Has their been any clarification about how sqns are currently being moved in the game? Wasn't really an issue in previous waves as sqns weren't such a big deal.
Example. Player A wants to move his sqn up to be engaged with a squadron. He pre-measures from the enemy sqn...figures out his spot he wants to reach...then measures from his own squadron and can get there no problem..moves to where he wants to be within his engagement range...and then when he remeasures to see if it is engaged he was a little short. Then adjusts until he is. Or pulls back until he is just barely engaged to maximize his position.
Its that last part that I am seeing all the time. the adjusting after the fact. Whether it is to be within range of a ship for activation the next turn...within one for howl runner or whatever. The way the rules are written it seems like the movement should be more like chess...measure all you want before hand. Then using the distance stick move your sqn along it up to its max distance. Place the squadron...then you are stuck with what you did for good or bad.
I've notice a lot of sloppy play, and readjusting afterwards sometimes even previously moved sqns in order to maximize whatever effect they were going for. This tends to slow the game down a lot in heavy sqn builds. And personally sucks a lot of the fun out of the game. Considering this is the intent for the big ships and RAW for squadron movement doesn't mention anything about adjusting, I'm curious what peoples thoughts are or if there has been an email clarification out there.
Separate note: I have seen some players using washers to mark where they started from...(just need one for every squadron and one extra to place under the moved squadron and pick up the old one) I really like this for the exactness and for when you have to pick up a sqn to mark damage.