Unboxing videos - what are you interested in?

By Crabbok, in Star Wars: Destiny

So IF you are someone who watches videos on youtube - and you like the videos where someone opens up an entire gravity feed booster box of Destiny Boosters - What are your preferences?

Do you want to see only the rares/legendaries?

Do you want to see the dice too in detail?

Do you want to see every single card?

Curious because I'm watching a few now in anticipation for Thursday (Planning on getting two gravity feeds and doing some unboxing videos on my youtube channel). I'm beginning to think that I'd rather only see people really showing the rare they get and kinda skimming over the rest of the stuff. What do you guys think?

We need to see r ares/legendaries card and t he dice too, be kind to the cards and the dice as I seen people just throw them out of camera shot after a sec or two. It also would be nice if you show what your finished deck with is going to be or at lest your preferred character selection on both sides of the force after all the unboxing, but that could be a different video if the opening of all the boosters makes the video to long

Would be interesting to see how a booster box fairs with how many hero/villain/natural cards/dice you where lucky to get as well as doubles.

After watching your latest video and finding out one of your die is bit dodgy, you can tell us how many dodgy dice you got out all your boosters, hopefully none.

Edited by Torg

Haven't watched many, but unboxing the rare/legendaries and just putting together a list of the uncommons/commons to get an idea of spread would be neat.

Thanks for the feedback. I'm planning on doing them one at a time, and then at the end doing a summary of all the legendaries, rares, and uncommons, and also showing how many characters - as the characters themselves can often be somewhat elusive. I didn't get a single character with the boosters I got on pre-release day, so I'm really hoping to get some variety!

Also really hoping for Vader!

Thanks for the feedback. I'm planning on doing them one at a time, and then at the end doing a summary of all the legendaries, rares, and uncommons, and also showing how many characters - as the characters themselves can often be somewhat elusive. I didn't get a single character with the boosters I got on pre-release day, so I'm really hoping to get some variety!

Also really hoping for Vader!

Bought the two starters and about 14 boosters: All red and yellow dice! I did pull Jabba and the Millenium Falcon, but still, would be nice to see a bit of blue in those packs. ;) I hope you get a good mix from your box.

Hope you get vader, I'm hoping for Dooku/Amidala myself...


I am a big fan of your videos. Other than being neat and organized I would like to see the following.

1. I have a theory that legendary dice boosters are clustered inside the box. To prove this out I suggest opening the box like it would be in the store. Then pull out one booster at a time, open it and place it in order of opening. Always take the booster closest to the opening, no deep pulls. You could also open the top of the box and pull them out in layers. If the all the Legendary are opened within say 10 boosters of each other then they are clustered. If there are ~15 before and after the cluster then we know they are in the middle of the box...

2. I would like to see a breakdown of dice, not just in rarity but also by type (Character, Upgrade, and Support).

3. I would skip or just gloss over the Commons

4. A breakdown of villain, neutral, and Hero and/or Blue, Red, Yellow, and Grey could also be interesting.


Edited by Thrindal


I am a big fan of your videos. Other than being neat and organized I would like to see the following.

1. I have a theory that legendary dice boosters are clustered inside the box. To prove this out I suggest opening the box like it would be in the store. Then pull out one booster at a time, open it and place it in order of opening. Always take the booster closest to the opening, no deep pulls. You could also open the top of the box and pull them out in layers. If the all the Legendary are opened within say 10 boosters of each other then they are clustered. If there are ~15 before and after the cluster then we know they are in the middle of the box...

2. I would like to see a breakdown of dice, not just in rarity but also by type (Character, Upgrade, and Support).

3. I would skip or just gloss over the Commons

4. A breakdown of villain, neutral, and Hero and/or Blue, Red, Yellow, and Grey could also be interesting.


I have a similar theory - 1 legendary kinda 10-15 in, with the remaining legendaries towards the back. In general if you go to a store where there's a half empty booster box - buy ALL the rest and hopefully get lucky.

Again - only a theory right now.

2. I would like to see a breakdown of dice, not just in rarity but also by type (Character, Upgrade, and Support).

4. A breakdown of villain, neutral, and Hero and/or Blue, Red, Yellow, and Grey could also be interesting.

Yes, this! I haven't committed to this game just yet, but I plan to. These are the things that would interest me from an unboxing video. I would also appreciate some commentary about the variation of characters/upgrades/support. It is random, but It would help me, as a viewer, get an idea of maybe how many boosters to start.

