Game Release... and immediately out of stock

By KrisWall, in Star Wars: Destiny

What's really annoying is that the US has had several slight restocks, since the UK/Europe got even a sniff of product...

1 hour ago, jonboyjon1990 said:

What's really annoying is that the US has had several slight restocks, since the UK/Europe got even a sniff of product...

Yeah, I don't mind it being sold out or anything. But I think it's unfair that I see multiple restocks in US and Canadian FLGS's. If you ship out new supply, you should devide it evenly over the world.

If it was sold out all over the world I wouldn't mind that much.

I think February is the month that FFG will finally catch up with demand on this product. If not, I fear this game is doomed to being a GREAT game that only a few people play because everyone else gave up on it.

1 hour ago, _Grey_ said:

Yeah, I don't mind it being sold out or anything. But I think it's unfair that I see multiple restocks in US and Canadian FLGS's. If you ship out new supply, you should devide it evenly over the world.

If it was sold out all over the world I wouldn't mind that much.

Sorry, but I think both of you don't realize the situation for most FFG products in Europe.
For example every FFG release, especially SW brands had either shipping problems, restock problems or such a big delay in the release shedule that it sometimes influences Regionals/Nationals/Worlds.

Looking at Imperial Assault, Wave 6 is hard to get here and is finally restocked since Jan.

Wave 7 got delayed till MARCH<--US has wave 7 since oct
Wave 8 got now delayed to march aswell..for a double release? I think it will get delayed again as soon as we even know that we will have wave 7 for sure.

If i recall correct this problematic lead to a small boycott for Worlds 2016, because the release shedule was so off, that stuff that was legal to play in the US for months wasn't even released overhere, which resulted in players complaining that they had no time to playtest the new models/cards/maps and don't have a feel for the meta at all, because at german tournaments all those english releases were not tournament legal, but at worlds they were.

I was very surprised that Destiny released simultaniously here in Germany and only had around the same stock problems as all other countries.
I would say that the stock held a pretty long time (I was able to get product at dec 20 and I bought another Booster Box + Starters right after x-mas), but now you can finally see that the supply is drained.
Since mid of january it gets harder and harder to get sealed products and there is no restock in sight (same-ish to X-Wing in germany, I remember in 2015, you couldn't get specific ships because they were sold out and wouldn't get reprinted in german untill q1-2 2016), this is indeed a problem, but we are used to it.

But seeing as it is right now I fear that the SoR release is planned way too quick.

4 hours ago, Stone37 said:

I think February is the month that FFG will finally catch up with demand on this product. If not, I fear this game is doomed to being a GREAT game that only a few people play because everyone else gave up on it.

Do you have information you can share on more product coming in February? I ask because conventional wisdom and lack of a sign from FFG makes most wonder if we'll get more before SoR comes out. A February shipment would be wonderful.

The good news is you have nothing to be afraid of. The game will continue to grow. It's already played by more people than a lot of games out there.

I think a more realistic fear is we're going to have the same problems with the release of SoR. It's going to fly off the shelves so fast people are going to wonder if was ever there. A second shortage will be unfortunate to say the least, but nonetheless a sign the demand for game is still high.

We will have to hope that FFG gets enough Awakenings and SoR released prior to the 3rd set coming out to satisfy the demand. After all, we can be fairly certain that the demand for the 3rd set will be great too. Yep, I see a bright future for Destiny despite our current supply issues.

Edited by Starbane

I will say this. this is the first time in a long time I have made an effort to preorder a box at my LGS to make sure I can get some of the product.

Someone just posted this message from Miniature Market on the Board Game Geek boards:


When we took preorders for this product we were under the impression that there would be a steady flow of product being released by Fantasy Flight Games and while we knew we couldn't fill the order on the spot (hence why it was a preorder) we were confident we could fill the order in a timely manner.

Over the past two weeks we were hoping to receive an update regarding the next wave of product but that just hasn't happened. Right now we do not know if the next wave is weeks or months away.

