For those who have opened booster boxes -- are there always 6 legendaries?

By Glucose98, in Star Wars: Destiny

I'm wondering if they're planting 6 legendaries per box to hit their 1:6 ratio or if the ratio is maintained in the printing itself?

I opened 2 booster boxes and they both gave exactly 6 legendaries. Use that information at your will.

This would be the easiest way to control that ratio of 1:6 for FFG.

I've witnessed 2 boxes opened and there were 6 legendaries in each. I'll be seeing several more opened tomorrow and can post.

From a packing standpoint, 30 from the rare pile and 6 from the legendary pile into each box would be easiest, I would think. I don't really know how that works though.

There's been posts about people saying the position of the legendaries in the boxes themselves might not be very random (depending on who's doing the packing). Meaning you could walk into a store that just freshly opened a booster box and try to pick out the 6 packs that look like they were shoved in differently to increase your odds.

Not a big deal really, just interesting.

I opened up my booster box tonight and got a total of 6 legendaries in the box, shared it with my bother and I only got 2 legendaries out of the 6, was Jabba the Hutt and Force Choke.

I got my 2nd Jango Fett tonight so am happy, there was no Darth Vader in any of the booster but there was a Luke

I've opened 3 boxes, each with 6 legendaries, and I noticed no distribution or packing "clues" as to the legendaries.

There were 6 in mine.

Good to know that a box is guaranteed that then. It's not 1:6 from the printing, but 1:6 explicitly from the packaging of the booster boxes themselves.

6 in my booster box-





Crime Lord

Thermal Detonator

I bought 24 boosters and only got 2 legendaries, Luke and Kylo's Lightsabers. There was only one guy before me. Lucky guy only bought 12 boosters and got 4 legendaries out of it!

Anybody have a clue at *character* distribution? Full random or otherwise?

1 box - 6 legendaries

- Phasma

- Vader

- Kylo Lightsaber

- Millenium Falcon

- Poe

- Launch Bay

I got 6 legendaries (Vader, Han, Jabba, Commanding Presence, AT-ST, Kylo Ren's Saber) from my box and a total of 13 character dice. I also got 4 rare double (Leia, Rebel Trooper, Rey Staff, Speeder Bike Scout). Except for the double Rey staff, I'm pretty pleased with my box distribution. Can't wait to open my second one monday when I'll get it from the mail.

My play group and storekeepers were "monitoring" all legendaries picks from box to box, while boosters got sold. We witnessed 6 legendary every box as expected. This evening we programmed six people buying an entire box for equal legendary distribution. Everybody is happy.

I bought 1 booster box and got 6 legendary; Vader, Luke, AT-ST, Poe, Black Squadron, Kylo's Lightsaber.

Weird fact, I was opening my boosters taking one by one from the booster box and got the 6 legendary in the first 7 boosters I opened so they don't seemed to be spread out in the booster box.

Did you take them from the top of the box or through the flap? I've so far opened 16 packs from my booster box taking the pack from the flap and have only hit one of the legends.


6 for me fairly random through my box. (I took them out of the display slot thing)

I had only opened 4 with two packs to go... and was devastated when the next pack did not have a legendary.

Then I realized there was one pack I missed in the box, so I still got my 6. /sighofrelief

I have opened 3 booster boxes - all have had exactly 6 legendary in them.

I opened a box and got 6 legendaries... Han, Millenium Falcon, Jabba, Crime Lord, Thermal Detonator and Kylo's Lightsaber. A pretty solid haul.

I opened a box and got 6 legendaries... Han, Millenium Falcon, Jabba, Crime Lord, Thermal Detonator and Kylo's Lightsaber. A pretty solid haul.

Nice! Cool to get so many "matching" cards like Solo/Falcon and Jabba/Crime Lord.

I've opened 2 boxes. there were 3 every 15th pack i opened.

I got each stater one box and one single booster. Vader in the single booster what luck. In the box 6 legendaries all blue! Vader, force choke, ren's lightsabre, luke, Luke's lightsabre, and one with the force. Going in I'm more of a yellow player bit for now ill be playing mostly blue.

Impressive to me is I got all battlefields and only missing 10 uncommons and 1 common. Pretty good spread.