Game Release... and immediately out of stock

By KrisWall, in Star Wars: Destiny

1 hour ago, kingbobb said:

I disagree. A game's launch can make or break it. The player base right now is limited by product availability. Some of those players will now never join that community. Are there enough people currently in...and willing to stay in...the community, combined with those that are willing to wait...enough to sustain the game through enough cycles to become self-sustaining? Only time will tell. But there certainly is a launch window for a game to catch on. And if FFG can't fix these supply issues quickly enough, this game won't last.

Not always the case. Look at Dicemasters which had trouble in its first set to a similar extent - people not being able to get product because it's sold out. Dicemasters fixed the product issues and bounced back. Now it's a pretty decently successful game with a number of players returning.

If this was any other IP, I might agree with you, but Star Wars fans always come back - they've been doing it now for 40yrs. I would guess that at least 75% of the people here saying they're going to quit or already have quit will be back later this year when product is no longer an issue.

Yeah, people are fickle with short memories. In December when Last Jedi Hits, if this game has enough supply and 3-4 sets out and it remains fun, there will be plenty of people playing this game. Magic had this exact problem, even a year past its release. Being sold out is nothing but a good thing for FFG but frustrating for many of us. TBH I think being sold out right now even helps the game as just being sold out gets people's attention.

And 17 hours after I posted gloom and doom, my store received another shipment of booster packs, to their surprise. 4 packs per person per day. So there is some supply still flowing :)

Really? What country you in?

I live in Minnesota, USA. The store was surprised too. They think the booster packs will sell out in one or two days.

That's probably true. Even rationing then like that will lead to people just bringing their friends/family in the clear them out.

Haven't seen packs in the wild in Northern VA for a while. Glad to hear some folks are getting some, even if it is a trickle. I've resorted to buying packs from people I meet on Facebook groups. Already been burned once so far.

Word on the street is an April release date for Spirit of Rebellion. Hold on to those Legendary Awakening cards gang... when it becomes official that that they are out of print the prices will hit ridiculous levels!

13 minutes ago, Stone37 said:

Word on the street is an April release date for Spirit of Rebellion. Hold on to those Legendary Awakening cards gang... when it becomes official that that they are out of print the prices will hit ridiculous levels!

Citation required.

55 minutes ago, Stone37 said:

Word on the street is an April release date for Spirit of Rebellion. Hold on to those Legendary Awakening cards gang... when it becomes official that that they are out of print the prices will hit ridiculous levels!

42 minutes ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

Citation required.

Needs a reliable source or you are just rumor mongering @Stone37

I think it's the latter. SoR is still at the printers, so if it shipped today we would only just barely see it by the end of April. Not likely in my opinion.

Pedro the head of FFG Shipping is pleased to announce: He is on the boat! :D


April comes from their announced schedule of releasing a new set every 4 months. So that isn't in question. What is in question is if Pedro there can get that motor running so they get to us on time or if it is delayed.

I wouldn't exactly call that "word on the street."

6 hours ago, Mep said:

April comes from their announced schedule of releasing a new set every 4 months. So that isn't in question. What is in question is if Pedro there can get that motor running so they get to us on time or if it is delayed.

Indeed. The FLGS around me are all stating they are expecting SoR in April according to the info they are getting from their distributors. We ALSO know that FFG has a history of missing announced scheduled releases, but distributors tend to be a bit more cautious. I'm going to predict (WARNING: this is just a guess on my part) a very limited amount of product in April for special events; much like the promotional events we saw for Awakening.

Anyone know of a place in NA accepting preorders for Spirit of Rebellion booster boxes? All my main online game stores are not taking any right now.

18 minutes ago, rbf1138 said:

Anyone know of a place in NA accepting preorders for Spirit of Rebellion booster boxes? All my main online game stores are not taking any right now.

In the same boat, also interested in finding a location to pre-order SoR boxes.

May try to poke a couple of my local brick-and-mortar stores, but I suspect they'll prefer to open the boxes to draw more folks in (understandably).

I'd order the Saga sets from Team Covenant while they are around. I just don't think you can beat the price.

