What are Scenarios and Leagues actually?

By Lesseps, in Arkham Horror League

Hello there, I'm sorta new here and new to Arkham Horror. Just found out there are some scenarios out, that are the result of some leagues. Well, could someone explain it to me please?

Is Scenario a some sort of fun-art homerule? So you can't buy it in published and typed format? Only as PDF for personal printing?

And what is league then...

In brief words, the leagues were two series of 10 scenarios each, only available online (a spanish league was also created by Edge Entertainment, which I translated to english and posted at boardgamegeek, if you are interested). Each scenario is basically a set of new rules that instruct the players to use certain elements of the game in particular conditions. For instance, each scenario requires a specific Ancient One, tells you which expansions to use (if any), which cards to remove (league 1) or gives you a narrow list of investigators to choose from (league 2). In a sense, they shape the rules of the game (adding new ones and changing them along the way) to create a sense of self-cointained mini-adventures. Naturally, each scenario is harder than the one before, and in the second league there were even a number of them that confronted the investigators with 2 ancient ones at the same time. I strongly recommend giving them a try, specially when and if the game turns a little too familiar or easy after many plays.

Didn't know about that!!! Thanks for the info!!!

Abdul Alhazred said:

The 2nd Spanish Arkham Horror League start today!!! gran_risa.gif


You can obtain all the files, include EON File s for the first scenario! gui%C3%B1o.gif

(Sorry, excuse my english) sonrojado.gif

This is awesome. I'll have to find the original Spanish league for us to run at our store. Our playgroup is always looking for new challenges.

No spanish that is willing to translate the spnish leagues to english...

Would be wonderful if someone could do that. Under the circumstances that we are allowed to translate them that is.,..

Bjerlk (That has hungry people looking for work too..)


From an earlier message of mine in this same thread:

Weyoun said:

(a spanish league was also created by Edge Entertainment, which I translated to english and posted at boardgamegeek, if you are interested).

I might do the same with the second at some point... but give me time!

Thank you indeed kind sire...

You can obtain the 2nd Scenario of the 2nd Arkham Horror Spanish League in this new link:


You can get the new eon file too.

Greetings from Spain (and excuse me english, please sonrojado.gif ).

The 3rd Scenario for II Spanish League is already in (with 2 new investigators):


You can obtain the Eons files or PNG files at bottom of the web page.