

My first reaction was, no way, this is FFG and they will reprint this set. But then it occurred to me that CCGs and the likes usually only get printed once, because the release schedule is so fast that the next expansion needs to get printed as the current set hits the market. So it could have been FFGs intend to not reprint the set.

But Awakenings is the first set of Destiny and FFG didn´t how much demand there was for this product. So if it indeed sells out of its first print run I suspect they will reprint the set. With set 2 featuring rouge one and likely already being at the printers we might see the Awakenings reprint after the second set hit the market but I´m pretty sure it will get reprinted if it sells out fast. FFG would be foolish not to reprint a tournament legal set that is in high demand and expected to sell more copies then originally expected.

As it stands they will have 3 shipments of the awakenings set. we just had wave 1 next week wave 2 and januari wave 3. As was mentioned on this board somewhere (now I am not saying it's true but let's assume it is) and after that there is no more awakenings as stated above that would be radical however very CCG.

I might get the extra boosterbox as I now have 4 bb-8 and 3 rey's staf. (that is 3 and 2 from a booster which means 5 duds) luckily I am the person that will not buy a second of the starters. So I have 2 bb-8 and a rey's staff for trade who wants one :)

As it stands they will have 3 shipments of the awakenings set. we just had wave 1 next week wave 2 and januari wave 3. As was mentioned on this board somewhere (now I am not saying it's true but let's assume it is) and after that there is no more awakenings as stated above that would be radical however very CCG.

I might get the extra boosterbox as I now have 4 bb-8 and 3 rey's staf. (that is 3 and 2 from a booster which means 5 duds) luckily I am the person that will not buy a second of the starters. So I have 2 bb-8 and a rey's staff for trade who wants one :)

I thought I read somewhere that there were 4 waves of Awakenings. Dec 1, Dec 15th, December 22nd, and Jan. (Found the Source: MM)

Even better. I am definitly ask ing my FLGS to ask the Asmodee people

The real problem with Rey's Staff and BB-8 are the fact that they are very restricted. At least with rares that come in the Kylo booster, you can re-use them in multiple decks. The Blaster Rifle, for example can be used in hero decks with Finn, so you could potentially want 4 of them, or heck even 6 if you wanted 3 decks with them. The Stormtrooper is good because you might potentially want 4 troopers.

But the staff and balls are hero only and unique. On top of that they aren't even very good. BB-8 is playable because he only costs 1, but still these are sub-par cards that you would honestly only ever want 1 of each, and you get them both in the starter. Really just a poor choice putting them in boosters.

Guess the staff and balls will be a running joke for Destiny.