Product availability

By Netace, in Star Wars: Destiny

Living in San Antonio. Product is super hard to get! Unless you specifically pre-ordered, the whole blasted city was completely spoken for with 15 minutes of the local stores opening today. Is anyone else having difficulty getting booster packs?

Everywhere is sold out saying second wave of release will be mid-late December

I'll know more tonight.

We had a launch event in town and sold thru all the product in the launch kit. The store is holding a "Day 1" event tonight as well and limiting purchases to one starter and 5 boosters in order to help spread the love to those who were unable to attend the launch event.

Any left overs go on sale for purchase tomorrow on a "first come, first served" basis. So worst case scenario, I get 5 boosters tonight (since I already have both starters).

Yea, even CoolStuffInc and MM are sold out, won't be restocked until later this month

As someone who lives in Orlando, I went to coolstuffs warehouse store in Maitland when they opened. I was able to purchase one of each starter and a booster box with no pre-order, but they only had 6 of each starter and 8 boxes for general sale. That should give a good idea of the scarcity of product for the time being.

Edited by WarLax

As someone who lives in Orlando, I went to coolstuffs warehouse store in Maitland when they opened. I was able to purchase one of each starter and a booster box with no pre-order, but they only had 6 of each starter and 8 boxes for general sale. That should give a good idea of the scarcity of product for the time being.

I was at the Waterford store. Same thing there. Have no fear, more coming on the 15th!

Here in Plano, TX, my FLGS said they had plenty at noon today. Went over there and sure enough they had boxes of boosters. Picked up one and they even had a special deal of buy 2 get 1 free on everything in the store. So in the end I paid like 77 dollars and change. Very happy (and lucky apparently.)

I mean its a Star Wars card game, its almost X-Mas and Rogue One is coming out in two weeks….I wouldn't be surprised if its impossible to find by the new year.

Hopped into my local game shop last night and reserved a Kylo set. Was hoping to pick up some packs this morning when I picked it up, everyone is completely wiped out. Lame. FFG needs to boost production for releases as anticipated as this one. I know, easier said than done. Was able to play a game with the starter at the shop though. Rough going with a 20 card deck, but fun.

Plenty of stock of boosters, at least, in my area around Chapel Hill NC.

My store has plenty of product

I am unable to get any product at all even for reprints of destiny, or the new expansion, Is this distributor incompetence or ffg unable to meet demand?

Edited by red888

Reprints are due the 30th aren't they?

5 hours ago, red888 said:

I am unable to get any product at all even for reprints of destiny, or the new expansion, Is this FFG incompetence or distributor unable to meet demand?


Hello everyone,

I'm new to this forum so , sorry for the dummy question but what do we know about FFG going (or not) to reprint the first wave of Destiny ? I can't see it in the "upcoming" page so I was wondering, will they reprint those cards and dice boosters or is it a closed topic and we move on with second wave and so on ?

Thank you !

There is one more reprint coming, June I believe with the starters coming out again in the next few weeks.

Thank you for your answer. So this is the third printing that is coming... waw... I did not know they already had to reprint it once... such a huge success then, good thing :-)

EDIT : oh and by the way what would be a good purchase plan? is buying a 36 boosters box a good thing to do or is it a pure random buying ?

Edited by Elrad
35 minutes ago, Elrad said:

EDIT : oh and by the way what would be a good purchase plan? is buying a 36 boosters box a good thing to do or is it a pure random buying ?

When you buy a box of 36 boosters it is guaranteed that 6 of those boosters will have Legendary cards in them. You don't get that guarantee with random boosters.

In my opinion, the best (most cost-effective) plan is to wait until July and then buy the individual cards that you want from resellers. If you must chase the dragon and go random, you're better off grabbing two boxes (budget permitting) and then buying the individual cards to fill the gaps.

Welcome to the game, btw. It's lots of fun once you get going.

Thanks @Ajones47 I just bought two starters from a shop that had still 3 of each in stock but no more boosters. So I'm playing the first few games this week-end :-)

I'm initially waiting for another FF game to release : Runewars miniature games but this one was my favorite one since I heard from him months ago. Then I lost somehow faith into it and turned to Runewars that is having us waiting a bit longer than expected. So I decided to jump into Destiny to at least give it a try but till now, it's just fun as you said :)

Buy a box of boosters. You'll get 2 of almost all common, 1 of most uncommon, 30 rare and 6 legendary. Then buy/trade the remaining you want/need.

So we are waiting until June/July to buy then? I want to get into the game but MAN ALIVE eBay is the only seller at the moment, and the prices are insane.


3 hours ago, Conviction said:

So we are waiting until June/July to buy then? I want to get into the game but MAN ALIVE eBay is the only seller at the moment, and the prices are insane.


the singles market is your only hope

On 3/26/2017 at 9:45 PM, Conviction said:

So we are waiting until June/July to buy then? I want to get into the game but MAN ALIVE eBay is the only seller at the moment, and the prices are insane.


Check your LGS this Friday, for Starters. I suspect that reprinting of Awakening and Starters that arrives in June will end the drought. SoR should (April/May) also arrive with considerable more stock.

Then we can finally start talking about PLAYING SWD on the forums...

Edited by Stone37