Game Release... and immediately out of stock

By KrisWall, in Star Wars: Destiny

I picked up a Kylo Ren starter last week and I either went to or called at least 5 or 6 LGS's in my area. (south Chicago suburbs). They either didn't stock it or ran out. I would stop in at different stores randomly a couple times a week to see if any would stock or re-stock. No joy. I have been looking since it's release the first week of December. If stock is so rare that I couldn't even get 1 booster, i am not going to invest my time and money in this game. I haven't even opened up my starter yet, and I haved had it for 8 days now

Man these stories are discouraging. Aside from a select few here, if you want stuff, you have to pay the scalper price. Hopefully the supply issue will get resolved.

I've found boosters and starters in the wild the past few weeks in and around Boston / Cambridge. The "smaller" game stops seem to have had them, like Eureka and Comicazi. Not reliably and they sell out, but I've been able to call in advance and pick some up whenever I've looked.

2 hours ago, Captain Mayhem said:

I picked up a Kylo Ren starter last week and I either went to or called at least 5 or 6 LGS's in my area. (south Chicago suburbs). They either didn't stock it or ran out. I would stop in at different stores randomly a couple times a week to see if any would stock or re-stock. No joy. I have been looking since it's release the first week of December. If stock is so rare that I couldn't even get 1 booster, i am not going to invest my time and money in this game. I haven't even opened up my starter yet, and I haved had it for 8 days now

that's partly my fault. I was in Chicago last weekend (my wife used to live there we went to see her friends) I stop at a bunch of stores and bought out the only 2 that had stuff. 2 and almost a half boxes.

About 5 of my friends based in the UK been searching for anywhere with stock at a reasonable price but no luck. After waiting for ages for a reprint, we have pretty much decided to give up and buy into another game.

Its a shame cause we are all huge star wars fans and liked the look of this game.

I actually think the scarier part in the USA is Mini Market and CoolStuff are both limiting SoR preorders to 1 box and are "Sold Out" right now. IDK if it just says Sold Out now because they just announced it or if it is actually sold out, but it's funny/scary either way.

Online retailers are limiting customers to 1(!!!) box? That's insane.

If this game dies early it won't be because of mechanics, it will be because of shortage.

20 minutes ago, Hida77 said:

I actually think the scarier part in the USA is Mini Market and CoolStuff are both limiting SoR preorders to 1 box and are "Sold Out" right now. IDK if it just says Sold Out now because they just announced it or if it is actually sold out, but it's funny/scary either way.

Online retailers are limiting customers to 1(!!!) box? That's insane.

If this game dies early it won't be because of mechanics, it will be because of shortage.

Those retailers have been beaten up lately and gotten accused of opening customer pre-orders to sell singles. They also get pooped on when they allow for MORE than 1 or 2 orders per person, because that "enables eBay scalpers." They really can't win when the game's publisher cannot get product out there fast enough to keep up with demand.

7 minutes ago, KalEl814 said:

Those retailers have been beaten up lately and gotten accused of opening customer pre-orders to sell singles. They also get pooped on when they allow for MORE than 1 or 2 orders per person, because that "enables eBay scalpers." They really can't win when the game's publisher cannot get product out there fast enough to keep up with demand.

Totally agree. The blame is on FFG for not meeting the demand. The part I am not enthused about though is that SoR appears to continue this. Retailers are already hedging that there will continue to be shortages. I don't see how that is sustainable. New players can't even buy the game and many, many existing players who bought the game can't even try to get more product. That turns a lot of people off. If it stays like this past SoR, I don't see how many will not simply write off the game completely.

By comparison, when FFG released X-Wing, Wave 1 sold out fast and they had to delay wave 2 to try and get stock to support the demand when it was released. While there were people frustrated by the delay and Wave 1 shortages, by and large after Wave 2 the shortage issue became less of a problem. Most waves didn't completely sell out until a couple months after release, and usually a reprint was forthcoming.

