@FFG: Formal request for Destiny Subforums

By Versch, in Star Wars: Destiny

Pretty please?

I need to a place to:

1. Post adds, trying to find Star Wars Destiny gamers near me.

2. Post adds about local events or where to find them.

3. Post picks of my painted carrrrrr....no, not that one. Skip that one.

4. Post deck-build ideas for all to mock me for.

Yep. All those things! Need'um. All'of'em!

Mail their customer service if you want to get their attention

Pretty please?

I need to a place to:

1. Post adds, trying to find Star Wars Destiny gamers near me.

2. Post adds about local events or where to find them.

3. Post picks of my painted carrrrrr....no, not that one. Skip that one.

4. Post deck-build ideas for all to mock me for.

Yep. All those things! Need'um. All'of'em!

1 and 2 sound like they could easily fit into the same board - Local Play and Events.

3 is LOL! I was actually thinking that right away!

4 I agree.

A Rules sub-forum would be nice as well.

They've been slow on this lately... Arkham Horror doesn't have subforums yet either.

A Rules sub-forum would be nice as well.

Echo for rules.



Deck Builds

Organised Play
Opponents Wanted

4. Post deck-build ideas for all to mock me for.

Do we need a special place for that now? :D :D :D

Oh, I'm looking forward to the Magic haters giving their $0.02 in the rules subforum. Especially the ones who consider themselves god's gift to rules interpretation.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

Oh, I'm looking forward to the Magic haters giving their $0.02 in the rules subforum. Especially the ones who consider themselves god's gift to rules interpretation.

Oh that's a trigger to start pointles interpretation feud's right here.



Deck Builds

Organised Play

Opponents Wanted


battlereports is an off topic item I guess since it is mostly tall tales anyway

I know many of you don't want ANOTHER forum in your life, but http://swdestiny.com/community is a bit more robust and better organized for Star Wars: Destiny discussion. :)

Edited by RebelSpy

I got a response from FFG that they definitely were planning on launching subs and organizing the forum before launch.

I sent them a list very similar to this and asked them pretty please. But despite all that still nothing. Hopefully soon