Game Release... and immediately out of stock

By KrisWall, in Star Wars: Destiny

My two cents on eBay. I agree the over priced booster boxes at 175$ and individual boosters at 8$ are a rip off. As well as the over priced legendaries. But some of the recents card lots are really not that bad of deal. Let's assume the retail cost of a rare is 3$. This I believe is the retail cost of a booster. Forget about demand and desirability of a card for this discussion. So the current rare set on eBay is 175$ with shipping for 43 cards. This is roughly 4$ per card. One would be hard pressed to buy 43 individual boosters and be guaranteed to get exactly one of every rare. It took be at least 3 full booster boxes totaling over 300$ to get a completed set of rares.

To me $175 doesn't sound to bad.

12 hours ago, soviet prince said:

except the chicken little is right this time, where are these boxes you said are so readily available? not talking about the boxes that are double the price either?

Chicken little is not right this time.

He predicted the doom of the game after the weak wave 1 release. It didn't happen. Then he predicted the doom of the game after the even weaker wave 2 release. Didn't happen again. Next he predicted the doom of the game after the stronger, but still weak wave 3 release. Once again, it didn't happen. Now he is again predicting the doom of the game after the better but still unsatisfactory wave 4 release. Chicken little's track record is weaker than the anemic releases of Destiny to date. Oh well, even a broken clock is right twice a day. The game will eventually end some day. If chicken little keeps predicting the death of Destiny he will finally be right some time in the future.

If I'm understanding it correctly, the basis of chicken little's argument is that the incredible popularity of a game that is flying of the shelfs will be the death of it because its worth owning, but not worth waiting to own. Sure, some people don't have the patience to wait a few months to get the stuff they want, but plenty do.

I wouldn't be surprised if Destiny dies in some areas because of the product shortage. The notion that it will die on a global level seems highly unlikely.

For the record I live in a small city hit by the shortage and our community is growing. We have 2 game stores carrying Destiny. Preorders were not met until wave 3, which also saw the first 2 boxes go on the shelf for those who didn't preorder to buy, and disappear from the shelf the next day. Wave 4 saw my 2 stores get a combined 4 boxes with one of them putting a 3 booster per person limit only to have supplies apparently evaporate into thin air before the day was over.

There are people in my community craving more, but still they play. We haven't had a tournament since the prerelease and still you can find games on week nights and weekends. By the time next weekend is finished I'll have played Destiny over 200 times. Does that sound like community that's given up on the game because of a product shortage.

If your community is dying I'm truly sorry for you, but just like my community isn't representative of all communities neither is yours. If your community is dying I suggest you leave the doom and gloom at home and get out there and promote the game. Show your local players the game is worth waiting for.

Destiny is alive and well. The future is bright. The only negative is that because of the product shortage there aren't as many people enjoying the game right now as there could be.

Edited by Starbane
53 minutes ago, Starbane said:

Chicken little is not right this time.

He predicted the doom of the game after the weak wave 1 release. It didn't happen. Then he predicted the doom of the game after the even weaker wave 2 release. Didn't happen again. Next he predicted the doom of the game after the stronger, but still weak wave 3 release. Once again, it didn't happen. Now he is again predicting the doom of the game after the better but still unsatisfactory wave 4 release. Chicken little's track record is weaker than the anemic releases of Destiny to date. Oh well, even a broken clock is right twice a day. The game will eventually end some day. If chicken little keeps predicting the death of Destiny he will finally be right some time in the future.

If I'm understanding it correctly, the basis of chicken little's argument is that the incredible popularity of a game that is flying of the shelfs will be the death of it because its worth owning, but not worth waiting to own. Sure, some people don't have the patience to wait a few months to get the stuff they want, but plenty do.

I wouldn't be surprised Destiny dies in some areas because of the product shortage. The notion that it will die on a global level seems highly unlikely.

For the record I live in a small city hit by the shortage and our community is growing. We have 2 game stores carrying Destiny. Preorders were not met until wave 3, which also saw the first 2 boxes go on the shelf for those who didn't preorder to buy, and disappear from the shelf the next day. Wave 4 saw my 2 stores get a combined 4 boxes with one of them putting a 3 booster per person limit only to have supplies apparently evaporate into thin air before the day was over.