We wanted to give you three options with your current preorder:

Keep your preorder and we will fill it immediately once more product becomes available. Currently we have 470 booster displays that are outstanding on preorders and when another wave becomes available orders will be filled in the order they were received.

You can cancel your preorder immediately for a full refund. If there are other products on these orders you can have those items shipped out at no additional shipping cost.

You can convert your Awakenings preorder over to a Spirit of Rebellion preorder. If you choose this option your order will be filled first and we can guarantee it will ship in the first wave of product. It doesn't matter if you ordered booster packs or displays. Both can be converted over. If you ordered less than a booster display, you can upgrade your pack order to a full display of the next release (At the correct prorated cost – additional funds will be due).

If you choose options 2 or 3 you may simply reply to this email and customer service will get the process started.

We are sorry that we don't have more information regarding the current or next release for Star Wars Destiny. We will update the product listings on our website as it becomes available.

470 unfilled pre-orders for the base game!!! That's insane. And with the offer to transfer those to Spirit of the Rebellion, they just seem to be passing the problem down the road to people who are suddenly going to find themselves up to 470 places further back in line than they thought they were.

I hate to say it, but this has me seriously considering getting out of the game.

1 hour ago, DailyRich said:

Someone just posted this message from Miniature Market on the Board Game Geek boards:

470 unfilled pre-orders for the base game!!! That's insane. And with the offer to transfer those to Spirit of the Rebellion, they just seem to be passing the problem down the road to people who are suddenly going to find themselves up to 470 places further back in line than they thought they were.

I hate to say it, but this has me seriously considering getting out of the game.

I also got this email. We'll see if they split my orders and give me the free shipping for both as I'm expecting. It's actually a nice gesture of them to offer these options.

Sure, 470 boxes sounds enormous, but I have no reference point honestly. But I also don't get how they are guaranteeing that you can move this preorder to the next set and get it right away. What about the countless others that have already also preordered that? Will they get bumped down the line? I hope Miniature Market doesn't continue to over estimate supply again with the way FFG is producing.

So MM took a bunch of people's money for a product they had no reasonable expectations of ever fulfilling and their solution to that problem is to bump a bunch of orders, probably a couple hundred of them. They must have worked for the government in their past job, always looking to solve a problem by creating a problem. Now every single of their SoR preorder customers that know of this and didn't make the first cut will be thinking they got bumped, which is probably more than the real number.

470 is a lot of boxes for a small game store but for their kind of operation it actually isn't that bad. Still, screwing over your customers isn't how to handle this. Apologize, refund, give a 10% discount coupon or something and learn from the mistake.

6 minutes ago, Mep said:

They must have worked for the government in their past job, always looking to solve a problem by creating a problem.

Completely irrelevant I suppose, but reminds me of a saying about 'government':

"If something's fine, we'll fix it until it's broken..."


Edited by Zordren
52 minutes ago, Mep said:

So MM took a bunch of people's money for a product they had no reasonable expectations of ever fulfilling

That is just not true, MM assumed that FFG would be able to pump out more stock or at the least have enough stock to get the game going. Every other CCG manufacturer does.

MM might have been fractionally naïve to assume that FFG, a gaming company that has been around for 20 years, might have actually had the backing of their new Owners to take a punt and actually print larger numbers of this product, especially as it appears to likely have a monumentally long turnaround time on reprinting the product.

Sadly they didn't, MM got caught short because FFG didn't back themselves and their product and printed a horribly small amount of their product, sadly this is becoming typical for FFG.

I can swallow X-wing and the like having short stocked product because its the nature of the game, but when they release a CCG with a fast set cycle of 4 months they really needed to be able to get more product out fast.

All this will do is actually turn players off preordering because what used to be a guarantee may not be now, which will further upset the balance of what FFG want in terms of pre-orders. The lack of updated info from FFG is really what has caused this mess.

FFG is far more interested in selling the next set than fixing the supply issues of the current set it seems, but I hope I'm wrong.

