Questions after first games

By hendersondayton, in Star Wars: Destiny

Have a few easy ones here i struggled to find in the rules documents.

1. Can colored upgrades be placed on any color character?

2. If an upgrade is played on an exhausted character, can the new dice be rolled on a later turn? Or does the upgrade dice have to wait until the character activates again?

3. When a card or ability says something about re-rolling or changing the result of a die, but it doesn't specify WHAT die, can you re-roll or change an opponents die result?

I am sure i will have others, but this is a good start!


1. As long as its legal to include in deck, dont have restriction written on card yes.

2. You have wait for next activation.

3. Unless not specified you can change any die.

Another...what is the purpose of the "Hero", "Villain", "Neutral" on Events, Supports, and Upgrades if any of them can be used?

For example, I was under the impression that in a "Hero" deck, Villain cards cannot be used. The Rey-Finn Starter has the F11D Rifle in it which is a Villain card.

Edited by hendersondayton

Another...what is the purpose of the "Hero", "Villain", "Neutral" on Events, Supports, and Upgrades if any of them can be used?

For example, I was under the impression that in a "Hero" deck, Villain cards cannot be used. The Rey-Finn Starter has the F11D Rifle in it which is a Villain card.

Otherwise you cannot include villain cards in hero decks, and vice versa.

Edited by Stu35

Another...what is the purpose of the "Hero", "Villain", "Neutral" on Events, Supports, and Upgrades if any of them can be used?

For example, I was under the impression that in a "Hero" deck, Villain cards cannot be used. The Rey-Finn Starter has the F11D Rifle in it which is a Villain card.

Finns ability allows decks he's in to jnclude Red Villain weapons and vehicles.

Otherwise you cannot include villain cards in hero decks, and vice versa.

interesting. So that is why its like that. Remove Finn, lose that card and all villain cards. Thanks!

A few more...

1. Jengo Fett - not sure how his action works....i assume this is an "out of turn" activation that doesn't count towards their action when its their turn?

2. "Remove a Die"...any card that has this on it...can that be my opponents die (etc. force throw)

3. "Endless Ranks"....if the red character is the LAST character for a player, i assume endless ranks cannot be played because the game is immediately over?


A few more...

1. Jengo Fett - not sure how his action works....i assume this is an "out of turn" activation that doesn't count towards their action when its their turn?

2. "Remove a Die"...any card that has this on it...can that be my opponents die (etc. force throw)

3. "Endless Ranks"....if the red character is the LAST character for a player, i assume endless ranks cannot be played because the game is immediately over?


1. Correct. This is an additional action.

2. Correct. It is generally in your best interest to remove an opponents die if possible. If a target is not specified, (your, your opponent's, etc.) you can choose any target.

3. Correct. Once all characters are removed, the game ends.

Another...what is the purpose of the "Hero", "Villain", "Neutral" on Events, Supports, and Upgrades if any of them can be used?

For example, I was under the impression that in a "Hero" deck, Villain cards cannot be used. The Rey-Finn Starter has the F11D Rifle in it which is a Villain card.

Finns ability allows decks he's in to jnclude Red Villain weapons and vehicles.

Otherwise you cannot include villain cards in hero decks, and vice versa.

interesting. So that is why its like that. Remove Finn, lose that card and all villain cards. Thanks!

I don't think defeating Finn would force your opponent to remove those cards from their deck. They'd just be useless, as only Finn can use them. Well, you could discard them for re-rolls, I guess.

Another...what is the purpose of the "Hero", "Villain", "Neutral" on Events, Supports, and Upgrades if any of them can be used?

For example, I was under the impression that in a "Hero" deck, Villain cards cannot be used. The Rey-Finn Starter has the F11D Rifle in it which is a Villain card.

Finns ability allows decks he's in to jnclude Red Villain weapons and vehicles.

Otherwise you cannot include villain cards in hero decks, and vice versa.

interesting. So that is why its like that. Remove Finn, lose that card and all villain cards. Thanks!

I don't think defeating Finn would force your opponent to remove those cards from their deck. They'd just be useless, as only Finn can use them. Well, you could discard them for re-rolls, I guess.

Any character can use those cards once they are legally in your deck unless they say "Red character Only" or "Spot a Red character" (assuming Finn was your only red character).

Another...what is the purpose of the "Hero", "Villain", "Neutral" on Events, Supports, and Upgrades if any of them can be used?