I love watching videos of people opening packs and I only care about the uncommons and the rares/legendaries.

I would like to see the uncommon included in each pack, not too worried about the commons. although i kinda would like to see a video that walks through all the commons/uncommons and rates them or describe decks they work in as most of the videos online seem to be focused on the legendaries only

Seconding bageldrone, in regards to the uncommons. Since they are 1 per pack, they are basically rares (without dice).

I have a similar theory - 1 legendary kinda 10-15 in, with the remaining legendaries towards the back. In general if you go to a store where there's a half empty booster box - buy ALL the rest and hopefully get lucky.

Again - only a theory right now.

So I tried this today. I notice a box was already opened and I picked up the remaining 13 boosters left in the box. I pulled 4 legendary cards! I'm not saying this confirms the superstition, but BOY AM I HAPPY!!!

Here's what I pulled:

Legendary: Black One, Commanding Presence, Jabba the Hutt, Poe Dameron

Rare: Infiltrate, Force Protection, Diplomatic Immunity, Datapad, Promotion, On the Hunt, Nightsister, Bala-Tik, Rebel Trooper

Nice haul for 13 boosters if I do say so myself!

Nice! My first box video is uploading to my youtube channel now. Should be up in about 20 minutes. I noticed something about the physical placement of boosters. Some were "sideways" and those were almost all legendary.

Nice! My first box video is uploading to my youtube channel now. Should be up in about 20 minutes. I noticed something about the physical placement of boosters. Some were "sideways" and those were almost all legendary.

Nice, not sure how that will help with behind the counter purchases and public pulls will probably completely muddle the box anyway. Looking for the video.

Nice! My first box video is uploading to my youtube channel now. Should be up in about 20 minutes. I noticed something about the physical placement of boosters. Some were "sideways" and those were almost all legendary.

Will have to try this myself to see if it was just a one-time thing.

Edited by Crabbok

Nice! My first box video is uploading to my youtube channel now. Should be up in about 20 minutes. I noticed something about the physical placement of boosters. Some were "sideways" and those were almost all legendary.

Great video, and you excitement for some of those packs was palpable! But geez... 2 BB-8s and 2 Rey's Staff!! Those should have been Starter only.

Nice Job Crabbok and thanks for the breakdown. Hopefully others will take a similar approach so we can see if there are the packaging patterns we suspect.

Nice! My first box video is uploading to my youtube channel now. Should be up in about 20 minutes. I noticed something about the physical placement of boosters. Some were "sideways" and those were almost all legendary.

Great video, and you excitement for some of those packs was palpable! But geez... 2 BB-8s and 2 Rey's Staff!! Those should have been Starter only.

I know man - could you imagine if you only had enough cash for a Rey starter and 2 boosters.... and those were the two you pulled?!?!?!

The good part is that uncommons are JUST as desirable as rares in some cases, so even if you end up with a BB-8, you may still get a killer uncommon.

I bought 2 booster boxes. I wrote this from another site

For me box 1 gave me 6 Legendaries (the average), and a nice overall spread of cards. I got only one duplicate set of rare/legendary cards and that was Qui-Gon. And when I separated all the cards into faction and color the stacks were all very similar in size so that was nice. Obviously it would have been nice to get some duplicates for some of the rares/legendaries as the characters at least really need them, but getting variety is nice. I did, however, get 5 rares that come in the starter set. sad.gif

Box 2 also gave me 6 legendaries (seems to be a trend), and again a nice overall spread of cards. I got a couple of duplicate rares in the box but no more than 2. I did get 4 rares from the starter set though. sad.gif

Starter set cards in random boosters is very dumb.

In neither set did I get the wrong die in a pack, and as far as I can tell, there have been no misprints. To be honest though I haven't completely checked them.

I did notice that my Darth Vader die is slightly askew, but it should affect gameplay or anything, just one of the sides is not perfectly in the center.

In one of my starter sets though I had a misprinted Kylo Ren die that had a wrong die face one it. sad.gif

While I am absurdly happy with what I have pulled thus far (including a lot of characters) Luke, Darth Vader, and the Falcon continue to allude me.

While the characters are the sexiest of the dice, I know what I really need now are more upgrade dice. I have Poe and General Veers but very few vehicles. I'd also love more blue cards as an all blue deck (hero or villain) is still something I'd really like to try.