Your dice can misprint - check them!

By Glucose98, in Star Wars: Destiny

Check out this thread on BGG - ( )

Someone was doing a tutorial video and discovered one of his Kylo Ren dice was missing the 1 resource side, replaced with another 1 melee.

Anyone else check their dice and see any issues? I wonder how rare this will be

Checked all 42 of my dice and they are all 100% accurate, however from now on I will make a habit of checking the die as soon as i open the pack.

Made sure to check my dice after hearing about this as well. They all look good. Hopefully this is a rare occurrence. The question is, save them as rare misprints, or return them for the correct dice?

I am sure if you contact FFG through their customer service link. They have replaced a lot of X-Wing stuff for me with no hassles

I can second that FFG's customer service is very solid. I haven't needed them often, but they haven't let me down yet.

It was my video ha ha! It was pretty funny actually noticing that right in the middle of making the video. I decided to leave the footage in because I think it's important that people actually inspect their dice and that find helped drive the point home.

I have contacted FFG's customer support and I'm sure they'll take good care of me. They always have in the past. Great company honestly.

Thanks for sharing!

How will this affect competitive play? Are we going to need to spot check our opponents dice? Normally I would just trust that they are correct....

How will this affect competitive play? Are we going to need to spot check our opponents dice? Normally I would just trust that they are correct....

Realistically they could check like, the top 4 or top whatever only, and that's enough of a deterrent to make people ensure their dice are fair when they play (wouldn't want to make it to the end and lose).

Just checked both my Kylos, both are the correct ones. Not sure if releaved or dissapointed.

Thanks for the vid, Crabbok!

Ofcourse it has to be all about Kylo Ren, figures. That kid is trouble! ;)

It seems to be fairly common, although I've not found any... yet.

I think to date we have 2 reports of misprinted dice. Not sure I'd call that "common".

It seems to be fairly common, although I've not found any... yet.

I think to date we have 2 reports of misprinted dice. Not sure I'd call that "common".

No, it's four reports (Kevbrim, Raedwald, Elisar and Crabbok) on a small forum before the game has been fully released.

It seems to be fairly common, although I've not found any... yet.

I think to date we have 2 reports of misprinted dice. Not sure I'd call that "common".

No, it's four reports (Kevbrim, Raedwald, Elisar and Crabbok) on a small forum before the game has been fully released.

And those are just the ones who noticed and mentioned it. I guess there are many more there are that are still in packs, or haven't been noted yet. ( Have you checked your dice today?) I wonder how many different dice are affected and how many were produced before they fixed the problem. It could be widespread or kinda rare...


I have a misprinted Hired Gun (A47) I submitted the request with a picture of the die as instructed on the request form. The request was closed/rejected for insufficient information. I've resubmitted to also include the receipt at their recommendation and am awaiting a response.

I'm actually sort of wondering how specific they'll get on this with regards to the receipt, the date is Saturday of prerelease w/e but the receipt is listed as "Retail Store Item - Miscellaneous" b/c the Point of Sale system wouldn't let them sell Destiny products.

Hoping it all works out or they offer clarification on misprinted die for Organized Play. Hired Gun isn't top tier, but he's nice filler on some of my early lists.

It seems to be fairly common, although I've not found any... yet.

I think to date we have 2 reports of misprinted dice. Not sure I'd call that "common".

No, it's four reports (Kevbrim, Raedwald, Elisar and Crabbok) on a small forum before the game has been fully released.

I had played several games with my die before I noticed it. Only reason I did notice was that I was using the change a die ability on that die when I noticed it.