For example, I was under the impression that in a "Hero" deck, Villain cards cannot be used. The Rey-Finn Starter has the F11D Rifle in it which is a Villain card.

Finns ability allows decks he's in to jnclude Red Villain weapons and vehicles.

Otherwise you cannot include villain cards in hero decks, and vice versa.

interesting. So that is why its like that. Remove Finn, lose that card and all villain cards. Thanks!

I don't think defeating Finn would force your opponent to remove those cards from their deck. They'd just be useless, as only Finn can use them. Well, you could discard them for re-rolls, I guess.

Any character can use those cards once they are legally in your deck unless they say "Red character Only" or "Spot a Red character" (assuming Finn was your only red character).

I think he meant remove as in from a decklist, not from play.

I think he meant remove as in from a decklist, not from play.

Indeed, now that I read it again I see that. I just read it differently the first time. :)

Also take note, on the information card (dice symbols and Actions) Focus says you can change a die to any side, while it is not specifying who's dice on that info card, it is specified you can only Focus your own dice in the rule book. (Many ppl miss this)

besides Finn is yellow but he discards play restrictions ;)

A few more:

1. You can discard an upgrade to help pay the cost of an upgrade you want to play. But does it have to be placed on the same character that discarded the card? Can i discard an upgrade off one character to pay the cost for an upgrade i want on another character?

2. When a character is destroyed, are the dice in the active dice pool also discarded (included all upgrade dice in the pool that were attached to that character)?

3a. When a Guardian resolves a die that has a resource cost, does the opponent have to pay the cost? For example, I resolve a guardian on a 2 ranged damage that has a 1 resource cost attached. Does the controller of that die have to spend a resource to do the damage?

3b. Can a guardian absorb a PLUS damage die and therefore take no damage?

4. Can I MOVE an upgrade from one character to another?

A few more:

1. You can discard an upgrade to help pay the cost of an upgrade you want to play. But does it have to be placed on the same character that discarded the card? Can i discard an upgrade off one character to pay the cost for an upgrade i want on another character?

2. When a character is destroyed, are the dice in the active dice pool also discarded (included all upgrade dice in the pool that were attached to that character)?

3a. When a Guardian resolves a die that has a resource cost, does the opponent have to pay the cost? For example, I resolve a guardian on a 2 ranged damage that has a 1 resource cost attached. Does the controller of that die have to spend a resource to do the damage?

3b. Can a guardian absorb a PLUS damage die and therefore take no damage?

4. Can I MOVE an upgrade from one character to another?

1.) Yes, it has to be played on the same character you are discarding from.

2.) Yes. Any dice that are attached to the character leave play unless otherwise specificed (Redeploy dice leave the pool, but stay in play on their new character. One With the Force becomes a support)

3a.) No. The wording here is important. Guardian does not "resolve" dice, it "removes" them and then deals damage equal to the value, so you CAN use them on dice with a resource cost and your opponent will NOT have to pay it.

3b.) You CAN remove a modified damage face with Guardian, but you will suffer damage for it. Again, you are not "resolving" the dice.

4.) Not unless the Upgrade has a special ability that allows this, like Redeploy, but even then the first character has to be defeated first.

Edited by Tvayumat

3a.) No. The wording here is important. Guardian does not "resolve" dice, it "removes" them and then deals damage equal to the value, so you CAN use them on dice with a resource cost and your opponent will NOT have to pay it.

3b.) You CAN remove a modified damage face with Guardian, but you will suffer damage for it. Again, you are not "resolving" the dice.

3a.) No. The wording here is important. Guardian does not "resolve" dice, it "removes" them and then deals damage equal to the value, so you CAN use them on dice with a resource cost and your opponent will NOT have to pay it.

3b.) You CAN remove a modified damage face with Guardian, but you will suffer damage for it. Again, you are not "resolving" the dice.

The helper text on Rebel Trooper says " may resolve an opponent's die...". Did that get changed somewhere else, and if not does that change your opinion?

I believe the Rebel Trooper is a typo as the rulebook definition for Guardian say to remove the die. In most games, reminder text is there to be a...well a reminder, it isn't rules text. In this case I think they made a snafu.

Edited by netherspirit

I believe the Rebel Trooper is a typo as the rulebook definition for Guardian say to remove the die. In most games, reminder text is there to be a...well a reminder, it isn't rules text. In this case I think they made a snafu.