There are people in my community craving more, but still they play. We haven't had a tournament since the prerelease and still you can find games on week nights and weekends. By the time next weekend is finished I'll have played Destiny over 200 times. Does that sound like community that's given up on the game because of a product shortage.

If your community is dying I'm truly sorry for you, but just like my community isn't representative of all communities neither is yours. If your community is dying I suggest you leave the doom and gloom at home and get out there and promote the game. Show your local players the game is worth waiting for.

Destiny is alive and well. The future is bright. The only negative is that because of the product shortage there aren't as many people enjoying the game right now as there could be.

And without an actual competitive meta, there are no must-own cards yet. We're at a point less than two months in where you can still play with whatever you like. I had a blast using modified starters for several weeks, and my go-to deck right now? Nightsisters and Stormtroopers.

I have to admit, I pictured this being like Magic or Dice Masters (at least as DM is now), where I could pick up a pack every once in a while after the initial splurge hoping to get a few cards I didn't have yet. But if every expansion is going to be this mad dash to pre-order as much as possible because the supply is going to be so sparse, that's definitely dimming the enthusiasm.

9 hours ago, Starbane said:

Chicken little is not right this time.

He predicted the doom of the game after the weak wave 1 release. It didn't happen. Then he predicted the doom of the game after the even weaker wave 2 release. Didn't happen again. Next he predicted the doom of the game after the stronger, but still weak wave 3 release. Once again, it didn't happen. Now he is again predicting the doom of the game after the better but still unsatisfactory wave 4 release. Chicken little's track record is weaker than the anemic releases of Destiny to date. Oh well, even a broken clock is right twice a day. The game will eventually end some day. If chicken little keeps predicting the death of Destiny he will finally be right some time in the future.

If I'm understanding it correctly, the basis of chicken little's argument is that the incredible popularity of a game that is flying of the shelfs will be the death of it because its worth owning, but not worth waiting to own. Sure, some people don't have the patience to wait a few months to get the stuff they want, but plenty do.

I wouldn't be surprised if Destiny dies in some areas because of the product shortage. The notion that it will die on a global level seems highly unlikely.

For the record I live in a small city hit by the shortage and our community is growing. We have 2 game stores carrying Destiny. Preorders were not met until wave 3, which also saw the first 2 boxes go on the shelf for those who didn't preorder to buy, and disappear from the shelf the next day. Wave 4 saw my 2 stores get a combined 4 boxes with one of them putting a 3 booster per person limit only to have supplies apparently evaporate into thin air before the day was over.

There are people in my community craving more, but still they play. We haven't had a tournament since the prerelease and still you can find games on week nights and weekends. By the time next weekend is finished I'll have played Destiny over 200 times. Does that sound like community that's given up on the game because of a product shortage.

If your community is dying I'm truly sorry for you, but just like my community isn't representative of all communities neither is yours. If your community is dying I suggest you leave the doom and gloom at home and get out there and promote the game. Show your local players the game is worth waiting for.

Destiny is alive and well. The future is bright. The only negative is that because of the product shortage there aren't as many people enjoying the game right now as there could be.

it's not that there is a crazy amount of players that are buying product, it's that FFG did not send the appropriate amount for a CCG in the first place. They are treating it like they do there other LCG and they can not do it the same why CCG is a different beast and has to be ran a different way. In Lcg's players likely buy a box and that's it because they have there playsets to play the game but in a CCG ppl buy multiple boxes and sometimes even cases for themselves, a lot more product will be purchased then if it was just a LCG and FFG either failed to get that or did not have much faith that this game would sale very well to put out enough product.

People who have got there product now will have greater play experience over the ones that have to wait, so they will have the early advantages in flashing out the meta. Another thing is how do you promote the game if you don't have a way to get any players the cards to try it out., I can Imagine the times a player likes the game and wants to try it out only to say forget it and lose interest because there is no product to get.

tourneys are also a problem since you have no product to give to the winners, i am glad your group don't need competitive play to be kept entertained but a lot of ppl do, I can promise you the game playerbase is smaller due to how big it would have been if FFG did not drop the ball.

The above is exactly the type of histrionics I'm talking about.

There's no disputing that if this game was more easily available that there'd be more people playing it. That's not in question.