If they do not at least get closer to meeting the demand, I don't see many "casual" players sticking around. Hell even those of us who are willing to buy 4+ boxes will be frustrated by the limits imposed.

Edited by Hida77

I have 4 boxes on pre-order at a FLGS, we'll see how it turns out. Hopefully FFG can right the ship and get production up to where it can at least keep up with demand.

Just now, netherspirit1982 said:

I have 4 boxes on pre-order at a FLGS, we'll see how it turns out. Hopefully FFG can right the ship and get production up to where it can at least keep up with demand.

I hope so as well, I did the same thing (preordered locally) when I saw the MM and CSI limits.

I'll say this, if there is no improvement SoR forward, I don't see how the game will continue. Scalping won't go away until FFG meets the demand. And the perception of the game being "very expensive" won't go away until the scalping stops/becomes much less viable.

I was glad I was able to get enough boxes the first week to have what I wanted. SoR is making it look like even that will be more challenging, and I am the guy more than happy to drop several hundred dollars day one.

1 minute ago, Hida77 said:

I hope so as well, I did the same thing (preordered locally) when I saw the MM and CSI limits.

I'll say this, if there is no improvement SoR forward, I don't see how the game will continue. Scalping won't go away until FFG meets the demand. And the perception of the game being "very expensive" won't go away until the scalping stops/becomes much less viable.

I was glad I was able to get enough boxes the first week to have what I wanted. SoR is making it look like even that will be more challenging, and I am the guy more than happy to drop several hundred dollars day one.

I don't know how the game can grow if they don't fix the issues or if they continue into the next set.

I just hope that they don't OVER correct the issue and make it so we are swimming in stuff that is eventually worthless. They need to find the sweet spot and I hope they find it for the next set.

Being a Star Wars collectible product these days means it will always sell. It's not popular to remind people of this, but we on the boards represent a small amount of the overall customer base. And seems by and large that the customer base is willing to sustain $40 Vaders and the like.

This is printed money. As long as FFG has a good enough profit margin going, they will keep producing. And even if the supply is not meeting the demand, there are always Star Wars fans willing to jump through ridiculous hoops to get it. Very few IPs have this kinda ferocious fan base.

Over the years, I've seen people spend way more on much less because of a Star Wars logo.

1 hour ago, netherspirit1982 said:

They need to find the sweet spot and I hope they find it for the next set.

The big problem is between the awakenings shortage and the recent rules confusion the sweet spot is moving. People's interest in this game is dropping rapidly. Maybe not the ones in it already but I personally know a handful and have seen posts from several more that are washing their hands of it out of frustration. Pretty much FFG screwed up hard here and people can point fingers and bring up overstock woes and cautions but the facts remain.

FFG made a game with random distribution, 2 incompatible sides and a model that pretty much forces you to buy boxes (plural) to have any kind of competitive deck building compitence and caused a massive shortage for whatever reason was or was not in their control. Don't give me hindsight bs either they have years of market research they knew this would happen, maybe not to this extent, but their silence on the problem tells me they were well aware of it and it is too late to fix it.

Public patience is one the most fickle things in existence and it is rapidly running out. They need to own this problem and say, ya know what we screwed up but here's what we are gonna do about it and lay out a plan of action they can accomplish whether people like it or not. Sticking their head in the sand and going lalala while pushing the time table forward is going to kill this game dead.

Edit: After reading what I wrote I need to reign the fan boy in a little and realize this is absolutely a first world issue and honestly not important. Just sucks to be a lucky early adoptor and have the games life span in definite jeopardy. I think my anger on the issue, and likely many others, is this was a bad investment. Looking more likely daily that it was and while unforunate it's not gonna make me jump off a building lol

Edited by LordFajubi
13 minutes ago, LordFajubi said:

The big problem is between the awakenings shortage and the recent rules confusion the sweet spot is moving. People's interest in this game is dropping rapidly. Maybe not the ones in it already but I personally know a handful and have seen posts from several more that are washing their hands of it out of frustration. Pretty much FFG screwed up hard here and people can point fingers and bring up overstock woes and cautions but the facts remain.

FFG made a game with random distribution, 2 incompatible sides and a model that pretty much forces you to buy boxes (plural) to have any kind of competitive deck building compitence and caused a massive shortage for whatever reason was or was not in their control. Don't give me hindsight bs either they have years of market research they knew this would happen, maybe not to this extent, but their silence on the problem tells me they were well aware of it and it is too late to fix it.

Public patience is one the most fickle things in existence and it is rapidly running out. They need to own this problem and say, ya know what we screwed up but here's what we are gonna do about it and lay out a plan of action they can accomplish whether people like it or not. Sticking their head in the sand and going lalala while pushing the time table forward is going to kill this game dead.

That is all very true.

I'd hate to see the game die before it really got a chance to live and find it's legs, so I remain optimistic that they can fix the issues and the game can thrive after this stumble.

I remember interview with Christian T. Petersen, he said that card games are losing 25% of current players every year... so the bigger player base you make at the start the longer the game live. I wish he made his homework or at least they realized what they have done. I know this game is not for everyone and you need a lot of money for it... but making starters with 1 x Finns dice, 1x Mindprobe, 1x Force Throw and 24 cards deck is fail from the start. People were forced to buy double starter, which means less ppl were able to get into the game cuase of game availability. And yes... I got money, got double starters and only 6 boosters waiting to be able to buy more. FFG doesn't answer to our questions, FFG doesn't care about us, only money matters. I hope they will get enough money from SoR since many of my friends have quit the game (they can't buy boosters and not many ppl have this game) and i think im not the only one...

Edited by stan029
12 hours ago, LordFajubi said:

The big problem is between the awakenings shortage and the recent rules confusion the sweet spot is moving. People's interest in this game is dropping rapidly. Maybe not the ones in it already but I personally know a handful and have seen posts from several more that are washing their hands of it out of frustration. Pretty much FFG screwed up hard here and people can point fingers and bring up overstock woes and cautions but the facts remain.

FFG made a game with random distribution, 2 incompatible sides and a model that pretty much forces you to buy boxes (plural) to have any kind of competitive deck building compitence and caused a massive shortage for whatever reason was or was not in their control. Don't give me hindsight bs either they have years of market research they knew this would happen, maybe not to this extent, but their silence on the problem tells me they were well aware of it and it is too late to fix it.

Public patience is one the most fickle things in existence and it is rapidly running out. They need to own this problem and say, ya know what we screwed up but here's what we are gonna do about it and lay out a plan of action they can accomplish whether people like it or not. Sticking their head in the sand and going lalala while pushing the time table forward is going to kill this game dead.

Edit: After reading what I wrote I need to reign the fan boy in a little and realize this is absolutely a first world issue and honestly not important. Just sucks to be a lucky early adoptor and have the games life span in definite jeopardy. I think my anger on the issue, and likely many others, is this was a bad investment. Looking more likely daily that it was and while unforunate it's not gonna make me jump off a building lol

Pretty much my thoughts. FFG really messed up the release of this one. I know people that want to play it, but they want to walk into a FLGS and pick up starters and boosters, and that just isn't something that can happen with the availability problems.

I think it's going to be a problem because people looking to start playing the game won't be so interested in the next set or subsequent ones, which will be seen as expansions. People will want the original set, and they want it now while excitement with the game is still riding high.

I finally received my order of both Starter Sets. I enjoyed the game a lot, but now I'm wondering if it's even worth investing in a collectible game when there's nothing to collect.

There is some high levels of chicken little-ing going on on the basis of the occasional person feeling the need to announce they aren't in on Destiny anymore.

You're willing to take and run with that but will ignore the continued growth of the Destiny related social media groups, they continued sale of any sealed product that crops up anywhere near retail, and continued reports of venues pulling in bigger event numbers then you see for even official events for other FFG games (on weekdays no less).

I think you've got an odd evaluation going on if you give the guy telling everyone on FB that he's dropping the game because his local store can't get him boxes (nevermind that he could find them if he looked a bit) and he refuses to pay single prices more credence then the above mentioned things. I'm sure there are absolutely people opting out because product isn't as readily available as they prefer, I know they exist because they loudly proclaim it. But being visible doesn't mean widespread. For instance just because I've seen a bunch of people post about misprints doesn't mean there is a high percentage of misprints, just that a high percentage of people with misprints post about it.

This game was bound to have a number of early adopters drop out, shortages or not. There are a number of people that have bought into this game despite having no interest or understanding in CCGs. You see a number of people getting into the game despite it being distributed in a way they claim to be opposed to. A lot of those people aren't going to stick around, and there's no other reason then they should never have been in in the first place. When SoR was announced a number of people howled about how ridiculous it was to have a set so soon, despite FFG telling us they want to do 3 sets a year. You had posters on these boards declare they'd drop the game if there was ever rotation because FFG doesn't do that, unaware to the fact that FFG has a rotation policy already in place for its LCGs. Honestly there are just a not insignificant number of people that opted into this game that never should. Them opting out is not reflective of anything but them realizing this type if game isn't there thing.

Additionally even if a number of people that would otherwise be interested in the game opt out, you're still at a point in which the expected playerbase is far in excess of what FFG expected. This first print run should have lasted awhile, FFG was willing to make the game assuming a much smaller playerbase. I don't think it tracks to think smaller then maximum, but still much larger then expected, would result in doom for the game.


Great post. Sorry I only have a single like to give. Having said that, your post is doomed to fall on mostly deaf ears. You brought a common sense logical argument to an emotionally based knee jerk reaction thread. You are sorely out numbered, but for what it's worth I get it.

2 hours ago, ScottieATF said:


Sorry for the cut but that was a lengthy post to quote so I proxied. I understand what you are saying but then I see a different landscape than what you desribe. There has been no events in my area sanctioned or otherwise, not within a 200 mile radius of my area. The fact some of the bigger cities who got blessed with a regular flow of product are getting record turn outs is not surprising, it is how people want to react to this game and if product was available I would agree the popularity would explode.

I actually can see the validity of most of your post aside from one thing. Yes product can be had on the secondary market but we are still knee deep in a piracy price gouge for even simple cards. When you made the comment people can get the product ok that is fact but MANY are not willing to pay secondary mark up on a game 7-8 weeks in that is still in current production. They shouldn't be forced to be robbed when msrp should be all they are required to pay. It's a bitter pill to swallow when you have no choice vs just didn't get lucky with your pulls so that factor in your post I don't agree with at all. If I hadn't got lucky on a couple boxes there is no way I'd pay SM prices for this stuff. FFG as a company really should at least confirm the continued production of awakenings too, they are creating a lot of these "chicken littles" themselves by making the life of the set ambiguous.

I truly hope you are right my friend I have $3-400 in this game already but have yet to play a single game that wasn't with a buddy at his house. I just don't see these record numbers and I think the doom sayers are just reacting to the same landscape I see. Baren mixed with no product.

8 to 9 months from now when the manufacturing issues are worked out and there is a good supply of this game, all of this will be forgotten, but for now, it is a big mess.

The IP is too strong right now and the game is too good for it to flat out die before the supply issues are worked out. It is hard to say if they missed the boat on getting this game to be huge with these supply issues. I feel the success of The Last Jedi will be a big factor for this game as Star Wars fatigue can set in. Even so, I just can't see this game not out performing something like netrunner even if it never gets as big as pokemon or magic.

16 hours ago, ScottieATF said:

There is some high levels of chicken little-ing going on on the basis of the occasional person feeling the need to announce they aren't in on Destiny anymore.

You're willing to take and run with that but will ignore the continued growth of the Destiny related social media groups, they continued sale of any sealed product that crops up anywhere near retail, and continued reports of venues pulling in bigger event numbers then you see for even official events for other FFG games (on weekdays no less).

I think you've got an odd evaluation going on if you give the guy telling everyone on FB that he's dropping the game because his local store can't get him boxes (nevermind that he could find them if he looked a bit) and he refuses to pay single prices more credence then the above mentioned things. I'm sure there are absolutely people opting out because product isn't as readily available as they prefer, I know they exist because they loudly proclaim it. But being visible doesn't mean widespread. For instance just because I've seen a bunch of people post about misprints doesn't mean there is a high percentage of misprints, just that a high percentage of people with misprints post about it.

This game was bound to have a number of early adopters drop out, shortages or not. There are a number of people that have bought into this game despite having no interest or understanding in CCGs. You see a number of people getting into the game despite it being distributed in a way they claim to be opposed to. A lot of those people aren't going to stick around, and there's no other reason then they should never have been in in the first place. When SoR was announced a number of people howled about how ridiculous it was to have a set so soon, despite FFG telling us they want to do 3 sets a year. You had posters on these boards declare they'd drop the game if there was ever rotation because FFG doesn't do that, unaware to the fact that FFG has a rotation policy already in place for its LCGs. Honestly there are just a not insignificant number of people that opted into this game that never should. Them opting out is not reflective of anything but them realizing this type if game isn't there thing.

Additionally even if a number of people that would otherwise be interested in the game opt out, you're still at a point in which the expected playerbase is far in excess of what FFG expected. This first print run should have lasted awhile, FFG was willing to make the game assuming a much smaller playerbase. I don't think it tracks to think smaller then maximum, but still much larger then expected, would result in doom for the game.

except the chicken little is right this time, where are these boxes you said are so readily available? not talking about the boxes that are double the price either?


I honestly do not know what it is like in some of your areas. If it is as bad as a lot of people are saying then I really feel bad for you. What I can say is that in my area it isn't that bad. I know that myself and at least 3 others have bought 3 boxes and a lot of other people have bought product I just don't know as to how much. This was all before the last big wave of boosters that hit stores. When I talked to my LGS owner as I bought the second to last box on his shelf the night before a get together trading/tournament at his store. We talked about the shortage going on around and he said to me that the only thing he had trouble getting was starters. He told me he could get many more boxes whenever he wants.

I also know of a store about 2 hours away from that just so happens to have an online store. I emailed them and they had tons of product and I was going to make a trip down there just to be in a bigger city and see what their Destiny scene was like. Well that store got mentioned on these forums and their product all disappeared in a couple hours. There are pockets in areas that still have product and that might be because they are not in huge cities with hundreds or thousands of people wanting it or it just may be in areas where there is no interest for the game so the store owners didn't buy into it.

All I can say is if you are in Ontario Canada and near the Niagara Region if you pop into Phoenix Rising in St Catharines you probably have a good shot at some booster boxes. He doesn't have an online store so you won't be saving money if you have to fly into the area but at least you would have some boosters to open.

I jumped on Amazon this week as my FLGS has no intention of stocking the game (long, boring story). I ordered 1 of each starter deck, they arrived 2 days later, I didn't pay over the odds.

I could go on Exploitation Bay and pay stupid money to buy cards which may or may not be good. All the people that went out and purchased an entire retail BOX of the booster packs, well you've got more money than me and a clear NEED to play every game the day it arrives... I wish them all the best but won't pay them a penny for any of the cards they don't want (or more likely, are hoping to recoup some of their expense).

I notice that no one moans when all the MTG decks and packs come out (albeit on a much tighter schedule from a company with more than 20 years of experience in CCG's) and then can't get them or have to pay STUPID money for singles on Exploit Bay. This is FFG's first foray in the CCG market and they have a lot to learn, I guess that no matter how much they estimate demand, they will always under produce (as most manufacturers do) since you can make more.. you can't unmake something when nobody wants it though..

Just checked Ebay for the fun of it... in the UK the most expensive item I can find for Destiny is £83 for a set of rare cards and someone else has Luke's Saber for £35. Vis MTG... where you can pay more the £9000 for a Black Lotus. That said, I still won't pay £35 for a single copy of a card....

Edited by boomaster