Emperor's Throne Room Question

By Innese, in Star Wars: Destiny

So at a release event yesterday I pulled this battlefield out of one of my boosters, and none of us there could seem to agree on the wording of the card which reads as:

Claim - Turn one of your dice to a side showing a special ability. Then you may resolve that die.

The argument was split 2 ways:

1. You only resolve the die that you turn from the claim

2. You turn a die to a special ability, and then you resolve all dice of that type.

Just want to find out what everyone else thinks!

Edited by Innese

'that' is singular and refers to the dice that has been turned. It is not referencing the dice side to be resolved.


Same goes for another battlefield that lets you resolve a die without paying it's cost (if it has a cost). You only get that ONE Die... not all dice of that type. I think it's Yavin War Room?

I find Destiny wording to be very specific. If a card says 'one' it means one. Singular. You can't resolve any modifiers alongside it, you can't pay a resource to resolve another die of the same type, you can't do anything except resolve that one die. Realising this made me a little less keen on Awakening.