FFG's Star Wars: Destiny Deckbuilder at CardGameDB

By Darksbane, in Star Wars: Destiny

Hello everyone

For those of you that don't know, CardGameDB is FFG's website that has focused on their various customizable card games and the communities that grow up around them. Up until now the focus has been the LCG line of games but we have just added in support for Destiny today. Below is a copy/paste of what I wrote introducing Destiny and the services made for the game on the forums at CardGameDB. I look forward to seeing some of you over there!



The Star Wars Destiny Deckbuilder allows you to craft your own custom Destiny decks, Using multiple filters you can search for the exact cards you want and add them to your deck. You can then save that deck to your local machine or online, you can export it to multiple formats (text, bbcode, markdown) and if you have saved your collection on CardGameDB you can compare the deck to what you own.

The deckbuilder also allows for many customization options, letting you choose from between 5 themes. Below shows the minimalist flat theme and one with a little more flair

You can also choose between 5 layouts. If you have a widescreen monitor then the above layout with a double wide search area and deck with a static center image might be your thing.

Or you might prefer something a little more compact, like the below layout which removes the static center image and shows the card images when you hover over them.
You can access all of these options in the settings menu at the top left of the deckbuilder

When adding cards to your deck you can easily add them by the card name. Type in the name and press enter to have it added directly to your deck

You can also use the various filters to search for cards, and when the search area is wide like the below image the results are filtered in real time

You can also customize how you see the cards in the search results and deck. You can add or remove the thumbnails, die faces, and set to see as much or as little information as you need.

Once you start building your deck some helpful graphs will give you more detailed information.


And once you are done you can save your deck online or offline, look at your saved decks, submit them to cardgamedb to be displayed in the public decks database, share them privately with friends, compare it to your saved collection, export it in a variety of formats (text, bbcode, markdown) and import text deck lists.

Speaking of collection, you can track your collection in the Collection Manager. You can then use the saved collection information in the deckbuilder to only show cards you own and compare a deck you have built to what you have in your collection so you can see what you need to get to build that killer deck.


Outside of the deckbuilder you can view all the cards from the set in the card database . On the main Star Wars Destiny card database page you can see recent comments on cards and search for cards using advanced filters. On each individual card page you can comment on the card, rate them on a 1 to 5 star scale and follow a card.

Any decks that are submitted are placed in the decks section . On the main page you can filter by the users chosen tag or by Hero/Villain. You can also see a quick glance on the contents of the deck and see the character cards chosen.

When looking at a specific deck you can rate it on a 1 to 5 star scale, comment on the deck, like it, or share it on your preferred social network.

We want to welcome everyone to this great new game and hope you join us on CardGameDB to build some awesome Destiny decks.

Edited by Darksbane

Awesome! I've been waiting for this.Cardgamedb is the best!

This is fantastic! Cardgamedb is my go to place for content/card info and deckbuilding, and I'm super happy that it's now supporting Destiny as well.

Pumped Cardgamedb is caring Destiny! I like the feature putting my collection in and building with my cards or the whole card pool, sounds great!

This is amazing. Just registered.


When using the deckbuilder, is there a way to know how many of each card i have in my collection? Does this exist in the DB right now? If so, please help me understand where to look.

Its important when building a deck to know how many of each type of card you have available.


also - in the image above of the rey starter, the battlefield is wrong. Should be the shipyard card shouldn't it?


When using the deckbuilder, is there a way to know how many of each card i have in my collection? Does this exist in the DB right now? If so, please help me understand where to look.

Its important when building a deck to know how many of each type of card you have available.


You can currently generate a report by clicking on the collection in the menu bar (by the export button) to see your currently built deck with your collection information showing

it would look something like:

2x Ace in the Hole (Awakenings)  (10 copies in Collection)
1x Award Ceremony (Awakenings)  (0 copies in Collection)

Support: (3)  
1x First Order TIE Fighter (Awakenings)  (1 copy in Collection)
2x Power of the Dark Side (Awakenings)  (2 copies in Collection)

Upgrade: (5)  
1x F-11D Rifle (Awakenings)  (0 copies in Collection)
1x Immobilize (Awakenings)  (1 copy in Collection)
1x Infantry Grenades (Awakenings)  (1 copy in Collection)

Are you looking for something different than that? Something like showing the number in your collection in the search results maybe?

Edited by Darksbane

A filter to build a deck using your own card collection would be cool. I like the comparison, shows you what you need excatly to get the deck you want. But what about filtering down to your collection so you can see what you can make with what you have?

A filter to build a deck using your own card collection would be cool. I like the comparison, shows you what you need excatly to get the deck you want. But what about filtering down to your collection so you can see what you can make with what you have?

This. Totally This.


When using the deckbuilder, is there a way to know how many of each card i have in my collection? Does this exist in the DB right now? If so, please help me understand where to look.

Its important when building a deck to know how many of each type of card you have available.


You can currently generate a report by clicking on the collection in the menu bar (by the export button) to see your currently built deck with your collection information showing

it would look something like:

2x Ace in the Hole (Awakenings)  (10 copies in Collection)
1x Award Ceremony (Awakenings)  (0 copies in Collection)

Support: (3)  
1x First Order TIE Fighter (Awakenings)  (1 copy in Collection)
2x Power of the Dark Side (Awakenings)  (2 copies in Collection)

Upgrade: (5)  
1x F-11D Rifle (Awakenings)  (0 copies in Collection)
1x Immobilize (Awakenings)  (1 copy in Collection)
1x Infantry Grenades (Awakenings)  (1 copy in Collection)

Are you looking for something different than that? Something like showing the number in your collection in the search results maybe?

