Have/Want List

By jc1138, in Star Wars: Destiny

Only serious offers please. Generally, I will consider same rarity for same rarity.

Thanks for looking!

Haves: (all brand new cards/dice)


Han Solo x1


Bala Tik x1

DH-17 Blaster Pistol x1

Flame Thrower x1

Force Training x1

Gaffi Stick x1

General Grievous x1

General Veers x2

Infantry Grenades x3

Jetpack x3

Padme Amidala x2

Scout x4


(I have extras of many uncommons, inquire if desired)

(I also have extras of many commons, inquire if desired)



Jabba x1

Kylo's Lightsaber x1

Black One x1

Thermal Detonator x1


Dooku x1

Leia x1

Datapad x3


Prized Possession x2

Local Garrison x2

Electroshock x2

Anticipate x2

Edited by jc1138

I am looking for 2 Padme's. I have some stuff on your wants list anything in particular you would want? Also, where are you located im in FL.

I'm in NC. My most-wanted on my "rares" section would be the Dooku x2, and overall would be the Vader x1 (I have one but want the elite).

Thanks for the reply!

I dont have vader, however I do have leia, ren's saber, at-st, comlink x1 and a few others.

Are you interested in trading your Ren's Saber for the Thermal Detonator, and my Padme x2 for your Leia x1 and Comlink? (I would throw in a couple of extra uncommons if you need some, as long as they are ones I have extras of)

Hmm, Ill have to think about the Saber for Detonator, but the Padme leia exchange sounds enticing.

Hmm, Ill have to think about the Saber for Detonator, but the Padme leia exchange sounds enticing.

Message sent.

So my offer would be:

Darth Vader - Thermal Detonator and Jet pack

Count Dooku x2 - General Grievous x2

Outpost - Flame thrower

Survival Gear - Tusken Raider

Sorry, changed my mind. Don't feel like going through all the hassle of shipping and trusting. (I ended up just buying some singles) Sorry and thanks.


<squints> Where in NC?

<squints> Where in NC?

Close to Chapel Hill (by Durham/Raleigh)

I have Falcon, AT-ST, Rens Saber, Han, Luke and Force choke if anybody wants to trade or buy?

Also, I am looking for Qui-Gon and a few other rares.

Updated 12/6

I have Leia, Ren's light saber and Datapad. I'd be interested in Han.