2 hours ago, Mep said:

So MM took a bunch of people's money for a product they had no reasonable expectations of ever fulfilling...

And to think you've got nothing better to do than hate. Yeah, MM took my money, and I have absolutely no way of getting it back, I got completely robbed, call the constable. Boy do I wish I have a way of getting a refund, let alone have somebody offer me one.

All stores are in the same boat here, the problem is FFG's lack of supply for a brand new and wildly popular game. If other stores were selling boxes at retail, then yeah, MM would look like a 2-bit operation. But here they are at least communicating and being fairly transparent to customers unlike other companies. It's was obviously never MM's intention to sell orders for something that wouldn't get fulfilled. You've got to be extra super special to believe that.

I'm also hoping that FFG, MM, and others learn from this situation. As for now, MM is offering various options, a magic wand that makes product appear just isn't one of them. As somebody who didn't pre-order as early as possible, I don't know what else I would cry about.

Some form of information, like supply amounts from a distributor would be cause to have reasonable expectations. Assuming a certain amount of supply is just making stuff up, like there being a February shipment is just something they made up. Now we have no idea what they were told before the shipments started but we do know there was never any indication given by anyone of a February shipment. My belief, not knowledge, is they just collected money for preorders with no hard cap on how many orders they would get and with no idea at all of how many boxes they would receive. It may have worked well for them in the past, but over selling causes these problems. I agree though, this screw up turns customers off to preordering when the retailers mismanage the situation.

The next set would already be produced by this point and currently it is still News Years in China, so nothing is being made. I doubt FFG has no interest in a reprint, they just need work out the details with their manufacture once everyone returns from their holiday.

4 minutes ago, theChony said:

And to think you've got nothing better to do than hate. Yeah, MM took my money, and I have absolutely no way of getting it back, I got completely robbed, call the constable. Boy do I wish I have a way of getting a refund, let alone have somebody offer me one.

All stores are in the same boat here, the problem is FFG's lack of supply for a brand new and wildly popular game. If other stores were selling boxes at retail, then yeah, MM would look like a 2-bit operation. But here they are at least communicating and being fairly transparent to customers unlike other companies. It's was obviously never MM's intention to sell orders for something that wouldn't get fulfilled. You've got to be extra super special to believe that.

I'm also hoping that FFG, MM, and others learn from this situation. As for now, MM is offering various options, a magic wand that makes product appear just isn't one of them. As somebody who didn't pre-order as early as possible, I don't know what else I would cry about.

I'm sure they'll give you your money back. Hope you didn't get hit with any CC interest on that free loan you gave them, but I am sure there were more than a few that did.

You would think that after multiple waves of restock a retailer might look at the fact that each order has been shorted and they now have a growing backlog of pre-orders and conclude that they should stop selling pre-orders as they don't have a reasonable expectation that they can fill them.

I think every other retailer did come to that conclusion as many stopped or slowed down on pre-order sales. MM clearly did not as now they are sitting on $40,000 worth of orders they can't fill. Even we, the end users, we're aware that there just wasn't going to be enough to fill all the demand. I'm really not sure why a large retailer with access to more effective communication with distribution channels thought different.

That they are offering to convert these pre-orders to SoR, bumping back everyone that has already pre-ordered with them, is really problematic. They're walking into the same situation.

At least they've stopped taking additional pre-orders for SoR. But I'm predicting another round of ire from MM costumers when April rolls around and people that pre-ordered back in January don't get in on the initial shipment because too many Awakening orders from back in December converted to SoR. But I'm sure their singles store will be stocked for all those who's orders get delayed.

1 hour ago, ScottieATF said:

But I'm sure their singles store will be stocked for all those who's orders get delayed.


That was awful.

I don't own a store, so it could be true, but I didn't buy their reason for not being able to sell the boxes they opened for singles to the people that preordered boxes.

True or not, when you have $40,000 worth of outstanding orders maybe you should stop ordering boxes specifically for singles and get those orders filled.

