Starter Pack/Deck - Unbalanced characters

By JimmyMethod, in Star Wars: Destiny

Just opened my two starter packs as well as my 6 boosters (figured that'd get me able to play casually with my wife and friends) I noticed something... 1) the starting characters between hero and villain are pretty lopsided... at least in terms of points: Heros get 25 points worth of characters and Villians get only 20.

As it turns out I ended up getting zero additional villain characters in the boosters and now am in a bit of a pickle as it seems everywhere is sold out.

Why did FFG not make the starter decks with a bit more parity? Am I missing something? I haven't played yet but it seems if the points are actually valid estimations of power, are the two starters really as unbalanced as they seem?

Cause they are starters.

Same was with xwing: 2xTies vs 1xXwing -skilled player will always win with those Ties.

Same with Armada: Even the rebels got 2 capitals in starter power curve was one sided: destroying that Victory Star Destroyer was a miracle with ships shipped for the Rebels.

They are meant just to hook you up towards collecting not be a game experience just by itself. Although with the rest of the deck skillfully constructed i see much lesser issue in Destiny.

In my experience the starters are actually pretty well balanced, despite the character point imbalance. I think it's a combination of just a better build for Kylo, and Finn probably pays at least a few points for deck-building options that don't get much use.

Agreed, they are more balanced than they seem. Finn's ability is definitely underutilized in the starters. Ray also takes a little more skill to play then Kylo. It's not significant but her ability requires just a little more thought then EMO Kylo.

The missus and I played four games with the 20 card starter sets and won two each, so I don't think there's any major issue with balance. It's a bit more tricky to judge now we've started adding/swapping in cards from booster packs.

If anything I think the Kylo starter is a little stronger and easier to play. Managing the modified dice on Rey requires a little more thinking and can just be a straight negative sometimes.

Finn is overcosted if you're just using the starter deck. The main reason to use Finn is to include red villain weapons and vehicles, but the Rey starter deck only has a single F-11D in it, meaning this ability that your paying for is going largely unused.

This is also only going to be an issue for a short period of time. I think the minimum you need to get started is either two of the same starter OR a starter plus about 10-15 boosters. Our pre-release event allowed the purchase of a starter plus 6 boosters. I bought a Kylo starter and got lucky with a Vader pull, along with some decent blue upgrades. This allowed me to play Elite Kylo and regular Vader in a mono-blue villain deck. It was a pretty solid deck. Several of the other participants could only build cobbled together decks using all three colors.

If you are only going to play with starters, there are two ways you can fix this.

1) Only give Rey 1 dice.


2) (and more fun) Proxy a second storm trooper for the villain deck. Make a copy of your FO Storm Trooper and use a 6 sided die.

As you open boosters I think you'll find it is much easier to bring the Villain starter to a powerful 30 card deck than it is the Hero deck. It just has better upgrades and support cards in it.

I have played several games with just the starters i think 6... all games have been won by the villains deck.