But to then just make the baseless claim that there aren't a lot of individuals buying the product is just absurd. It's an entirely unsubstantiated and requires you to completely ignore the events being held and the growth of the social media groups. It's just making something up.

I have no idea where you're from, and maybe where you're at it really is equivalent to Mad Max with Destiny being gas, but if you think that applies overall you're just closing your eyes.

And apparently all they had to do in Mad Max was go to Canada because not 10 minutes after posting I found a Canadian store selling boxes. $125 with shipping included. I wasn't even actually looking for boxes.

Edited by ScottieATF
1 hour ago, soviet prince said:

it's not that there is a crazy amount of players that are buying product, it's that FFG did not send the appropriate amount for a CCG in the first place. They are treating it like they do there other LCG and they can not do it the same why CCG is a different beast and has to be ran a different way. In Lcg's players likely buy a box and that's it because they have there playsets to play the game but in a CCG ppl buy multiple boxes and sometimes even cases for themselves, a lot more product will be purchased then if it was just a LCG and FFG either failed to get that or did not have much faith that this game would sale very well to put out enough product.

People who have got there product now will have greater play experience over the ones that have to wait, so they will have the early advantages in flashing out the meta. Another thing is how do you promote the game if you don't have a way to get any players the cards to try it out., I can Imagine the times a player likes the game and wants to try it out only to say forget it and lose interest because there is no product to get.

tourneys are also a problem since you have no product to give to the winners, i am glad your group don't need competitive play to be kept entertained but a lot of ppl do, I can promise you the game playerbase is smaller due to how big it would have been if FFG did not drop the ball.

The one thing we can agree on is that FFG didn't make enough product. However, unless you have an inside source at FFG, we don't have the knowledge of why they came up short. FFG frequently underproduces product of their hit games when they first release. The game will continue to be successful and eventually they will figure out how much they need to produce. Don't expect it to be by the second set though. Now they have to try and balance how much SoR to make with their need to get Awakenings back into production.

So what if the people who got the product early have more experience than the ones who get in on the next wave. If this is a problem they will never get new players in the years to come as they will be at an even greater disadvantage than the people who get it later this year. How long has MtG been a thing, 22 years? I starting playing Magic with Beta and I promise you the product shortages were worse than Destiny, yet it's still going strong.

You get people interested by promoting the game at your local store. Bring multiple decks for people to play with. They don't have to be tournament worthy, just balanced. You continue to do this until you build a community. You tell them not to worry, FFG understands there is a shortage and is working hard to get more product out to the people who want to play. You continue to set up sessions where people can use your cards and dice to play so that they stay interested until the new product gets here. Most importantly you don't talk about the game the way you talk about it on these forums. You promote and reassure, not doomsay.

I got one guy started after supplies ran dry locally. He didn't want to get in until he new it was going to take hold locally, by then the product was gone. Then he was just going to use my stuff for the occasional game. Now he has his own product he bought online and convinced another guy who wasn't sure about the game to start playing. Now that guy has more product than the first. Remember all this happened after product disappeared around here. I continue to bring all my dice and all my cards to one of the local stores at least once a weekend so people who don't have any can play. It's really quite simple. When you promote the game instead of tearing down it almost sells itself to those that are inclined to like games like Destiny.

You don't need Destiny boosters as prize support to run a tournament. FFG has kits and stores can give store credit as prize support. As I said earlier we haven't had a tournament since the prerelease. I'm close to getting one of the stores to run a non FFG kit tournament, then we will be able start getting an idea of how much interest we have locally in tournaments.

The biggest thing to remember is to be a part of the solution not a part of the problem. If you go into your local stores and trash the game for having product shortages, you are definitely a part of the problem in regards to failing to start a community even though the shortage exist and you didn't cause it.

Edited by Starbane
38 minutes ago, Starbane said:

The one thing we can agree on is that FFG didn't make enough product. However, unless you have an inside source at FFG, we don't have the knowledge of why they came up short. FFG frequently underproduces product of their hit games when they first release. The game will continue to be successful and eventually they will figure out how much they need to produce. Don't expect it to be by the second set though. Now they have to try and balance how much SoR to make with their need to get Awakenings back into production.

eventually may be to late, and is not acceptable and it's confusing to me why you think it is ok. They have had plenty of time to fix this problem and if set 2 is the exact same way then I have to rethink if this company is worth my investment in.

