I will be streaming Star Wars Destiny tonight around 9:30EST

By WWPDSteven, in Star Wars: Destiny

Hi guys! I've been resisting the call... but... a good friend here in town is bringing two decks and we're gonna throw down tonight.

I regularly stream Armada, Imperial Assault, X-Wing and others- feel free to hop on tonight and join the chat! http://twitch.tv/wwpdsteven

Note: I will not speak for Jeff (my esteemed opponent) but *I* am a total N00b. I will not be sore about people correcting us on any rules mistakes!

Hope to see you tonight!

Dont worry man, I am a totally noob too. I have played a total of 1.5 games so everyone bear with us.

Can't wait! Just started up the stream- should be going in just a few!

Hey there, another Armada player!

Be careful though, the game is great fun. I have 6 games under my belt and ain't lookin' back...