3a.) No. The wording here is important. Guardian does not "resolve" dice, it "removes" them and then deals damage equal to the value, so you CAN use them on dice with a resource cost and your opponent will NOT have to pay it.

3b.) You CAN remove a modified damage face with Guardian, but you will suffer damage for it. Again, you are not "resolving" the dice.

The helper text on Rebel Trooper says " may resolve an opponent's die...". Did that get changed somewhere else, and if not does that change your opinion?

Interesting. Wonder if they will issue a reprint of this card or just note it in an errata? My other thought here is that there is a rule about CARD TEXT trumping Rule Text. Would this then apply if FFG says The Rebel Trooper is NOT a typo?

Edited by hendersondayton

I believe the Rebel Trooper is a typo as the rulebook definition for Guardian say to remove the die. In most games, reminder text is there to be a...well a reminder, it isn't rules text. In this case I think they made a snafu.

Found it! (Page 17) Thanks!

Its Important to note that "Page 17" refers to the PDF file on FFGs website, which not everyone knows about. I referred to p17 in my local group and they looked at me like I was on something. I had to tell my group about the PDF available on FFG.

3a.) No. The wording here is important. Guardian does not "resolve" dice, it "removes" them and then deals damage equal to the value, so you CAN use them on dice with a resource cost and your opponent will NOT have to pay it.

3b.) You CAN remove a modified damage face with Guardian, but you will suffer damage for it. Again, you are not "resolving" the dice.

The helper text on Rebel Trooper says " may resolve an opponent's die...". Did that get changed somewhere else, and if not does that change your opinion?

Interesting. Wonder if they will issue a reprint of this card or just note it in an errata? My other thought here is that there is a rule about CARD TEXT trumping Rule Text. Would this then apply if FFG says The Rebel Trooper is NOT a typo?

It's italicized reminder text, in other games (I realize that this isn't other games, but it's a good place to start when trying to get a baseline on things like this) the reminder text is there to help not have to go to the rulebook and not considered actual rules text. Look at Ambush and Redeploy on some cards, the reminder text isn't the full definition, it's just there to remind you of how it works.

That said, I could be 100% wrong and there are 2 different version of Guardian, but if FFG says it's not a typo then that would be silly because now they'd have 2 definitions of a keyword and to me that goes against what a keyword is supposed to be.

Until they come out and say one way or the other, I'll be ruling it as the rulebook definition at our events as to me that makes the most sense.

Edited by netherspirit

3a.) No. The wording here is important. Guardian does not "resolve" dice, it "removes" them and then deals damage equal to the value, so you CAN use them on dice with a resource cost and your opponent will NOT have to pay it.

3b.) You CAN remove a modified damage face with Guardian, but you will suffer damage for it. Again, you are not "resolving" the dice.

The helper text on Rebel Trooper says " may resolve an opponent's die...". Did that get changed somewhere else, and if not does that change your opinion?

Interesting. Wonder if they will issue a reprint of this card or just note it in an errata? My other thought here is that there is a rule about CARD TEXT trumping Rule Text. Would this then apply if FFG says The Rebel Trooper is NOT a typo?

It IS A typo, because it is not rule text but an explanation of a standard keyword.

The card may be fixed in future printings, but you should always default to the RRG for wording on keywords.

3a.) No. The wording here is important. Guardian does not "resolve" dice, it "removes" them and then deals damage equal to the value, so you CAN use them on dice with a resource cost and your opponent will NOT have to pay it.

3b.) You CAN remove a modified damage face with Guardian, but you will suffer damage for it. Again, you are not "resolving" the dice.

The helper text on Rebel Trooper says " may resolve an opponent's die...". Did that get changed somewhere else, and if not does that change your opinion?
Interesting. Wonder if they will issue a reprint of this card or just note it in an errata? My other thought here is that there is a rule about CARD TEXT trumping Rule Text. Would this then apply if FFG says The Rebel Trooper is NOT a typo?

It IS A typo, because it is not rule text but an explanation of a standard keyword.

The card may be fixed in future printings, but you should always default to the RRG for wording on keywords.

Makes Sense.

Edited by hendersondayton


1. Does "Disarm" work with "+" dice?

Yes, you can remove modifier dice (+).

What you can't do is resolve modifier dice (+) alone.