38 minutes ago, Starbane said:

So what if the people who got the product early have more experience than the ones who get in on the next wave. If this is a problem they will never get new players in the years to come as they will be at an even greater disadvantage than the people who get it later this year. How long has MtG been a thing, 22 years? I starting playing Magic with Beta and I promise you the product shortages were worse than Destiny, yet it's still going strong.

Magic was the first tcg and I could understand there being a shortage since that was the first time it was being done, now there is no excuse I have played many tcg's and not once could I not find product if I wanted to.

38 minutes ago, Starbane said:

You get people interested by promoting the game at your local store. Bring multiple decks for people to play with. They don't have to be tournament worthy, just balanced. You continue to do this until you build a community. You tell them not to worry, FFG understands there is a shortage and is working hard to get more product out to the people who want to play. You continue to set up sessions where people can use your cards and dice to play so that they stay interested until the new product gets here. Most importantly you don't talk about the game the way you talk about it on these forums. You promote and reassure, not doomsay.

so bury my head in the sand and pretend like everything is fine? never said it was doomsday I said it's a stupid buisness move which they still have not fixed after it been out for 2 months almost.

38 minutes ago, Starbane said:

I got one guy started after supplies ran dry locally. He didn't want to get in until he new it was going to take hold locally, by then the product was gone. Then he was just going to use my stuff for the occasional game. Now he has his own product he bought online and convinced another guy who wasn't sure about the game to start playing. Now that guy has more product than the first. Remember all this happened after product disappeared around here. I continue to bring all my dice and all my cards to one of the local stores at least once a weekend so people who don't have any can play. It's really quite simple. When you promote the game instead of tearing down it almost sells itself to those that are inclined to like games like Destiny.

thing is a lot of ppl don't buy online or prefer to buy product from there local store.

38 minutes ago, Starbane said:

You don't need Destiny boosters as prize support to run a tournament. FFG has kits and stores can give store credit as prize support. As I said earlier we haven't had a tournament since the prerelease. I'm close to getting one of the stores to run a non FFG kit tournament, then we will be able start getting an idea of how much interest we have locally in tournaments.

The biggest thing to remember is to be a part of the solution not a part of the problem. If you go into your local stores and trash the game for having product shortages, you are definitely a part of the problem in regards to failing to start a community even though the shortage exist and you didn't cause it.

the kits have to be ordered a quarter in advance which is ridiculous so if you missed it then you got nothing until 2nd quarter, and people want to win product of the game there playing not some generic store credit.

If you ignore the elephant in the room and pretend everything is fine, then that's when your a part of the problem.

You're acting as if 2 months is enough time to remedy a problem that boils down to needing to print more product. Are you unaware that this game is made in China?

Shipping time alone is 2 months, that's saying nothing of any lead time required for a print run, along with the actual time it takes to fabricate and package.

How do you figure any of that in while still concluding that 2 months is enough time to fix an issue, that again is simply didn't make enough?

4 hours ago, ScottieATF said:

You're acting as if 2 months is enough time to remedy a problem that boils down to needing to print more product. Are you unaware that this game is made in China?

Shipping time alone is 2 months, that's saying nothing of any lead time required for a print run, along with the actual time it takes to fabricate and package.

How do you figure any of that in while still concluding that 2 months is enough time to fix an issue, that again is simply didn't make enough?

Not to mention Chinese New Year kicked off this past weekend, which pretty much shuts down a lot of stuff over there for most of February.

Unless there's more product already on a boat or in a warehouse somewhere, we aren't likely to see more than a trickle (if any) of Awakenings anytime soon.

I have faith they will correct the problem, it's just going to take time, hopefully the game can survive that long.

Edited by netherspirit1982
5 hours ago, soviet prince said:

the kits have to be ordered a quarter in advance which is ridiculous so if you missed it then you got nothing until 2nd quarter, and people want to win product of the game there playing not some generic store credit.

That's a pretty sweeping generalization. A lot of gamers would find store credit pretty beneficial.