I am looking for something inside the deckbuilder that has this data in it.

Also - there are issues with the "Add contents of Starter" button....it doesn't add all the cards. The F11D blaster is not getting added. I need to go back in and see what else isn't getting added when that button is pressed.

Edit: Take Cover and Use the Force are also missing.

Edited by hendersondayton

This is incredible. I'll be using this from now on.

A filter to build a deck using your own card collection would be cool. I like the comparison, shows you what you need excatly to get the deck you want. But what about filtering down to your collection so you can see what you can make with what you have?

This. Totally This.

There is a filter that will only show cards in your collection (the last filter in the list) but it doesn't show the quantity in your collection so you could add 2 copies when you only have one. I'll see what I can come up with to display the number of copies you own when using the filter by collection field, that way you can see the number you have and make the choice to add an extra.

Also - there are issues with the "Add contents of Starter" button....it doesn't add all the cards. The F11D blaster is not getting added. I need to go back in and see what else isn't getting added when that button is pressed.

Edit: Take Cover and Use the Force are also missing.

Thanks for the heads up, I see the error and will fix it tonight.

A filter to build a deck using your own card collection would be cool. I like the comparison, shows you what you need excatly to get the deck you want. But what about filtering down to your collection so you can see what you can make with what you have?

This. Totally This.

I've added the ability to see the quantity in your collection in the search results and deck sections. It doesn't stop you from adding in cards you don't own or adding more copies than you own but it will let you see at a glance your current quantities. You can turn this information on or off in either the search results or deck section of the deckbuilder just like the set, die face, and thumbnails.


Cool. Where's the app?

A filter to build a deck using your own card collection would be cool. I like the comparison, shows you what you need excatly to get the deck you want. But what about filtering down to your collection so you can see what you can make with what you have?

This. Totally This.

I've added the ability to see the quantity in your collection in the search results and deck sections. It doesn't stop you from adding in cards you don't own or adding more copies than you own but it will let you see at a glance your current quantities. You can turn this information on or off in either the search results or deck section of the deckbuilder just like the set, die face, and thumbnails.


You are amazing! Thanks for spending your time and effort doing this for us!

Doesn't work for me. :( I just entered my entire collection, saved it, then tried to make a deck using the filter of cards in my collection only and it's telling me, "you must be logged in and have a saved collection to use this feature."

Well, I am logged in (my username is in the top left corner) and I saved the collection (the collection is listed).

Doesn't work for me. :( I just entered my entire collection, saved it, then tried to make a deck using the filter of cards in my collection only and it's telling me, "you must be logged in and have a saved collection to use this feature."

Well, I am logged in (my username is in the top left corner) and I saved the collection (the collection is listed).

I have the same issue. I have been using it before this update and now the collection link at the bottom (where it compares your deck to your collection) doesn't work either.

Doesn't work for me. :( I just entered my entire collection, saved it, then tried to make a deck using the filter of cards in my collection only and it's telling me, "you must be logged in and have a saved collection to use this feature."

Well, I am logged in (my username is in the top left corner) and I saved the collection (the collection is listed).

I have the same issue. I have been using it before this update and now the collection link at the bottom (where it compares your deck to your collection) doesn't work either.

Sorry guys, looks like there was some kind of bug (it worked for me but apparently no one else :D ) It should be fixed now.

Doesn't work for me. :( I just entered my entire collection, saved it, then tried to make a deck using the filter of cards in my collection only and it's telling me, "you must be logged in and have a saved collection to use this feature."

Well, I am logged in (my username is in the top left corner) and I saved the collection (the collection is listed).

I have the same issue. I have been using it before this update and now the collection link at the bottom (where it compares your deck to your collection) doesn't work either.

Sorry guys, looks like there was some kind of bug (it worked for me but apparently no one else :D ) It should be fixed now.

Excellent! Thank you so much! This is perfect. Ideally having it adjust, or know what cards we have used would be awesome! But I think this works well.

Another possible suggestion would be to allow us to have more than one "LIVE" or "ASSEMBLED" deck. Doing this would adjust the collection somehow to show what we have available. A suggestion perhaps would be to have a "COLLECTION" of cards we own, which you have. But add in collection subtype's called "used" and "unused", or "active" "not active"..or something.

For example, I have 2 "Aim" cards in my collection...1 of them is in my deck I have named "Rey-Finn" and the other is in my deck "Ren-FoST". Therefore, I have none available for other decks I want to make.

Just food for thought. Thank you for your work!

Another feature I would like to see is the ability to export our collection. Excel (xlsx or CSV) would be ideal, but TXT is fine too.

Another feature I would like to see is the ability to export our collection. Excel (xlsx or CSV) would be ideal, but TXT is fine too.

It was added recently.


Another feature I would like to see is the ability to export our collection. Excel (xlsx or CSV) would be ideal, but TXT is fine too.

It was added recently.

Wow. Missed it. Copy/Paste. I like it! Thanks!