2016 Game Store Championship Carver, MA 12/4/16 12pm

By RoundTableGames, in Android: Netrunner Organized Play


The 2016 Andriod Netrunner Championship is here!

For the Championship: $10 Registration Fee

Number of rounds and top cut will be determined by turnout.

Top 1: The winner receives a Store Championship plaque and a card granting one first-round bye at a Netrunner Regional Championship of the player's choice.

Top 2: The top two players will each receive a printed acrylic token to be used with the card "Femme Fatale"

Top 4: The top four players each receive one playmat.

Top 8: The top eight players each receive one deck box.

Top 32: The top thirty-two players each receive one Pad Campaign alternate art card

You will also earn a Quest card punch, Chivalry points, time played towards the most hours played in a month reward

Round Table Games’ website http:// www.roundtablegamesma.com/

Round Table Games’ Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/ RoundTableGamesMA/

Round Table Games’ message boards http:// roundtablegames.proboards.c om/

Round Table Games’ rewards page http:// www.roundtablegamesma.com/ reward-programs