Places to trade online?

By jc1138, in Star Wars: Destiny

Does anyone know of any reliable places to trade online? Is this an appropriate board to post have/want lists, or would it just get super cluttered with them?

Thank you!

I would put in on this board. When Wizards had the license, people would post trading post on their forum. Don't see why we can't do the same here.

I know X-wing has an official trade thread, so that might be something that we would want to imitate on our forums here.

I would put in on this board. When Wizards had the license, people would post trading post on their forum. Don't see why we can't do the same here.

As somebody who used to use the WoTC board for trading SW Mini's, I second this. If they can get a subforum created for Trading, this should be fairly simple to set up.