5 hours ago, soviet prince said:

eventually may be to late, and is not acceptable and it's confusing to me why you think it is ok. They have had plenty of time to fix this problem and if set 2 is the exact same way then I have to rethink if this company is worth my investment in. so bury my head in the sand and pretend like everything is fine? never said it was doomsday I said it's a stupid buisness move which they still have not fixed after it been out for 2 months almost.

So let me relate this to you as there are people locally making similar claims to you. My FLGS owner pre ordered a lot of product around August for this game, and she said that FFG had at least 4x the product made as stores pre ordered. They based their production off the pre orders and made a few times that amount, seems logical to me.

But stores that didn't pre order, and who ordered in December/January thinking they would get a lot of product after they realized the interest are out of luck for a while. A big part of this industry is knowing your player base and predicting their habits. FFG can't wildly guess that this or that game will be wildly popular or that it may flop, they need to base their production based on what the stores/retailers order. In this case they made quite a bit more than what was ordered and they game took off like crazy. You can't blame FFG for that. It is what it is and if more stores had pre ordered more product (i.e. before release) then they would have made more. They are playing catch up, and I am sure are also working on getting SOR here as well.

If you think 2 months is enough time to get brand new product here, that is laughable. It takes at least 6 months (I heard this from store owners and on a podcast with Corey Konieczka).

5 hours ago, soviet prince said:

the kits have to be ordered a quarter in advance which is ridiculous so if you missed it then you got nothing until 2nd quarter, and people want to win product of the game there playing not some generic store credit.

My FLGS just got 4 more kits beyond the 2 they ordered initially. So, this statement is just false. It may not be easy to get a lot of them after the fact, but it is definitely possible. Also, I am more than fine with store credit or other nice prizes (besides boosters) for a tournament. Stating your opinion as the only one isn't true, and I have no way of knowing the actual opinion of the thousands of players who play this game (so neither do you), but there are definitely others that don't feel they way you do when it comes to prize support for tournaments.

As an aside, my FLGS gets product for this from 2 different distributors and from FFG directly. They just got some more this past week (after many people online were saying nothing would be coming until after SOR at the earliest), it sold out quickly, but I am sure there will be more in the future as well.

Edited by agentc13

I just this weekend found 2 starters and half a box at a local store. Guy at counter said they had just got it. (I don't go to this store regularly and don't know them that well). I keep finding small amounts here and there at LGS's, and im not actively looking for it. I guess im in a good spot or some of you are in a bad spot. I know they didn't meet demand but I don't see the drought some of you are talking about.

14 minutes ago, drunkensith said:

I just this weekend found 2 starters and half a box at a local store. Guy at counter said they had just got it. (I don't go to this store regularly and don't know them that well). I keep finding small amounts here and there at LGS's, and im not actively looking for it. I guess im in a good spot or some of you are in a bad spot. I know they didn't meet demand but I don't see the drought some of you are talking about.

Small amounts here and there, is the definition of a drought...

7 hours ago, soviet prince said:

eventually may be to late, and is not acceptable and it's confusing to me why you think it is ok. They have had plenty of time to fix this problem and if set 2 is the exact same way then I have to rethink if this company is worth my investment in.

Magic was the first tcg and I could understand there being a shortage since that was the first time it was being done, now there is no excuse I have played many tcg's and not once could I not find product if I wanted to.

so bury my head in the sand and pretend like everything is fine? never said it was doomsday I said it's a stupid buisness move which they still have not fixed after it been out for 2 months almost.

thing is a lot of ppl don't buy online or prefer to buy product from there local store.

the kits have to be ordered a quarter in advance which is ridiculous so if you missed it then you got nothing until 2nd quarter, and people want to win product of the game there playing not some generic store credit.

If you ignore the elephant in the room and pretend everything is fine, then that's when your a part of the problem.

I don't think it's ok, it just is what it is. As others have pointed out FFG hasn't had near the time they need to sort this out. It isn't as easy as you think.

Magic was the first, that meant they didn't have any other similar games competing for consumers money for almost 2 years. Predicting demand for your product is just as hard if not harder in a crowded market.

Nope, don't bury your head in the sand. You need to realize it wasn't FFG's plan to make potential customers unhappy. You can't control how much product is available, but you have total control over how you handle the situation. I know you didn't predict doomsday you're upset not crazy. I did say doomsay though, which you have done.