I was offered and got the last Awakenings saga set yesterday, and cannot wait for it to come in the mail so I can play in my LGS tournaments coming up.

Hate to come to the destiny party late, but Team Covenant rocks.

10 hours ago, Mep said:

April comes from their announced schedule of releasing a new set every 4 months. So that isn't in question. What is in question is if Pedro there can get that motor running so they get to us on time or if it is delayed.

April actually comes from sell sheets being circulated by distributors.

On 12/1/2016 at 0:55 PM, chico2323 said:

And it would have been a bigger screw up had they over estimated demand.

Not really, they've now killed a game that could have actually taken off....

14 minutes ago, NeverTellMeTheOdds said:

Not really, they've now killed a game that could have actually taken off....

I share some of your frustrations but it's way too early to say if this has killed the game or just counts as a "rocky launch".

43 minutes ago, NeverTellMeTheOdds said:

Not really, they've now killed a game that could have actually taken off....

Killed the game or killed the game for you? There is a difference, right?

Ok... so here's my personal attempt at working out what has happened, and what might happen over the next few months:

1. Destiny was released, exceeded FFG expectations, leading quickly to a global stock shortage. Production processes/ shipping times make it very difficult to react in the short term.

2. FFG announce SoR and future release schedule, partly because it's locked in, and partly because they know customers are more likely to see SoR product before Awakenings is reprinted and available again.

3. Customers grow increasingly frustrated at the lack of Awakenings product and also lack of FFG updates.

This then makes me think that....

4. When SoR is released the supply issues become worse - customers will panic buy and bulk buy based on previous experience; and dealers may horde stock to resell at higher prices. Dealers will also be reluctant to take preorders, potentially pushing up prices on retrade websites.

This last point is based on the theory that whatever volume FFG planned to produce for SoR was locked in months ago and they've been unable to increase the volume since launch. That is quite a strong assumption, but the FFG track record for production and supply is not great and I think it's the most realistic scenario. We could potentially see a delay with the launch of SoR to try and address this.

A further conclusion is that, at some point this year (possibly the Summer) we will see a flood of Destiny product onto the market, when production finally catches up.

I've been pinning my hopes onto SoR to give me and my son a chance to finally get into the game how we'd like to (i.e. Buying a few packs each week, not boxes, and not resales). If my depressing theory above pans out, then that isn't going to happen...

Please shoot this theory down in flames!

Well before distributors sheets came, FFGs schedule of releases are Dec, April and August, which is holidays, tax returns and back to school. Brilliant scheduling and one I am sure they want to stick too, mostly because that Dec release is tied into the movies, so that is a hard release date for them.

However I am not sure about this years August release. They just might push that one back to April, while sticking to the Last Jedi set in Dec, and make the August release just a reprint of Awakening and SoR. (This will also give the game developers plenty of time to work on the rules set and game play tutorials, which seems to be needed.)

@ellhaynes Your point number 4 is a fact at this point. If all the ebaying price gougers didn't know about Destiny before, they do now. Any product with high demand and low supply gets insta bought out these days and listed on ebay or amazon. For this reason I am not sure the August set will becoming this year. The price gouging will hurt this game, everyone hates it and FFG doesn't want price gouging to be associated with this game. The only way to solve that problem is a larger supply, which has to come from somewhere. They just can't increase manufacturing fast enough to solve this problem, so something has to go.

This is why we have heard nothing from FFG. Their Chinese suppliers just got back from their new years holiday, if they skip a set, what does that do to The Last Jedi set game play wise with missing cards, if they don't skip a set how can they meet demand and of course Disney is going to have their say. It is a big mess with no quick solution. I am sure they will figure something out and will let us know when the plan is confirmed as doable.

Edited by Mep

To be fair, SoR is the flagship set for Rogue One, and even if that comes out on time it'll still be 4 months after the fact. If we assume that the next set after that will have Last Jedi tie-ins then there's no reason to expect it in December, especially if SoR is already running behind.

We're still waiting for SoR to transition from "at the printers" to "on the boat." When that happens we'll actually have an idea of when it'll be available (i.e. 2.5 months later). Until then everything is pure speculation.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH