Game Release... and immediately out of stock

By KrisWall, in Star Wars: Destiny

Looks like the release went live and FFG's website was out of stock in less than an hour. Good job, team.

Well that sucks!

No kidding. My local store doesnt have any thing, and i was there right when it opened this morning. They won't be getting any products untill next week. *sigh*

They really screwed up in estimating the demand on this one.

FFG acts like no one wants their products. They print in china, deliver across the pacific in the slowest boat possible, and grossly under-produce.

They really screwed up in estimating the demand on this one.

And it would have been a bigger screw up had they over estimated demand.

Remember this is the first shipment for December, there are more to follow.

The same thing happened with Arkham Horror. Y'all can relax, there'll be plenty available in a week or so. It's not like there's tournaments starting already so you don't need cards right this second.

so you don't need cards right this second.


Went over to my FLGS this morning 15 minutes after they opened. One booster box had 3 boosters left. I took the last full box they had on the shelf and the guy in front of me took the other. Not sure if they had any more left in stock, but if they do I'm sure it'll be gone before the end of the week.

The adult sensible part of me is like " They are just cardboard cards and plastic dice. You can wait."


The kid in me is like that scene from scanners when that guy's head explodes waiting on my FLGS to say they received shipment. I literally haven't been this excited for a game since Pokémon when I was 7.

The adult sensible part of me is like " They are just cardboard cards and plastic dice. You can wait."


The kid in me is like that scene from scanners when that guy's head explodes waiting on my FLGS to say they received shipment. I literally haven't been this excited for a game since Pokémon when I was 7.

Oh dude tell me about it. For the past THREE NIGHTS I've been having INTENSE dreams about opening booster packs. And I mean sweating, night-terror type dreams. I'll wake up terrified that I didn't get a Darth Vader! (And wouldn't you know it... I didn't get a Darth Vader).

Did get Luke though!

Remember this is the first shipment for December, there are more to follow.

Doesn't seems like it. That was story until yesterday, but Asmodee called my dealer and told him there were further issues and not to expect any more shipments until "the end of December", and he only got half his his Dec 1st shipment.

Waiting for this product to come is going to be like waiting for death by Sarlacc pit.

As long as when it does come back in stock, they wait a good while for people to buy/collect/play this version before rushing out an expansion.

Areas of SoCal were shorted so bad that prepaid orders could not be completely filled...which means nothing for anyone else even thinking of getting into the game.

This reminds me of Armada. A really good game with the big ships with a big rollout...then nothing new for months. And it killed the base support for the game.

Essentially, if you were able to get in on the pre-release then your golden. The rest of us now are at the decision point of do we wait an unknown period of more weeks (putting us farther behind the experience curve) or just beg off and watch the game die from lack of new players.

The rest of us now are at the decision point of do we wait an unknown period of more weeks (putting us farther behind the experience curve) or just beg off and watch the game die from lack of new players.

If the game is good, it will survive. Armada really wasn't, honestly. X-wing was (for the first few waves, at least) and survived a similar delay just fine.

We'll see how the masses receive it, but I think Destiny's a great game that should have real legs. A lot of it may depend on balance, though - we really haven't seen that stress tested, but the better the balance the greater the play variety. If everything falls into "Vader/Raider vs. Vader/Raider" all the time, the game will get old and die.

TL;DR: The game will survive or not based on its quality, not the release cycle.

No kidding. My local store doesnt have any thing, and i was there right when it opened this morning. They won't be getting any products untill next week. *sigh*

I wonder how many stores just cracked open the packs themseleves to sell the legendaries on the singles market...

They really screwed up in estimating the demand on this one.

Samething happened with Wizkids and Dice masters. it's not just FFG, and to be fair, it's their first collecatble game.

On the other hand it's a Star Wars game coming out less than a month before the next SW movie hits, they could have expected this to be big.

The adult sensible part of me is like " They are just cardboard cards and plastic dice. You can wait."


The kid in me is like that scene from scanners when that guy's head explodes waiting on my FLGS to say they received shipment. I literally haven't been this excited for a game since Pokémon when I was 7.

Oh dude tell me about it. For the past THREE NIGHTS I've been having INTENSE dreams about opening booster packs. And I mean sweating, night-terror type dreams. I'll wake up terrified that I didn't get a Darth Vader! (And wouldn't you know it... I didn't get a Darth Vader).

Did get Luke though!

Hmm, I'm quite relaxed about it, probably because I had other games to tide me over: Picked up Ascension stuff at 50% discount a few weeks ago. Then Arkham Horror LCG dropped, played that several times. Then was to sick to attend the destiny pre-lease at my LGS and on black fryday I also picked up a bunch of SW LCG, so I was a bit occupied. And I know the store has held a box in reserve for me, so my hype train is sorta ideling in the station at the moment. ;)

I cleaned out the remaining stock at my FLGS. Completely reserved or bought by day one.

Good thing i preordered at my FLGS because they didn't have stuck for those who didn't preordered. They were out already.

So turns out my pre-order is actually "on hold". I assume that means I'll have to wait until the 15th. Kinda stinks but oh well. I did manage to get a box yesterday so I will just have to wait a few weeks for Box #2.

I personally am not super bummed by this, as I didn't expect to see any general release product available at my local game store. It's just what I have come to expect from FFG anticipated releases at this point. Their problem isn't really with those of us who are familiar with them though. A couple of friends new to the table gaming world (and FFG) are bummed. They were excited for Destiny and put off by this "available now! ... oh wait, nope - maybe just try again in 2-4 weeks" business. And I can't blame them.

Here in Brazil we don't have products... i live near 3 stores, they said, maybe in April... we are in 24, January, and maybe April... sucks...

I got my hands in a few booster packs, and when i got excited to play the game, there no more products..