Card Action Question

By Basylle, in Star Wars: Destiny

Can cards with actions be used more than once per turn if all conditions can be met? For example, can a Nightsister's action (" Action - Remove a die. Deal 1 damage to this character. ") be used multiple times in the same round?

I looked at the rules reference and only found this:


Some support, upgrade, and character cards have special actions listed on them. These actions are preceded by the word “Action” in bold. To resolve this action, follow the card’s instructions.

And this:


Some support, upgrade, and character cards have unique actions listed on them. These actions are preceded by the word “Action” in bold. To resolve this ability, a player must spend one action on it during their turn and then follow the instructions on the card. Example: Underworld Connections (r101) has the action ability “Action - Exhaust this support to gain 1 resource.”



If the term "Exhaust" is not used, then the action can be played each turn so long as you can meet the requirements. Exhausted cards cannot be played again.

Remember you only get 1 action per turn. Nightsister's ability would be your turn's action.

Edited by Stone37

If the term "Exhaust" is not used, then the action can be played each turn so long as you can meet the requirements. Exhausted cards cannot be played again.

Remember you only get 1 action per turn. Nightsister's ability would be your turn's action.

Thanks. That's the way I was reading it as well, but wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something.

You can almost lock down a 4 Stomtrooper deck for 2 turns.

Although I do suspect the ability will be used sparingly and to maximum effect. Removing Sith Holocron "special" rolls for example, that'll hurt for much more than one damage.

If the term "Exhaust" is not used, then the action can be played each turn so long as you can meet the requirements. Exhausted cards cannot be played again.

As a minor quibble here, the bolded part isn't correct. Cards which have to be exhausted as part of their use can always be used as long as they're ready. So effects which would ready them would allow them to be used multiple times.

I suspect you meant that, just clarifying :)

If the term "Exhaust" is not used, then the action can be played each turn so long as you can meet the requirements. Exhausted cards cannot be played again.

As a minor quibble here, the bolded part isn't correct. Cards which have to be exhausted as part of their use can always be used as long as they're ready. So effects which would ready them would allow them to be used multiple times.

I suspect you meant that, just clarifying :)

Edited by Stone37