3 minutes ago, netherspirit1982 said:


That was awful.

I don't own a store, so it could be true, but I didn't buy their reason for not being able to sell the boxes they opened for singles to the people that preordered boxes.

I do buy their reason, but that doesn't mean they didn't screw up in a big way nonetheless. I'm not sure their solution will work unless........

How many booster boxes did they get for filling preorders, 1000, 1500, or more? Maybe they buy in such large quantities that they cut off preorders at the point they can reasonably handle the overflow from Awakenings.

We know there is a shortage, but now I'm starting to wonder how much product is actually out there. I wonder if Destiny is even more popular than I think and if I had access to the production numbers would I have thought it would meet initial demand too.

2 hours ago, ScottieATF said:

But I'm sure their singles store will be stocked for all those who's orders get delayed.

They've addressed the accusation that they cracked customer pre orders to stock their single supply on this board. It's unfortunate that or an equivalent implication keeps getting made.

15 hours ago, Mep said:

Assuming a certain amount of supply is just making stuff up, like there being a February shipment is just something they made up.

They didn't say they assumed a certain amount of supply. They said they were under the impression that there would be a steady flow of product. That's a meaningful distinction.

On 2/1/2017 at 0:34 PM, Starbane said:

Do you have information you can share on more product coming in February? I ask because conventional wisdom and lack of a sign from FFG makes most wonder if we'll get more before SoR comes out. A February shipment would be wonderful.

The good news is you have nothing to be afraid of. The game will continue to grow. It's already played by more people than a lot of games out there.

I think a more realistic fear is we're going to have the same problems with the release of SoR. It's going to fly off the shelves so fast people are going to wonder if was ever there. A second shortage will be unfortunate to say the least, but nonetheless a sign the demand for game is still high.

We will have to hope that FFG gets enough Awakenings and SoR released prior to the 3rd set coming out to satisfy the demand. After all, we can be fairly certain that the demand for the 3rd set will be great too. Yep, I see a bright future for Destiny despite our current supply issues.

IF SoR has the same problems Awakening did or pre-orders are left unfilled... this game is doomed to be a nitch (mind you a BIG nitch) game that will never see the player level that X-wing and other popular FFG games enjoys.

I too see a bright future for Destiny though. I think by the end of this month more people will share this opinion. ;)

*niche - occasionally pronounced "neesh," to help remind you of the spelling.

1 hour ago, KalEl814 said:

They've addressed the accusation that they cracked customer pre orders to stock their single supply on this board. It's unfortunate that or an equivalent implication keeps getting made.

I making no such accusation. Even if you accept their explanation that they pay a different rate for boxes ordered at singles the reality is they were still ordering boxes for singles while they had a growing number of orders sitting unfilled. If they had stopped splitting their order between single and sealed they would have been able to fill more of these orders.

51 minutes ago, Stone37 said:

IF SoR has the same problems Awakening did or pre-orders are left unfilled... this game is doomed to be a nitch (mind you a BIG nitch) game that will never see the player level that X-wing and other popular FFG games enjoys.

I too see a bright future for Destiny though. I think by the end of this month more people will share this opinion. ;)

X-wing had both product delays and shortages within their first two Waves. Do you not remember them having to air freight over some of Wave 2 in order to hold a limited prerelease event to try and stem the discontent?

So why would suffering through just shortages, though not delays, prevent this game from being as big as X-wing when X-wing had to deal with both issues?

I'll just add that anyone considering getting out because of slow product, should definitely think it through.

I'm still kicking myself for getting out of X-Wing. I had bought all the early waves, but struggled to find someone to play against and the tourney scene here was not that strong. I then decided to sell all my material. Fast forward over a year from then and now the game is super hot, but I feel stupid trying to play catch up when I had had so much.

Before you jump ship on Destiny, make absolutely sure it's the right move for you.

im courious how many people pre-ordered the new set. I sold most of what I had and didn't pre-order next set and have apparently missed the boat. Im wondering what the pre-order to what has been printed percent is.