Different color upgrades

By mudhawg, in Star Wars: Destiny

Want to make sure that I understand this correctly. When building a deck, included upgrades must match a color of a character that you have, but when playing an upgrade, it doesn't have to match the color of the character it is played on unless it specifically states "specific color character only". Is that correct?

From the new rules released today:


Play restrictions sometimes appear on a card and are marked

by the word “only.” A player cannot play the card unless the

play restriction is met.

Upgrade cards sometimes say “(Color) character only”. If a

player does not have a character of that color to attach the

upgrade to, the upgrade cannot be played.

You are correct. The color of the upgrade must be represented by a starting character, but then can be used by any character unless the upgrade specifies a particular character color.

Want to make sure that I understand this correctly. When building a deck, included upgrades must match a color of a character that you have, but when playing an upgrade, it doesn't have to match the color of the character it is played on unless it specifically states "specific color character only". Is that correct?

From the new rules released today:


Play restrictions sometimes appear on a card and are marked

by the word “only.” A player cannot play the card unless the

play restriction is met.

Upgrade cards sometimes say “(Color) character only”. If a

player does not have a character of that color to attach the

upgrade to, the upgrade cannot be played.

Some cards also say to "spot" a certain type of character. In that case, you need to have one in play but it does not need to be the target.

So if your blue characters are all dead, you cannot play cards that say "spot a blue character."