Product availability

By Netace, in Star Wars: Destiny

Living in Sanantonio. Product is super hard to get! Unless you specifically pre-ordered, the whole blasted city was completely spoken for with 15 minutes of the local stores opening today. Is anyone else having difficulty getting booster packs?

I pre-ordered and I'm glad I did.

Stinks though - especially with all the hype.

I pre-ordered and I'm glad I did.

Stinks though - especially with all the hype.

Pre-order on new games is typically the only way to go.

They had this issue with Imperial Assault too.

Have a box reserved at my LGS should be able to pick it up this saturday. I think it's the last sealed one they had. But there's more comming in next week.

This is in Belgium, so not sure how helpfull that is to people overseas. I guess Asmodee is making sure Europe get's it's chare of the SW Destiny pie.

Pre ordered from my FLGS. Had my case of boosters at 11:00 a.m.

So many people pre ordered they did a packed pre release Event and now we have a tournament in one week with prize support.

We are a happy scene right now.

Edited by Blutsteigen

Just found out we had a line at the door to buy destiny product at the Crazy Squirrel game store. This was before the shop even opened yesterday morning. Besides major releases from games workshop, I've never seen anything like it here in Central California.

Edited by Blutsteigen

Glad I reserved that box when I did. my LGS can't get new stuff for a while.

I got into it in Montreal from release, and I'm glad I did! Its getting more popular by the day and my LGS is surprised and scrambling to get more.