Senate Control Deck

By Ryertangent, in Star Wars: Destiny

just a quick peek but you have ackbar with 1 discard (the only discard icon on your red dice) and commando raid. I would loose commando raid or get more red dice with discard. not a full analysis but you should only put cards in that do what your strategy is or strengthen your characters.

My thought process was, without knowing commando raid is in hand 1 discard could seem not that menacing but with an event like that, 1 discard turns into a 3 with a draw, which after padme has cleared the deck your goal is hand. With as much focus as there is in this deck, I could see using it more as a finisher instead of just burning hand early - mid game. Thoughts?

My thought process was, without knowing commando raid is in hand 1 discard could seem not that menacing but with an event like that, 1 discard turns into a 3 with a draw, which after padme has cleared the deck your goal is hand. With as much focus as there is in this deck, I could see using it more as a finisher instead of just burning hand early - mid game. Thoughts?

This is a solid plan, but I think the issue is that you'll hardly ever get a chance to use Commando Raid due to not rolling discard on a red die all that often. Now, you rightfully make the point about having a lot of Focus effects in the deck - but you are likely to have the Commando Raid card in hand and hardly ever be able to play it. Thus, it will often be a dead draw for you, especially if you've put it in more as a finisher than a generally useful card.

And if I played Heroes at all (let alone yellow ones) I would have to auto include 2x Negotiate in all my decks. Card is a beast.

Some good points, commando raid "could" work however I see your point on the timing issue. I have added another negotiate and swapped commando raid for electroshock. I have revised the deck on the database as well.