Dice damage

By john_nld, in Star Wars: Destiny

So I haven't seen heavy duty play but those dice are not so scratch resistant as they say. Actually they are not scratch resistant. OCD or not after the dice can be printed wrong item I started checking my dice I couldn't resist.

My leia is scratched after 2 maybe 3 games. Take care of your dice folks. they may not be worth much.


Edited by john_nld

It is a deep cut if you move a probe over it you can feel the ridges of that cut. So I can now throw her around like she was a rag doll.

Have you been rolling your dice on a hard surface or playmat? I would think a playmat would help prevent this.

Have you been rolling your dice on a hard surface or playmat? I would think a playmat would help prevent this.

With the damage along the face like that, I'd imagine it's more from contact with the corner of another die when rolling multiple simultaneously.

And as an aside - can we stop saying "OCD" when you have to check your dice for accuracy and scratches? That's not really fair nor accurate to OCD.

Rolling on a playmat.

I have rolled her with other dice and actually that is what you do.

I think you will find that the dice are actually "scuff" resistant even though FFG did say they are scratch resistant (also note that they say scratch resistant, not scratch proof) , that is to say that rolling them with other dice and onto a flat surface they will not get damaged. Judging from the photo it appears that something with a sharp edge has impacted the dice.

Do you play with 3rd party acrylic damage/shield/resource tokens? Do you store your dice in a container with hard plastic dividers?

I would suspect that hitting a sharp acrylic/plastic corner is a more likely cause as to why your dice is damaged rather than "in-game wear and tear"

Edited by Mace Windu

So I haven't seen heavy duty play but those dice are not so scratch resistant as they say. Actually they are not scratch resistant. OCD or not after the dice can be printed wrong item I started checking my dice I couldn't resist.

My leia is scratched after 2 maybe 3 games. Take care of your dice folks. they may not be worth much.

attachicon.gif damaged leia.png

Any chance of it comming damaged right out of the pack and you only noticed it after a few games?

So I carry the dice in a bag I use a playmat.I use the tokens provided and carry them in a separate bag. No sharp edges on the tables.

It might have come out damaged and I did not notice it. I am generally pleased with the dice and the feel of them.and it is an object to use but if you are a collector you might want to keep them safe.

If you're a true collector, you'll probably want a playset to keep "mint" and a playset to play with. Card sleeves will keep cards looking good, but dice and tokens will end up showing wear. Assuming this game stays popular, I'm curious to see what the dice look like after 5 years of use.