Spirit Of Rebellion News

By wormiespice, in Star Wars: Destiny

ok so lets start a thread for any and all titbits and news about the next set for destiny

I find the concept of doing a Rouge One themed expansion but having no possible way of shipping it before the movie releases a little silly.

At this point I imagine the best strategy would be timing an article announcing and revealing the pack around the time Rogue One hits theaters, with a release date sometime around May to coincide with the first high profile Destiny Tournament at the May Track Worlds.

I hope the next set hits end of march/ early april so everyone has had some time to playtest the new cards before worlds.

Spirit of rebellion doesn't necessarily say rogue one. It could be a set primarily focused on the original trilogy, you know the whole rebellion vs imperial story. Or it could be about those that chose to rebel against the established rule, separatists in prequel trilogy, Jedi that did not listen to the council, etc. I'm hoping for rebellion era extended universe characters, (corran horn *cross fingers*)

Edited by Wyldcard429

Spirit of rebellion doesn't necessarily say rogue one. It could be a set primarily focused on the original trilogy, you know the whole rebellion vs imperial story. Or it could be about those that chose to rebel against the established rule, separatists in prequel trilogy, Jedi that did not listen to the council, etc. I'm hoping for rebellion era extended universe characters, (corran horn *cross fingers*)

The leak that is being referenced spoke of Rogue One specifically. So while it may not be all Rogue One related, I expect a good bit of it is.


I like the mixing of different eras in a set. A little bit for everyone.

I think we'll see the first major news post on the Friday before the film's release, with the product itself hitting shelves in time for May 4th.

As to the 'Rogue One' connection, well, it doesn't necessarily mean that the entire 160 card expansion will be themed for Rogue One. The tweet says that 'Rogue One enters Destiny' which could mean as little as a Jyn Erso hero and an Orson Krennic villain. It was confirmed somewhere by Lukas that Chewbacca would be in Series 2, so that seems to indicate that we'll see the same spread of characters from all iterations of the franchise which we've enjoyed with Series 1.

My guess is the series will revolve around a theme, not a particular film group.

Spirit of Rebellion sounds Red Card focused.

Series 3 could be 'Scum and scoundrils': Yellow card focused.

We'll find out. You will know, when you are calm - at peace. Passive.

My guess is the series will revolve around a theme, not a particular film group.

Spirit of Rebellion sounds Red Card focused.

Series 3 could be 'Scum and scoundrils': Yellow card focused.

We'll find out. You will know, when you are calm - at peace. Passive.

The designer has said there will be 4 characters per color on each side in every set. Hey are going to have a good mix across the board.

I find the concept of doing a Rouge One themed expansion but having no possible way of shipping it before the movie releases a little silly.

At this point I imagine the best strategy would be timing an article announcing and revealing the pack around the time Rogue One hits theaters, with a release date sometime around May to coincide with the first high profile Destiny Tournament at the May Track Worlds.

Disney is not big on spoilers. If you follow things like action figures or trading cards, Disney goes out of their way to ensure that certain elements are not revealed in product form until after the movie drops. Force Awakens was the same thing - an action figure was spotted before the movie dropped that featured Rey with a lightsaber and Disney bent over backwards to have that material and pics pulled. They didn't want anyone to know yet that Rey was the Force-user. Most companies at this point have spoiler-ish material ready, but just aren't allowed to release it yet.

Spirit of Rebellion doesn't have to be 100% based on rogue one.

It can also have stuff from Rebels. It may also have stuff from some of the books as well, that take place during the pre-ANH timeline, such as Tarkin, New Dawn, and even the new book Catalyst.

My guess is the series will revolve around a theme, not a particular film group.

Spirit of Rebellion sounds Red Card focused.

Series 3 could be 'Scum and scoundrils': Yellow card focused.

We'll find out. You will know, when you are calm - at peace. Passive.

The designer has said there will be 4 characters per color on each side in every set. Hey are going to have a good mix across the board.

I don't think that precludes a predominantly 'Red' card set - Support, Upgrades, Events, etc. other color cards that enhance/synergize with military cards.

I think we'll see the first major news post on the Friday before the film's release, with the product itself hitting shelves in time for May 4th.

As to the 'Rogue One' connection, well, it doesn't necessarily mean that the entire 160 card expansion will be themed for Rogue One. The tweet says that 'Rogue One enters Destiny' which could mean as little as a Jyn Erso hero and an Orson Krennic villain. It was confirmed somewhere by Lukas that Chewbacca would be in Series 2, so that seems to indicate that we'll see the same spread of characters from all iterations of the franchise which we've enjoyed with Series 1.

May 4th would mean 5-6 months between sets, which isn't in keeping with their stated plans.

May 4th would mean 5-6 months between sets, which isn't in keeping with their stated plans.

Maybe I'm being pessimistic, but I expect FFG to be a bit late on this on this first expansion.

May 4th would mean 5-6 months between sets, which isn't in keeping with their stated plans.

Maybe I'm being pessimistic, but I expect FFG to be a bit late on this on this first expansion.

WHAAAAA!?!?! FFG is never late when it comes to keeping up with release dates.



Edited by Stone37

Major release sets tend to have quite some time on themself before expansions Come out, so as to zette the game. April Will be 4 months in the New year that seems correct and in time for may the fourth

It can also have stuff from Rebels. It may also have stuff from some of the books as well, that take place during the pre-ANH timeline, such as Tarkin, New Dawn, and even the new book Catalyst.

Let's hope it doesn't.