I don't like to buy on line either. However, when my LGS tells me they have no idea when they will get more, I have to either accept that I'll not be getting any more product or look for alternate sources.

A Destiny product shortage is a problem for FFG it's an inconvenience for me and I treat it as such. I'm not ignoring the product shortage. I'm exercising patience as my personal way of coping with it and for the record the shortage makes me unhappy too.

Edited by Starbane

I just discovered this game, and I would love to get started because I loved the SWCCG's of the past. I remember spending all my allowance money on booster packs only to give my friend one and he got a Yoda pull first try ... anyway

I kinda feel blocked out of starting a collection due to the lack of product, and I will not spend double MSRP based on supply/demand here. Maybe in the next few months there will be another wave, and while others are collecting their Spirit of Rebellion sets, I can get started on the original.

Sucks having not found this game before it started, but also sucks that I feel locked out of it at this moment.

It's all about the dice. They explained the problem they have with the manufacture of the dice before. The truth is, no one should over invest in fabrication unless the demand is known. This is a new game, unknown demand, they invested what they were comfortable losing. Now that they have numbers and understand the demand they can ramp up manufacture capacity. This doesn't happen over night. Expressing frustration and saying you are quitting the game or will never play it is feed back they can use to readjust their numbers and produce less supply.

One thing you can do is relax and maybe decide to play the game in the fall when there is a supply of the game to even buy.

fall did you say fall lol if it takes that long maybe the doomsday theory is accurate, a game can not take off if there is no game to get. Every other card game company managed to make enough to support there playerbase, I played many for many years and this is the first time something even close to this has ever happened.

Supply issues with one new game = understandable, and after grumbling a bit, I'm fine.

Supply issues across multiple lines over a period of years = poor supply structures, poor customer service, and an incredibly frustrating experience.

I like Destiny and really wouldn't be too fussed over the supply problems so soon after launch; but when combined with the delays to the latest Imperial Aasault wave, and the latest X Wing wave, all with no official word from FFG - that's when I moan.

(I'm also still chasing for replies to three emails sent a month ago - that doesn't help! )

2 minutes ago, ellhaynes said:

Supply issues with one new game = understandable, and after grumbling a bit, I'm fine.

Supply issues across multiple lines over a period of years = poor supply structures, poor customer service, and an incredibly frustrating experience.

I like Destiny and really wouldn't be too fussed over the supply problems so soon after launch; but when combined with the delays to the latest Imperial Aasault wave, and the latest X Wing wave, all with no official word from FFG - that's when I moan.

(I'm also still chasing for replies to three emails sent a month ago - that doesn't help! )

They can't seem to get their rules straight either.

There is a lot of product in Australia, like tons. Not sure what it would cost to ship it back though :(

1 hour ago, ellhaynes said:

Supply issues with one new game = understandable, and after grumbling a bit, I'm fine.

Supply issues across multiple lines over a period of years = poor supply structures, poor customer service, and an incredibly frustrating experience.

I like Destiny and really wouldn't be too fussed over the supply problems so soon after launch; but when combined with the delays to the latest Imperial Aasault wave, and the latest X Wing wave, all with no official word from FFG - that's when I moan.

(I'm also still chasing for replies to three emails sent a month ago - that doesn't help! )

I sent a question in the beginning of nov and still got nothing back

2 hours ago, Stranglebat said:

There is a lot of product in Australia, like tons. Not sure what it would cost to ship it back though :(

Yeah I've seen on Ebay UK loads of boosters for sale from AUS. Postage is too high to justify it, though.

13 hours ago, soviet prince said:

fall did you say fall lol if it takes that long maybe the doomsday theory is accurate, a game can not take off if there is no game to get. Every other card game company managed to make enough to support there playerbase, I played many for many years and this is the first time something even close to this has ever happened.

It may take that long. The truth is FFG isn't going anywhere, star wars isn't going anywhere and star wars fans aren't going anywhere. In December when they have a new movie out, 4 sets of this game and and plenty of supply, this game will boom or bust on its own merits. Now if they don't have their supply issues worked out by then, it will stifle the game's growth. Even still, it took Magic's supply a couple of years to catch up with demand, so all this doomsday talk is silly.

For now, they have given us a little taste and everyone is acting like ravenous dogs, so I'll say they are doing just fine.